"I got a skill machine this time...I can finally let my spirit learn new skills..."

There are countless bragging posts, and they almost slaughtered the forum!

After all... After the battle finally ended, the hearts that all the players in the alliance camp had been mentioning were finally released. During the time when Chaomeng debuted, the shadows caused to the players were undoubtedly very terrifying. I don't know how many players there are. I feel that this battle is close to defeat, and the Alliance is facing Team Rocket with a legendary elves like Chaomeng, and there is no way to win...

Super dream...it's scary.

And then...the plot took a turn.

Lugia appeared on the battlefield, and under the command of the heart of Yang Yan, defeated Mewtwo and defeated the biggest obstacle to the victory of the alliance!

This kind of experience like a roller coaster will undoubtedly make the hearts of many players from the alliance camp go up and down, and it is very exciting.

Now that the battle is over and everything is over, everyone can finally put down their minds and enjoy the fruits of victory. The tension in the forum during the battle has disappeared completely, and it has completely become a show off. better.

Of course... there are those who show off, and there are those who are envious. This expansion is the expansion of Quartz Plateau, and the main players involved are also players in the Chengdu and Guandu areas.

Although in the subsequent world-class mission "Team Rocket Destruction War" initiated by the Elf Alliance, the area involved is not only the Guandu Chengdu area, but the entire Elf world, but i, the headquarters of the Rocket Team is in Guandu. !

Although other regions also have Rocket branch, but compared with the Guandu region is undoubtedly insignificant.

This makes the gains of players in other regions generally incomparable to players in the Guandu region...

This is not to say that the combat effectiveness of players in other areas is weaker than that of the Guandu area, but that the enemy is there. As the place where the Rockets rise, the Guandu area is their most important location. The entire Guandu area is full of countless The Rocket team's base, with countless personnel stationed here.

But in other areas, there are only a handful of branches, two or three kittens, and the number of enemies, which is completely unable to satisfy the local players. …

So...that's what happened.

But there is nothing they can do with envy. After getting the news, some players even went to the Guandu area to participate in the mission in this main battlefield, and they also received generous rewards.

But those players who stayed in their own area and didn't use their brains to waste time going to the Guandu area, no doubt, the harvest will be much less...

Faced with so many posts showing off on the forum now, I am undoubtedly envious and jealous, thinking in my heart why I have not been able to get so many, such a great reward, my teeth itch with envy!

The various props that were screenshotted and photographed by the players and then put on the forum can make people's eyes go deep into it and can't extricate themselves, and...if only one or two players show off, it's okay to show off, and now the forum has become a show-off. Fu's exclusive location, I don't know how many players are showing off Jiang Li, which undoubtedly makes the players who haven't gained a great deal unbearable!

It can only be said... For players in other regions, everything is fate, who made such a character with the heart of Yang Yan in their region, attracting the legendary elves to debut in advance, and opening a new expansion!

Every region has its profound and long-standing background story, and there are countless missions and expansion pieces that can be generated!

Of course... Now, these players can only look forward to a large-scale operation in their area while being envious. After all, there are Rockets in the Guandu area, and other evil forces in other areas. !


Saying goodbye to the cute night cat, Lin Wen no longer wastes time, and directly summoned the flashing dragon, jumped agilely, and jumped onto the flashing dragon.

Then, he said loudly in a good mood: "Flash Dragon, let's go!"

Lin Wen has been looking forward to the rewards he can get for a long time. Now that the battle is finally over, he can also go to collect the rewards and enjoy the fruits of victory! .

Chapter [-] Exchange Rewards

After the flashing dragon flew into the sky, under the command of Lin Wen, it looked for a direction, immediately accelerated and started flying!

Lin Wen's goal is the Guandu area, the alliance headquarters in Golden City!

Although in the Guandu area, there are more than one coordinates of the elf alliance, but this elf alliance in the golden city is the headquarters of the alliance in the Guandu area!

This was specifically explained to Lin Wen before King Kona left, and asked him to go here to receive the reward.

Of course, Lin Wen would not refuse the suggestion of the King of Cona. After all, she is a king-level figure in the alliance. Her advice is only good for herself, not bad!

So... Lin Wen is now heading towards the golden city!

Golden City is a huge city extending in all directions in Guandu, which is located among Hualan City, Rainbow City, Kuye City and Ziyuan Town.It is the largest and busiest city in the entire Kanto region, and is also very famous in its 13 other districts!

In the golden city, the huge Shilufu company headquarters building stands in the center of the city, and there are two gymnasiums occupying the northeast corner of the city.This is not only the central business circle of Guandu, but also has the largest infrastructure in the region, including the maglev train station connecting Guandu and Chengdu.

As a powerful mount in the middle row of the Elf Century, the Flash Dragon is not only superior in combat power, but also has a wide area, is stable and comfortable to ride, and with the addition of Lin Wen's riding skills, the speed is even faster.

After a period of flying, Lin Wen arrived at the Golden City!

Here...it can be said to be the largest city in the Kanto area, very prosperous!

Looking down, there are surging crowds, very lively.

The elf alliance in the golden city, located on the side of the city center.The Elf League is a very large building!

After all, as the biggest force in the elf world, as the force behind the legendary elf, the strength of the elf alliance can really be described as unfathomable!

What is exposed, I am afraid it is only a small part of the power of the alliance!

In front of the Elf Alliance is a large square with a huge area. Therefore, Lin Wen rode the Flash Dragon and did not choose to land outside the Golden City. Instead, he rode the Flash Dragon and flew. Into the golden market!

Below...is a bustling metropolis, and I walked through the clouds with a huge fast dragon, which is undoubtedly a very novel experience.

The speed of the flashing dragon is extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, it has come to the sky above the location of the elf alliance station in the golden city.

"Flash Dragon, find a place to land."

In the sound of Lin Wen's command, the flashing dragon began to descend downwards.

When it was high in the sky, I couldn't see it clearly, but now it's in mid-air, and the situation below is immediately clear.

I saw that there was a long queue outside the Golden City Elf Alliance, and many players had already arrived here first.

Obviously, Lin Wen was not the only player who came here to receive the reward. The generous rewards of the alliance made countless players feel excited and jealous, and they couldn't wait to exchange for what they wanted.

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