These... are all the achievements that Lin Wen has accumulated all the time!

If the players know everything, I am afraid that no matter who it is, they will not help but exclaim!

After all... this is really a dazzling record, and even makes them wonder if this is really something players can achieve?

It can be said that since Lin Wen debuted until now, only the legendary elves have really caused him trouble!

The highest-level existence in the wizard world!God 443 Beast!

In the Yacar Forest, Ye Elf, who had just been promoted to the lord level, went to find the legendary elf Kyurem full of fighting spirit. After being easily defeated, Lin Wen realized that the current him, and the legendary elf, are probably There is still a huge gap!

Even, this made him have the idea of ​​looking for legendary elves at the beginning.

After all, due to the natural template reason, the legendary elves have occupied a very large advantage from the time of birth, and they are born with an incomparably huge potential!

Every time you level up, you are tapping its potential!Every time you level up, the gap between the legendary elf and other template elf will get bigger and bigger!

And this time, Chao Meng undoubtedly caused Lin Wen to suffer another big loss!

In the face of Chao Meng, who is not in a perfect state, Lin Wen still has nothing to do!

The scene in which the alliance side had a huge advantage was completely equivalent to none when facing the legendary elf Mewtwo, and one elf from it successfully reversed the war situation.

It's true... Lin Wen knew clearly that he was driving the flash dragon in the sky to harass Mewtwo, and successfully slowed Mewtwo's speed. He didn't let it completely collapse the alliance in a very short period of time, but Lin Wen also I have to admit that if it continues, even if it has been harassing Mewtwo, it will have no effect at all except delaying time!

At most, it is to prolong the time when some alliance camps fail.

Before Lugia appeared, the alliance that had the upper hand had already been at a disadvantage, losing more than half of it. For the alliance side, it could be said to be a heavy casualty!

If it weren't for the backhand used by the top leaders of the alliance to deal with Mewtwo, Lugia, the god of the sea, finally appeared!So... where can they chat happily in this mood now?I am afraid that I have long been immersed in the depressed mood of failure!

And all of this, in the final analysis, is still Lin Wen's own lack of strength.

Although he is already very powerful, compared with the real superpowers in the elf world, the legendary elves hidden in various places in the elf world, he is undoubtedly a certain level worse now!

They can't be compared together!

This is a problem that Lin Wen has clearly recognized after several failures in the hands of the legendary elves, and has no plans to avoid it.

The courage to admit one's own inadequacies is a very precious thing in itself, and it is worth cherishing.

Hearing Lin Wen's self-deprecating words, the cute night cat stuck out his tongue very cutely and frowned (bhdj): "Brother Yangyan, you can't say that, if you say that you are underperforming, then I am here. In this large-scale mission, isn't it just a jerk."

The cute night cat paused and added: "If it weren't for you and the Flash Dragon, which affected the rhythm of Chao Meng's attack, it slowed down the attack speed of the trainers of the alliance camp, can our alliance camp? It may not be possible to hold out until Lugia comes.”

"When the time comes...but I'm going to hide in the corner and cry." The cute night cat put on a sad expression.

This cute appearance successfully made Lin Wen laugh, and Lin Wen stopped arguing with her, nodding and saying, "Okay! You are right!"

"That's right!" The cute night cat put on a smile.

As a very young girl, the cute night cat doesn't have many friends in the Elf Century, and Yang Yan's heart, brother Yang Yan, who has known her early on, is undoubtedly one of them!

In her heart, she admires Brother Yang Yan very much!

After all... As she knew Lin Wen in the early stages of the game, she could be regarded as watching Lin Wen grow to where she is now!

The two have also experienced many things together. For example, the cute night cat once took Lin Wen to Meteor Lake, and Lin Wen also discovered this treasure, and gained a lot of benefits from Meteor Lake!

Now, as one of Linwen's main combat powers, Shanaido is a popular lake that can improve the power of elves, and in the guild battle, countless players have their eyes widened, and they are shocked to summon wild elves to fight!

Meteor Lake can be said to be a very important location on the growth route of Lin Wen!

And...During the Royal Dragon Trial, the cute night cat and Lin Wen fought side by side for a long time!

Followed the Shadow Team together, went to the special map in the Dragon Cave, Dragon Sanctuary, fought with the Shadow Team inside, watched the huge fast dragon fall into a deep sleep, and got the flashing mini-dragon.

Afterwards... After wandering in the Dragon Cave for a long time, with the help of Lin Wen, the cute night cat also got two quasi-god-level elves!

It can be said that with so many common experiences, it is definitely impossible for the cute night cat to say that he has no feelings for Lin Wen...

However, from her title, you can tell that she is more inclined to her sister's attachment to her brother, and some think of Lin Wen as an idol. .

Chapter [-] The Gone Rockets

So... after hearing about Lin Wen's self-effacing, this little girl was the first to be dissatisfied, and she directly expressed her inner thoughts.

The two didn't talk much about the topic.

After a few more chats, the cute night cat said, "Brother Yang Yan, where are you going next?"

"Go and collect the reward." Lin Wen shrugged, then smiled: "After all... Now that this world-class mission is over, the next is the harvest time. I got a lot of points this time, and it is estimated that I can get it. Nice reward."

The cute night cat nodded lightly, deeply agreeing with _.

If the heart of Yang Yan, who is the first in the standings, can't get any good rewards, then the alliance can also be dissolved as soon as possible.

Lin Wen looked at the cute night cat and asked, "Little night cat, do you want to go to collect the reward together?"

Lin Wen paused slightly: "If you go too, I can take you for a ride."


The cute night cat made a soft sound, and there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

After all... As a Flash Dragon that can be selected as the best mount of the year, it is definitely a pleasure to ride on it to fly. It can be said that the cute night cat is the only one who has ridden the Flash Dragon except for Lin Wen. The dragon's player, but despite this, she doesn't feel tired at all, and the heart in her eyes tells Lin Wen that this girl definitely wants to try again!

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