Just as Lin Wen was about to summon the Flashing Dragon directly, he saw a few tangle flashes on the cute night cat's face, and then hesitantly said, "Brother Yang Yan, I won't go now."

There was an apologetic smile on the face of the cute night cat, and then he continued: "I have other things to deal with, so I can't go to collect the reward now."

"What's the matter? Do you need help?" Lin Wen asked with concern.

It can be said that the cute night cat has also helped him a lot. Now that she has something to do, Lin Wen naturally wants to see if he can help.

"No, no." The cute night cat shook his head again and again: "I can handle it myself."

Saying that, she waved her small fist and shouted: "Brother Yang Yan, I am also very strong!"

Lin Wen nodded in cooperation: "That's right! Little Night Cat is the strongest!"

Hearing this, the cute night cat showed a smile, and his eyes were curved into a crescent moon, which looked really cute.

"Okay!" After restraining his smile, the cute night cat said: "Brother Yang Yan, go and collect the reward, I have to leave now."

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded lightly, "Then I won't give you away."

"Need not!"

The cute night cat waved his hand very vigorously: "I'm leaving! See you at the carnival competition at the end of the year!"

Then, she turned around very decisively and left here.

Lin Wen kept staring at her back, until she turned around and disappeared from sight, then Lin Wen withdrew his sight.

Then... Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't ask what the cute night cat was going to do.

After all, everyone has their own privacy. Although the relationship with the cute little girl is very close in the game, but... he also has some secrets that the cute night cat doesn't know!

Between friends, it is completely a fantasy to be completely honest. Only when there are some little secrets between each other can we get along more long-term.

Lin Wen retracted his thoughts and looked around. Most of the players around the Charles Industrial Park had left. He shook his head and said, "Looks like I'm leaving here too..."

Charles Industrial Park is a large-scale industrial base. This kind of place... Except for the occasional player who wants to capture a specific elf, it is simply a foyer. Then there would simply not be the grand occasion of so many people these days.

But... I am afraid that in the future, it will be more lively here!

After all... this is also a well-known location in the game. As the battle location of the last battle between the Alliance faction and the Rockets side, it will definitely be remodeled after being acquired by the Alliance.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

As such a large and deeply hidden base, the value of the Charles Industrial Park is huge. Although Lin Wen did not explore it in depth, you can also imagine that there are probably a lot of Rocket Team equipment and various research materials in it. Waiting for something, the alliance's action can be said to be a great harvest!

And... After this battle, the Rockets can be said to have experienced a broken, even more serious blow, and they can't turn over in a short period of time...

Even, it will never be possible to turn over!

After all, many low-level members have been arrested by the Alliance. Although the boss Sakagi fled without everyone paying attention, and several senior cadres of the Rockets also left immediately after seeing the situation, but now... the entire Rockets, It can be considered that it no longer exists!

0 ...

An organization with many bases, abundant bottom-level personnel and amazing strength can naturally be called the Rockets.

But now... there are only a few powerful elf trainers left, and it is impossible to call it an organization.

The power of the Rockets is shrinking sharply!

And... After this battle, it is estimated that I don't know how many players of the Rockets will leave the Rockets and make a living. Most of the players who joined the Rockets are interested in the limitations of the Rockets as the villain. Compared with the alliance side It was much less, and Team Rocket's influence in the Guandu area was also very large. It seemed that it was not inferior to the Elf Alliance, and the help and benefits it could provide them would not be inferior to the Elf Alliance.

Of course... there are also many players who have the mentality of being a villain in their hearts, so they will join the Rockets.

But now, the power of Nuo Da has disappeared, and only a few high-level leaders and some trash fish soldiers who may still be hidden remain.

If Sakagi and the senior cadres of the Rockets are likened to the frame of a house, then... the bottom-level personnel of the Rockets, as well as some managers, are undoubtedly the bricks of a house! .

Chapter [-]: Alliance Rewards

They combined and together, they formed the Rocket Team, an underground force that dominated the Guandu area for many years, and it attracted countless players to join it.

And now... Maybe the frame is still there, but the bricks and tiles have disappeared. The former mansion has now become a broken house with no roof and ventilation, so who will stay?

It is estimated that almost none!

Although Sakagi escaped, but if he wants to make a comeback, there is no doubt that there is little hope, or even impossible to achieve!

After all... the rise of a power, in addition to the need for personnel, etc., there is also the most important point, that is luck, fortune!


Today, the number of players still staying in the Charles Industrial Park has decreased a lot!

"[-]" After the end of the battle, after the legendary elf who attracted everyone's attention, and the trainers of the alliance's heavenly kings also left, I don't know how many players have left here and went to collect the rewards !

You must know that after the battle, Lin Wen had wasted a lot of time talking with several heavenly kings and Lugia, and during this time period, some players had already exchanged points for rewards in the alliance!

On the forum, a group of show-off parties emerged!

Show off that you have got the best props and show off the points you have obtained!

The alliance has obviously invested a lot of money in this battle with the Rockets!In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the players to a greater extent, the props that are brought out are all very precious and high-quality props. As long as you have enough points, you can exchange them!

On the forum, many players have appeared, posting pictures and texts, showing off the props they have obtained.

"High-grade water stone!I've been wanting this item for a long time, and I finally got it. Now my water arrow turtle can be enhanced to a certain extent! 》

"Dragon Ball!The probability of capturing dragon-type skills has increased. I almost got it in the last trial of the dragon, and now I finally got it! 》

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