"They're gone..."

"Two legendary elves, I don't know when we will meet again!"

"One is two. The legendary elves have already appeared in the elves, so there will definitely be more and more in the future."

"I must catch a legendary elf!"


After watching Lugia and Chaomeng leaving, King Cona focused his gaze on Lin Wen and said softly, "Researcher Yang Yan, we are leaving too."

"Yeah." The King of Sheba next to him echoed: "This battle is finally over, and we have to leave here."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, expressing understanding.

Every Heavenly King in the Alliance is very busy, and there are many things waiting for them to deal with. This time, if the Alliance is determined to eliminate the Rockets in one fell swoop, the three Heavenly Kings would not have come at all. Join the battle!

You know... in one region, there are only four heavenly kings!

After saying hello, King Kona directly released the frozen bird, jumped onto the frozen bird, and then turned around and waved: "Everyone, see you next time."

"See you next time~' ." Lin Wen, Shiba, and Kazuki, the two heavenly kings responded one after another.

The frozen bird rose into the sky and quickly left here!

After King Kona left, Shiba, Kazuki and the two kings also said goodbye, summoned the elves, and rode away from here.

The two of them, the Heavenly Kings of the Chengdu area, came to fight in the Guandu area this time. Now that the battle is over, they need to rush back to the Chengdu area immediately.

There were two legendary elves just now, the gathering place of the three heavenly kings, and now only Lin Wen is left.

The players around have also dispersed. Although the strength and reputation of the Heart of Yang Yan is great, it is obviously not comparable to the legendary elf. Moreover, the players have seen the Heart of Yang Yan more often. many.

For a while, with the departure of the legendary elf, the players who were still staying in the Charles Industrial Park also took a stand. Those who received the rewards received the rewards, those who caught the elf caught the elf, and began to leave.

Lin Wen stood on the spot and was thinking about getting ready to collect the rewards of this mission. He ranked first in the standings!With plenty of points in hand, you should be able to exchange for a lot of props, and... the top ten in the standings, but there are additional rewards!As the first place, the reward is naturally the most valuable!

"Just don't know what it is?"

Lin Wen thought to himself.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind: "Brother Yang Yan!"

Lin Wen turned his head and saw the cute night cat standing behind him pretty, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Little night cat."

Seeing this girl, Lin Wen's mood subconsciously improved, and greeted her with a smile.

Then... he couldn't help but ask: "How did you find me here?"

He hadn't spoken to the cute night cat before, nor had he mentioned his current location to her.

The cute night cat rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Brother Yang Yan, everyone knows that you are here now."

"Ah?" Lin Wen was a little confused.

The cute night cat glanced left and right: "Just now, there were two legendary elves. The three heavenly kings are all here, and the forum is crazy. There are many pictures of this scene, and you are among them."

"So that's how it is!" Lin Wen suddenly...

Three alliance kings and two legendary elves, this can be said to be a powerful lineup that has never been seen since the opening of the Elf Century server. Now that they are gathered together, they naturally attract the attention of countless players.

No wonder the cute night cat knows that he is here, not only him, it is estimated that anyone who pays attention to game information now knows that he is here, but he will not come over like a little night cat.

After realizing this, Lin Wen put away his doubts, looked at the cute night cat, and said, ".々 Little Night Cat, how is it? How is the harvest of this mission?"

"It's okay." The cute night cat stuck out his tongue: "But it can't compare to you, the "great god" who is number one in the standings."

Looking at her cute and playful appearance, and listening to Little Night Cat's teasing words, Lin Wen smiled slightly and said modestly, "Don't compliment me."

Speaking of which... Lin Wen said with some emotion: "Actually, in this mission, there are many shortcomings in my performance."

He paused, then said: "In the end, my current strength is still not enough, otherwise, our alliance camp will not have the experience of being almost overturned by the Rockets side in the middle!"

As the well-deserved first player among the current players, Lin Wen has made it all the way to the present (so good for Zhao). The torment of the heart has obtained the hidden task, and Ibrahimovic has been obtained in the hands of Dr. Ohno. It can be said that it has started to run along the way!

He has become a rich and handsome researcher in the sub-professional. Although he has not done anything similar to the researcher profession so far, in fact, this profession has undoubtedly gained a lot of benefits when Lin Wen faces NPCs. convenient!

This is undeniable!

The researcher's sub-professional skills, the eye skills, also played a huge role in Lin Wen's growth!

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be in danger in a hundred battles. Being able to get the information of the opponent one step before the battle, so that you can make various changes to the tactics, is undoubtedly a god-level skill! .

Chapter [-] As a younger sister?

This is something that even an NPC trainer cannot match!

Maybe a highly skilled trainer can judge the strength of an elves based on their own experience, but the experience is obviously not the same level as the actual value in front of you!

And after that, Lin Wen also went all the way smoothly!

The elf battle won the championship, defeated the Eight Avenues Pavilion, and qualified for the regional competition. In the trial of the dragon, the limelight came in and out, and in the guild battle, one man turned the tide!

Sitting in his hands are two cherished lord-level elves, the Leaf Elf King, the Shining Fast Dragon, and the other elves are not weak either!

In the recent period of time, he broke into the Rockets base alone. If it wasn't for the appearance of Chao Meng, then he could swept the base alone!

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