After seeing the expectant gaze of Sopa's catalogue and thinking of his status as a high-ranking member of the alliance, Lin Wen felt that there was no need for him to conceal anything.

After all... the Elf Alliance is an organization jointly established by humans and legendary elves. As a high-ranking member of the alliance, he obviously also has justice in his heart!

From this time, it can be seen that Lugia will take action, it is still helping the Elf Alliance.

Thinking of this, Lin Wen said: "Lord Sopa, to tell you the truth, I am the head of the elf chosen by the sea god Lugia."

"The head of the elf?"

Sopa's expression suddenly became stunned, and then the expressions of shock and surprise appeared one after another, obviously!Lin Wen's answer caused him to have great psychological fluctuations!

After finally regaining his senses, Sopa hurriedly asked, "Researcher Yang Yan? Is what you said true? Do you have any tokens to prove your identity as the head of the elf?"

"A token?"

Although Sopa's eagerly looking forward inquiry made Lin Wen feel a little puzzled, he had already told him his identity, and there was nothing invisible about the token himself.

He took out from his backpack, took out the silver feather that Lugia had given him, and held it in his hand!

Silver Feather: The feathers on Lugia's body exude a silver light and are said to have the power to summon Lugia to appear.

After seeing Lin Wen take out the silver feather, Sopa's eyes were fixed on the silver feather in Lin Wen's hand, and he didn't dare to take his eyes off. stand up.

"This is... this is, Lugia's feather!"

As a senior member of the alliance, Sopa is so old and naturally the first person with extensive knowledge. After staring at the silver feather carefully, he determined the source of the feather!

Then... after he raised his head again, his gaze towards Lin Wen had quietly changed.

Sopa let out a long sigh, and then said in disbelief: "I didn't expect... Researcher Yang Yan, you are the elf leader chosen by the legendary elf!"

"This is really, really incredible!"

The head of the elf, that is a powerful hidden profession that can only be obtained with the trust and approval of the legendary elf. It can also be said that it is the only existence that can directly talk to the legendary elf!It has not been seen for nearly a hundred years!

As a high-level executive of the alliance, Sopa is naturally more aware of the information about the legendary elves, and he knows it very well, but because of this, he is so shocked by the identity of Lin Wen's elves!

It's scary because I know it!

After being shocked, Sopa smiled bitterly: "Researcher Yang Yan, I finally understand... Why did you rise in such a short period of time, and your strength increased so quickly..."

This is the elf leader chosen by the legendary elf!Can anyone be in it?

Being recognized by Lugia, the god of the sea, itself represents its own powerful ability. The legendary elf, as the top existence in the elf world, has a high vision, how can it be seen by ordinary people?

After Sopa finished speaking, he fell into silence, and Lin Wen's answer was undoubtedly beyond his expectations.

Before Lin Wen arrived, he had a lot of guesses about asking Lin Wen about this question, but he never thought that Lin Wen would actually be the head of the elf!

This is an identity he has never thought of and dare not think of!

Lin Wen sensed his emotions and did not ask, but in his heart he valued the identity of the elf leader even more. .

Chapter [-] Elves and the Alliance

After obtaining this identity from Lugia, the god of the sea, Lin Wen realized the extraordinaryness of the profession of elf leader!Not only has the number of elves that he can carry has been increased to eight, but the number of elves that can fight at the same time has been increased to four, allowing Lin Wen to fight against others one-on-one.

At the same time, several powerful skills brought by the identity of the head of the elf have also greatly enhanced Lin Wen's combat power!

The elves control, the power of the head, the elves grow!

Three incomparably powerful skills, including the battle and cultivation of elves, greatly enhanced Lin Wen's strength!

The power of the master: passive skill, a special skill that can only be understood by the very lucky elf master under certain specific conditions, the Pokémon you use will never defect, and your hostile Pokémon will be fully alive Attributes are reduced by 5% until out of combat.

Elf Mastery: Passive skill, a passive skill that can only be obtained by the master of elves, all attributes of all Pokémon you use increase by 10%, and the consumption of skills used is reduced by 10%.

Elite growth: passive skills, passive skills that master trainers and elf leaders have the opportunity to obtain, when the Pokémon you cultivate are upgraded, an additional 2 points of fixed attributes will be added.

These three skills can be said to be very comprehensive. Lin Wen could not have reached this stage without the support of these three skills!

But now, after seeing Sopa's shock to the profession of elf leader, Lin Wen realized that even though he had a high regard for this profession, I'm afraid it wasn't enough!

To make a high-ranking alliance executive show such an expression, the preciousness of the head of the elf can be seen!

Sopa finally calmed down after a variety of complex emotions such as shock. Just when he was about to speak, he was preempted by the opposite Lin Wen.

"May I ask, why do you care so much about me being able to command Lugia, the god of the sea to fight~〃?" Lin Wen said.

This is something he has been wondering about just now. With the relationship between the alliance and the legendary elves, being able to command the legendary elves to fight should not be so shocking!

Seeing that Sopa didn't answer immediately, Lin Wen added: "That's it... I once heard Dr. Ohno say that the elf alliance is jointly formed by humans and legendary elves. A high-level alliance like you should be able to I often meet with legendary elves, and if that’s the case, why do you care so much about me being able to command legendary elves to fight?”

After the inquiry, Lin Wen's eyes focused on Sopa, waiting for his answer.

This was something he had always wondered about since he came in, and now he finally asked.

After hearing Lin Wen's question, Sopa fell silent, lowered his head, and seemed to be thinking about something.

After a long time, he raised his head, facing Lin Wen with a wry smile on his face, and said, "Since you have already asked Researcher Yang Yan, I will tell you the truth."

He paused for a while, and then broke out a big news that shocked Lin Wen!

"The Elf Alliance has developed to the present, but the relationship with the legendary elves is not as good as imagined..."

"What?" Lin Wen was a little stunned, and asked: "But, in this battle against Team Rocket, didn't Lugia still dare to come to the battlefield?"

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