
Sopa paused, then smiled bitterly: "Now, with the development of evil forces in various regions, with the power of the alliance alone, there is no way to eradicate them if you want to eliminate them... Unless the legendary elves also join the battle!"

"Actually, in this battle against Team Rocket, if the artificial elves angered the legendary elves, they took the initiative to show up after the alliance's contact, I am afraid that the alliance would not dare to start the battle easily!"

"If you want to eradicate these evil forces that currently exist, unless the legendary elves also join... But now, it is impossible. After all, although the legendary elves are disappointed with humans, at present, those still exist. Except for Team Rocket, none of the evil forces in the sect has violated the limits of the legendary elves, and it is undoubtedly hopeless for the alliance to want to affect them."

Sopa narrated very sincerely, and there was helplessness in his tone.

As a high-ranking member of the alliance, he has a better understanding of these things, so he will be even more helpless!

The tail can't fall off!

Initially, the alliance did not directly take measures against the birth of evil forces, but now, as time goes by, the strength of the major evil forces is getting stronger and stronger, and the alliance has no possibility of eradicating them!

Although defeat is possible in terms of strength, there must be the existence of this trapped fish. If you want to eradicate it, only the legendary elf can make it possible!

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Otherwise, the wildfire will not burn out, and the wind will blow again, defeating an evil force, but it will not be long before it reappears!

This is the point of the Union's helplessness!

Lin Wen was able to see through the fact that the legendary elf's attitude towards mankind did not improve because of the evil forces, and the top leaders of the alliance could naturally see it!

But they... there is really no way to cause such a situation to happen!

Seeing Sopa's helpless appearance, Lin Wen couldn't help but feel a headache!

He could feel Sopa's mood. After he made his proposal, he heard Sopa's reply, and he undoubtedly understood the meaning of the alliance...


Obviously... the alliance has indeed encountered such a situation now, and this kind of thing will happen!

If it is possible, the alliance side naturally also wants to completely clean up the evil forces, so that the attitude of the legendary elves towards themselves has improved.

But...that's impossible!

There is absolutely no way to do it!

Just as Sopa himself said, where there is light, there is darkness. In a complete world, it is definitely impossible to have positive energy everywhere!

There must be countless villains!

They can't clear all the evil forces in one fell swoop, nor can they organize the formation of each evil force!

After hearing Sopa's narration, Lin Wen undoubtedly felt the difficulties of the alliance!

He frowned, thinking about countermeasures!

Let him be the connection hub between this alliance and the legendary elves, Lin Wen would refuse directly without even thinking about it!After all, he also thought of it himself, when the evil forces exist, it is almost impossible for the legendary elves to change their attitude towards humans!

In this case, he also touched the brows of the legendary elf, which was undoubtedly a joke!

Although Lin Wen really wanted to help the alliance and improve the relationship between the alliance and the legendary elves, the premise was that his own interests would not be lost! .

Chapter [-]: Complete the task with the task

Of course, Lin Wen is not stupid, he will not risk the damage to the relationship with the legendary elf to come to help the alliance fearlessly!

To sacrifice oneself for others, to benefit others at the expense of others, this has never been Lin Wen's style!It has never been considered by Lin Wen!

What he is thinking now is, is there any other way to help get into the league.

From Sopa's expression and tone, Lin Wen can also feel that the alliance side really wants to restore the relationship with the legendary elves, but... how to restore it, they have no way!

Lin Wen frowned slightly, his thoughts turned sharply, and he was also thinking about countermeasures.

At the other end, seeing Lin Wen falling into silence, Sopa sighed and fell silent.

As a senior member of the alliance, he undoubtedly thought about many ways to restore his relationship with the "one, two, three" elf, but none of them worked.

However, this time, Team Rocket's research on artificial elves finally brought the alliance and the legendary elves back in contact. Moreover, the appearance of Lin Wen, the elf leader, undoubtedly gave him a lot of hope!

After hesitating for a while, Lin Wen's mind flashed, and he suddenly thought of something!

He thought of the task he first received from Lugia, the god of the sea!

Save Little Lugia!

That was the task given to him by Lugia, the god of the sea, after Lin Wen had just become the head of the elves!

However...because of the existence of strength and information, this task has not been completed until now.

"Maybe... this is an opportunity?" Lin Wen thought of this thought.

He hesitated for a moment, looked at Sopa, and said slowly, "I'm here... but there's a way I don't know if it's feasible."

Hearing Lin Wen's words, Supa's eyes lit up immediately and asked, "Researcher Yang Yan, what is the solution?"

Hearing his question, Lin Wen made a complete decision and slowly recounted: "It's like this... When I was given the identity of the head of the elf through Lugia's approval, Lugia once entrusted it to me. I have a mission."

"What mission?" Sopa asked.

"Save Little Lugia!" Lin Wen said.

"Little Lugia?"

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