"Speaking of which, I can't blame those legendary elves..." Sopa whispered, a little lonely.

"That matter, speaking of it, is completely the fruit of human beings and careless!"

"At that time, there was an evil force that even hit the head of Ho-king, and even wanted to capture Ho-king! This move completely angered Ho-king. The former Ho-king originally lived in Linglong Pagoda. , but after that battle... it disappeared completely."

Sopa's tone was full of regret: "At that time... our vigilance against the evil forces was too shallow, and we never thought that they would dare to fight the legendary elf - King Ho's idea, for them The plan, without any precautions at all, almost allowed them to successfully capture Ho-wang!"

"This is something that should never have happened!" Sopa said sadly!

"Because of this incident, Ho-wang disappeared, and the legendary elves were disappointed with us humans. After all... after the formation of the alliance, these legendary elves worked wholeheartedly with humans to develop the alliance and serve the elves. World peace is making its own contribution!"

"But... there are human beings who put their minds on the legendary elves, which is undoubtedly something they can't accept."

"Even if it was the evil forces that offended Ho-oh, but in the eyes of the legendary elves, we have only one collective name, and that is-humans."

"What's more, King Ho will be offended by evil forces, and because of the alliance's imprudence and inaction, if he had taken precautions earlier, this kind of thing would never have happened!"

Sopa finished the whole story with a low breath.

His tone was very low, and he obviously regretted this kind of thing very much. The kind and lawful legendary elves were very close to humans, and there was often a connection between the two, but because of this fire, they became The intimacy of the people disappeared completely, and the legendary elves were disappointed with humans and began to alienate them.

Now... not to mention contacting the legendary elves, communicating with the legendary elves, even finding the legendary elves is very difficult!

Unless the legendary elf shows up actively, the possibility that humans want to find the legendary elf is infinitely close to zero!

This is undoubtedly something that every human being does not expect to see.

But in the final analysis, as Sopa said, all of this, in the final analysis, is still the fault of humans. .

Chapter [-] New Hope

After listening to Sopa's narration of everything, Lin Wen finally had a certain understanding of what happened.

That's what happened!

The evil forces of human beings offended Ho-oh, and the legendary elves were completely disappointed with human beings, and the relationship between the two will develop ~ as it is now!

A glimmer of enlightenment flashed in Lin Wen's mind.

This kind of thing... Sopa, the top level of the alliance, mentioned it like one of his players, could it be...

He had a hunch in his heart that Sopa's real purpose might be revealed soon!

As a senior member of the alliance, Lin Wen doesn't think that the other party has nothing to do to tell him stories. He cares so much about his identity as the head of the elf, and he describes it so exaggeratedly that he can't help but tell the story in tears now. Things that happened ten years ago, then...you must have a plan for yourself!

Lin Wen is not a little white who has just left the house. He has long been familiar with these cunning people.

The high-ranking members of the alliance, to put it mildly, to put it bluntly, actually have one thing in common with the members of the evil forces!

Don't get too early!

After years of management career rendering, maybe they still maintained a passion for the development of the elf world and made their own contribution to the development of the elf world, but after a long time, the most essential minds at the beginning have long been polluted by the filth of the outside world. , no longer so pure.

Although the big goals in their hearts may not have changed, they are still working hard for the development and peace of the elf world, but in subtleties, they are not as innocent as they used to be!

Whatever they do, they must have their purpose!

Although Sopa recounted what happened [-] years ago, his tone was very lonely, full of regrets, and he wished he could go back to the past to stop this incident, but in Lin Wen's view, this proves even more , the other party is not here to tell him stories!

But there is a conspiracy!

Great conspiracy!

So...that's how it would be done.

This information flashed through his mind, Lin Wen's expression remained unchanged, and he said, "Lord Sopa... I don't know, you told me these things to prepare..."

You must know that what happened a hundred and fifty years ago has already happened, and it cannot be stopped. It can be said that it has nothing to do with Lin Wen!

This is also the reason why Lin Wen believes that Sopa has his own purpose!

Hearing Lin Wen's question, Sopa's eyes flashed, and he seemed to calm down. He said solemnly, "Researcher Yang Yan, do you know that your appearance has brought new hope to the alliance."

"new Hope?"

Lin Wen pointed at himself, a little confused, unable to understand what he meant.

What the hell is this?Are you planning to hold me up first, and then tell your purpose?

"Well." Sopa nodded solemnly, and said again, "Yes, in my opinion, you are the new hope of the alliance!"

After he finished speaking, he continued to describe without waiting for Lin Wen to speak: "The head of elves has not appeared for nearly a hundred years. As a profession recognized and trusted by legendary elves, elves can only be given by legendary elves. The leader, the relationship with the legendary elf can be said to be very close!"

"And... the head of the elf is also the only person who can communicate directly with the legendary elf now."

Lin Wen still didn't quite understand what he meant, he just listened quietly and didn't speak.

"Since you can become the head of the elves, it means that there is still a possibility of easing the relationship between humans and legendary elves!"

"After all, the legendary elf is still given the profession of the leader of the human elves, which means that maybe more than a hundred years later, the mentality of the legendary elf has also changed, and the cold war between the two sides may be alleviated. !"

Having said this, Sopa looked at Lin Wen with solemn eyes: "Researcher Yang Yan, this is about thousands of trainers, as you are the only elf leader in the past [-] years, the alliance can ask you , become the link between the legendary elf and the alliance to ease the relationship?"

Sopa's voice just disappeared, and the system prompt sounded in Lin Wen's ear.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Ding Dong, Sopa, the top executive of the alliance, issued a mission: Ease the bond of relationship. Do you accept it?"

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