In this battle, if it wasn't for the appearance of Lugia, it would have ended in the failure of the alliance. If the relationship between the legendary elves and the alliance was not so close, why would they take action?

"That's because Team Rocket's actions angered the legendary elves. If it wasn't for this, the elves would probably remain silent." Sopa explained with a wry smile: "The artificial elves were banned after the establishment of the Elf Alliance. However, Team Rocket has not only been conducting research, but also made a breakthrough, and even artificially created a legendary elf - Chaomeng, which is something that the legendary elves can't bear at all! Therefore, the god of the sea, Lugia to take action, and fix it before it gets out of hand."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then asked: "If I remember correctly, the Elf Alliance is an organization co-founded by us humans and legendary elves, so... how can the relationship between the legendary elves and the alliance be bad now? ?"

This was something Lin Wen couldn't understand.

"Probably because of disappointment..." Sopa smiled wryly.

"Disappointed?" Lin Wen repeated.


Sopa nodded lightly, and his eyes fell on Lin Wen: "Researcher Yang Yan, do you want to hear the specific reason?"

"Of course!" Lin Wen nodded again and again.

Sopa pondered for a while, tidied up his suit, and then said, "Researcher Yang Yan, let's sit down and talk."

Then... he sat down first.

Lin Wen was very curious about the reason, so he sat down and waited for his explanation.

After sitting down, Sopa said slowly, "Researcher Yang Yan, do you know anything about the Bell Tower and the Bell Tower?"

"The Bell Tower? The Bell Tower?"

Lin Wen immediately recalled the information about the two very important towers in the two fairy worlds.

About [-] years ago, two towers were built in Yuanzhu City, which separated the east and west sides.These two towers were built for the friendship between humans and Pokémon, and the view from the top of the towers is even more magnificent.The tower on the east side is used to wake up the Pokémon, while the tower on the west side puts the Pokémon to sleep.

The tower on the west side is called the Tower of the Bell!

But thinking of this, Lin Wen's face became slightly weird!

Because, the tower of the bell no longer exists!

One hundred and fifty years ago, a fire destroyed the entire Bell Tower and turned it into ruins!

Now that Sopa mentioned the tower of the bell, Lin Wen realized that the next thing might be a surprise, he nodded quickly and said, "I've heard of the tower of bell, but now, it should be in ruins. ?"

"Yeah." Sopa nodded lightly, expressing understanding.

(PS: There was a big outbreak at the end of 2016, and there will be five updates later, thank you for your support all the time, I really appreciate it!!).

Chapter [-] The Hoo King Incident

Then, under Lin Wen's attention, Sopa began to speak softly.

"After the fire one hundred and fifty years ago, when Ho-wang disappeared, the legendary elves who formed the elf alliance with humans have been disappointed by humans." Sopa's tone was a little low. , seems to be recalling the past.

"And after that incident, the relationship between the two sides also fell into a cold war. There was no intimacy in the past, and the contact between each other was no longer frequent. If it wasn't for the Rockets' research on artificial elves this time, it caused the legendary elves. Even if they are so strong, Lugia won't shoot at all!" Sopa whispered.

Lin Wen turned his ears to the side, quietly listening to the high-ranking member of the alliance recounting the secrets of the past.

"Actually... all of this was not supposed to be like this!" Sopa suddenly said loudly.

Lin Wen didn't make a sound, just looked at Sopa, obviously... He is also in a state now, and his emotions are a little excited.

"During the time when the Elf Alliance was just established, legendary elves often appeared in front of humans, adding 413 tiles to the construction of the alliance and contributing their own efforts."

There was a look of nostalgia in Sopa's eyes.

Although he had not even come to this world during the time when the Elf Alliance was just established, as a high-level executive of the Elf Alliance, Sopa, who did not know how long he had been working for the Elven Alliance, was naturally aware of these previous secrets. It is also very clear!

Because it is clear, it will be more sentimental!

During the time when the Elf Alliance was just established, those legendary elves who formed the Elf Alliance with humans and were kind and lawful, the relationship between them and humans could not be said to be intimate, but they also communicated frequently!

Between each other, they are constantly working hard for the growth of the elf alliance. It can be said that the entire elf alliance has developed the fastest, and there is no gap between humans and elves!

But... everything happened in one hundred and fifty years, the flames that burned down the Bell Tower to ruins, after Ho-oh disappeared, a huge change took place!

After the incident, the legendary elf was completely disappointed with human beings, and the two sides fell into a cold war.

You must know that the area of ​​the elf world is very wide, and it is very easy for the legendary elf to hide!

This has led to the fact that for a long time, humans have even lost contact with the legendary elves. Although there is contact information, the legendary elves have never responded!

Everything...until the opening of this world-class large-scale mission!

Artificial elves have always been a taboo in the eyes of the alliance and legendary elves, and Team Rocket not only triggered this taboo, but even produced artificial legendary elves!This is undoubtedly unacceptable to every legendary elves!

So... in this mission, only the legendary elf appeared on the alliance side!

Otherwise... the cold war between humans and legendary elves, I am afraid it will continue for a long time!

But even now, after clearing Team Rocket, the Legendary Elf has returned to its previous state, ignoring the alliance's connection, unless something like this that will disturb the Legendary Elf happens again, otherwise, I am afraid They won't show up easily again at all!

The state of the alliance and the legendary elf has once again returned to the state of the Cold War!

This is undoubtedly a situation that every human being does not want to see!

"Actually... it wasn't like that at first!"

Sopa's tone was very excited and said loudly.

In Lin (bhcc) Wen's listening voice, he slowly recounted the situation of the fire one hundred and fifty years ago!

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