This is not the only place for the alliance to receive rewards, but... It is estimated that these players are players around the Golden City, so they came here directly after leaving the Charles Industrial Park.

There are a lot of players involved in this world-class mission!As long as the players who meet the mission requirements are basically involved in the mission!The direct result is that the number of people who come here to collect players can hardly be counted, excluding a very long queue.

When Lin Wen observed the situation below, the players from the alliance camp outside the Elf Alliance and lined up in the square also saw the figure of the Flash Dragon!

To this day, the Flash Dragon has long become a symbol of the Heart of Yang Yan. After all, the Dragon with such a huge body and such a special skin color is also the only one in the entire elf world. It is difficult not to be remembered. !

There, although the players below did not see the forest pattern on the back of the flashing dragon due to the occlusion of the flashing dragon, the shouts still rang out!

"God Yangyan is here!"

"Damn it! God Yang Yan, I used to dislike him before, but this time, I will!"

"That's right! Not only did one person hold Mewtwo abruptly, but in the end he even commanded Lugia to fight, that's a legendary elf."

"How did he do it? I really want to command the legendary elves to fight."

"Who knows... God Yang Yan and we are not at the same level at all. You can see from this mission that God Yang Yan stays with those heavenly kings of the alliance, tsk tsk tsk, ah."

"Yeah, I just don't know, when will I reach that kind of strength!" 400

"Envy the Great God Yang Yan!"

"God Yangyan came here to receive rewards?"

The whispers of the players below kept ringing!

After the guild battle, Lin Wen has not fought in front of players for a long time, and has not shown his combat power in front of players!

Although he led out Chaomeng in advance and triggered the appearance of a new expansion pack, which caused a huge sensation among players, there are still many players who doubt his current strength!

But... in this world-class large-scale mission, Lin Wen's strength will undoubtedly shatter all doubts!Gives the majority of players a perfect answer!

Whether it was the crushing of the ordinary members of Team Rocket, or the defeat of the senior cadres of Team Rocket in the frontal battle, or the information revealed when communicating with Sakagi at the last moment... No matter which point, it was given to the player. Great surprise for us!

The Heart of Yang Yan is still the same Heart of Yang Yan, even stronger than before!

As for the last moment, Lin Wen commanded Lugia, the god of the sea, to fight with Mewtwo, commanded by the boss of Sakagi, and it has been unforgettable by countless players for a long time! .

Chapter [-] Treatment of the Great God

That's a legendary elf!

The top existence in the elf world, extremely rare and dazzling.

Before they even met, the Heart of Yang Yan had already commanded the legendary elf to fight!This is really more dead than people, and it is necessary to throw away goods compared with goods!

envy, jealousy, hate!

I don't know how many players feel that if they can command a legendary elf to fight, even if they let him give up everything and start playing Elf Century again!

After all... until now the Age of Elves has been launched, players have long known which parts of the Elves are more important. The template is undoubtedly one of the most important elements in the Age of Elves!

After all... the template of an elf represents its certain potential!

The higher the template, the higher the potential!

At a time when the heart of Yang Yan has not yet held out who has obtained the lord-level elf, the heart of Yang Yan has already begun to command the legendary elf, even if the elf is not his, it still attracts countless players. Shocked, totally unacceptable!

Legendary elf, because of its rarity, rarity, and difficulty to find, I am afraid that even in the late game, it still cannot become the mainstream of player elf.

And now... someone has already commanded a legendary elf first, Lugia, the god of the sea, to fight!


As the flashing dragon gradually descended, the voices of the surrounding players also entered Lin Wen's ears, and he didn't care at all.

because I'm used to it...

At first, after he became famous in the Elf Century, Lin Wen still felt a little awkward when he was being discussed by the onlookers, but now, he has been completely used to it, and he can easily face the players without changing his face, without the slightest pressure!

The environment trains people, Lin Wen is undoubtedly used to this kind of life now!

The Flash Dragon found an open area and landed on the ground.

Afterwards, Lin Wen quickly picked it off and landed on the ground.

He took out the Poké Ball and put away the Flash Dragon. This big guy is really too eye-catching and too conspicuous.

After putting away the flashing dragon, Lin Wen raised his head and looked at the elf alliance in front of him.

When he saw the long line of players lined up in the square where he was currently before the Elf Alliance, Lin Wen's brows were slightly wrinkled.

He didn't expect...there would be so many players here waiting to receive rewards!

This undoubtedly made Lin Wen wait a while longer.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Wen did not hesitate, and was directly ranked last in the current team, ready to wait to receive the reward.

Immediately after seeing this scene, some players shouted: "God Yangyan, come to collect the reward~〃?"

After Lin Wen jumped off the Flash Dragon, there were an unknown number of players who had been watching Lin Wen, and now that Lin Wen was the last in the line, all eyes were passed.

Suddenly... a player shouted: "Hey, hey, hey! God Yangyan has come to collect the reward, and everyone still hasn't given a place? Do you want to let God Yangyan line up for a long time?"

"Uh..." Lin Wen also heard this cry, and was slightly stunned.

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