
Hearing Sopa's inquiring voice, and looking at the expectation in the eyes of the high-ranking members of the alliance, Lin Wen knew that there was no way that this matter could be fooled like this!

Gotta give the league a decent answer.

He groaned slightly and fell into thought.

At the other end, Sopa was not in a hurry at all, quietly watching Lin Wen in thought, without any intention of interrupting!

The cold war between the alliance side and the legendary elf has been going on for a long time, and now he suddenly sees the hope of recovery. Although Sopa's mood is very urgent, he still remains calm.

It's been this way for a hundred and fifty years, and now it's just a few minutes, ten minutes of waiting, what is that?

It's a piece of cake!

Therefore, seeing Lin Wen sinking into contemplation, he had no intention of urging him at all, but just quietly watched Lin Wen thinking, waiting for his reply.


Lin Wen thought about it for five minutes!

After thinking for a long time, he finally spoke slowly.

He did not directly answer whether he wanted to accept the task, but instead dragged the pregnancy to another point!

"In my opinion... the disgust and disappointment of the legendary elves, I am afraid that it has nothing to do with the alliance's letting the evil forces run wild!"

Lin Wen said decisively.

This is what he just came up with!

In the elf world, although the elf alliance is the most powerful, there are also many villains in various regions!

Rockets, Plasma, Shadows, blah blah blah...

Almost every region has its own evil forces doing bad things, polluting the environment in the elf world!

The reason why Lin Wen said this is that he has personally come into contact with it and has a certain feeling!

The strength has been greatly reduced, and the Rocket Team, which has been on the verge of collapse, needless to say, in the Chengdu area, during the Royal Dragon Trial, Lin Wen encountered the shadow team led by the old man Jin Jin!

Their goal is the huge fast dragon!

Lin Wen couldn't forget the hateful face of the dead gold old man!If they hadn't invaded the Dragon Sanctuary, then the huge fast dragon would never have fallen into a deep sleep!

All the malignant tumors of the evil forces are revealed!

While in the Hezhong area, he also encountered a local evil force, the Plasma Corps!And their personnel are also fighting against the three holy swordsmen, looking forward to taking them into their pockets and using them themselves!

It can be said that the existence of evil forces has caused serious problems to the peace in the wizard world! (The king is good)

With these thoughts flashing in his mind, Lin Wen stared straight at Sopa and kept talking.

".々Although those people are evil forces, they are also human beings!"

"In the eyes of the legendary elves, there is no essential difference between alliances and evil forces. After all, they are all formed by humans!"

Speaking of this, Lin Wen couldn't help frowning: "As the saying goes, a single rat feces ruins a pot of porridge, these evil forces are obviously the rat feces in the elf world, the cancers in humans, if we can't pull out these cancers! I'm afraid! The attitude of the legendary elf to humans will not improve at all!"

"Lord Sopa, you also said that the fire at the Bell Tower was because the evil forces sneaked in and wanted to capture Ho-wang, causing the fire and making Ho-king disappear completely from the sight of human beings!"

Chapter [-] Unsolvable Problems

"Everything, in the final analysis, the alliance is too indulgent to the evil forces, and their courage is getting bigger and bigger, which has caused the dissatisfaction of the legendary elves, which will lead to the current attitude!"

Lin Wen took a breath and made his point of view clear!

Although this is the point of view he concluded, in fact, it is basically close to the truth!

As he said, in the eyes of the legendary elf, there is no fundamental difference between the evil forces and the alliance, both of which are formed by humans!It was the actions of the evil forces that caused the dissatisfaction of the legendary elves, and the inaction of the alliance made the dissatisfaction of the legendary elves even more, thus causing the current situation!

The root of everything is here!

It can be seen from the current pattern of the elf world. It has been more than a hundred years since the fire of the Bell Tower, but the evil forces finally touched the rocket of the bottom line of the alliance and the legendary elf because of the development of artificial elves. The team was almost wiped out, and the evil forces in other areas are still rampant!

They are wreaking havoc on the entire elf world, and their eyes fall on all the cherished elves, trying to capture them to achieve their own evil forces!

If these cancers are not removed, it is undoubtedly wishful thinking to want the legendary elves to forgive humans!

After hearing Lin Wen's statement, Sopa did not refute, but fell into silence...

His face paled a little, and after a long time, he finally sighed slowly.


Then, facing Lin Wen's direct gaze, Sopa slowly said, "Researcher Yang Yan, you are indeed right."

"But..." Sopa paused, his expression slightly gloomy.

"But what?" Lin Wen hurriedly asked.

Sopa shook his head slightly: "We have also thought about this, but the evil forces are not cleaned up after all..."

"Where there is light, there must also be shadows. Although the alliance has a very powerful force in the entire elf world, it is not omnipotent after all. We can't control everyone's mind!"

"It is precisely because there are countless human beings who have their hearts turned towards evil that evil forces appear. This... We have no way to organize." Sopa said euphemistically.

"After eliminating one evil force, as time goes on, there will be a second, third, or even more evil forces emerging. This is something that the Alliance cannot stop at all! Otherwise, it would be impossible for each region to have it. There are so many villains, they are like the dark side of our human beings, which can never be completely eliminated."

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