Kyurem and Lugia!

However, in contrast, the lord level promotion task of Minas is almost without any difficulty except for a longer time!

Wouldn't it be nice to be sent to stay with the divine beast for two months, and the leader level would change to the lord level?

This kind of thing is simply awesome!

Lin Wen couldn't help but wonder if this was the easiest lord-level advanced quest in history?

However... if it were another player, it is estimated that I would not be able to receive such a simple lord level advanced quest in this life!

In the final analysis, it was Lin Wen who knew Lugia in the first place, and Minas was also remembered by Lugia!

As Lugia's choice, the elf leader given to him naturally has some hidden conveniences!

Such a simple lord level promotion task is obviously one of them!

This surprise was a bit beyond Lin Wen's imagination. After all, among the elves in his hand, there was information about the promotion of the lord level. Currently, there is only Shanaido. Lin Wen originally thought that the next one would achieve the lord level. It will be a fairy girl.

But now, Minas has successfully counterattacked, and in just two months, he can become a lord-level elf!

Seeing Lin Wen in deep thought, Lugia's voice resounded in Lin Wen's heart again: "What? Can't you?"

Interrupted by Lugia's voice, Lin Wen hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, of course!"

Immediately... Lin Wen pushed Minas to the side of Lugia, and said one after another: "Lugia, Minas will be handed over to you!"

Under the control of Lugia, the conversation between Lin Wen and it was not heard by anyone, not even Minas.

Now... Minas stared blankly as his master pushed himself towards the God of the Sea with a dazed expression, somewhat inexplicable.

It couldn't help but chirp softly, with question marks all over its face.


Lin Wen saw its doubts and whispered: "Be proactive! The God of the Sea, Lugia, is going to take you to training, and then you can be promoted to the lord level!"

"Lord level!"

As an elf, you naturally know what the concept of the lord level is!

Among the elves of Linwen, currently only the leaf elves and the flashing dragons are lord-level existences. It can be said that other elves have been taking them as examples.

Now... Minas actually heard that he was going to become a lord-level elf!

Its graceful body even trembled slightly with excitement.

"Calm down, calm down." Lin Wen could understand Minas' mood. After all, every elves valued the pursuit of strength very much!

Now that there is the hope of advancing to the lord level, it will naturally make Minas very excited.

Even Lin Wen himself was full of surprises when he received this task!These are all understandable things.

This time, without Lin Wen pushing, Minas resolutely abandoned Lin Wen and climbed to Lugia's side with a well-behaved appearance...

Lugia's left is Mewtwo, and the right is Minas, which looks very harmonious.

"Okay. Human, I'm leaving."

Lugia's voice sounded again, but this time, it was not just a conversation facing Lin Wen alone.

In the hearts of the three kings of Kona, Kazuki, and Sheba, Lugia's voice sounded at the same time.

The elf alliance was formed by the kind and lawful legendary elves and humans. Lugia also showed due attitude in the face of several alliance kings.

Before Lin Wen came here, it had been communicating with the three heavenly kings.

"Are you leaving, God of the Sea." King Kona said.

"That's right." Lugia nodded lightly and said softly: "Since the Rockets who dared to study artificial elves have been destroyed in one fell swoop, then it's time for me to leave."

"Well." King Cona nodded: "I wish you a smooth journey."

Lugia smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, goodbye, several kings of the alliance."

At the same time, in Lin Wen's heart, Lugia's voice sounded again.

"Goodbye, Heart of Yang Yan, the head of the elf I chose..."

Then, Lugia's body instantly swept up and rushed to the sky!

As a water spirit, Minas can't fly, but who is next to it?The legendary elf, Lugia, the god of the sea!

A strong thought force surrounded Minas, and in its surprised eyes, its body also rose from the ground and flew away with Lugia! .

Chapter six hundred and twentieth

At the same time, Mewtwo also floated up, followed behind Lugia, and left.

Lugia didn't know what method was used. After Sakagi left, Chao Meng listened to it very much, and now he has left with it obediently.

Looking at the sky, gradually moving away until the three elves disappeared, Lin Wen also said in his heart: "Goodbye... Lugia."

The speed of the three elves was extremely fast, and they disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye...

This made many players around who had been staring at the two legendary elves Lugia and Mewtwo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

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