"That's right!" Lin Wen nodded and said, "The mission given to me by the god of the sea, Lugia, is to help him find the offspring abducted by humans and save the Lugia family!"

Lin Wen's words did not stop, and continued: "Although the strength of the sea god Lugia is very strong, in comparison, its offspring are much weaker, and will be captured and abducted by human beings who are willing to use them. !"

Lin Wen's eyes turned to Sopa: "I'm thinking... whether the alliance can help me, and also help Lugia to complete this task!"

"Help Lugia find its offspring, which will naturally increase Lugia's goodwill towards the alliance! Take this as a breakthrough to try to change the attitude of the legendary elves towards humans!"

Having said this, Lin Wen smiled embarrassedly: "This can be regarded as a task to complete the task, to help Lugia find the heir, and it can also enhance Lugia's favor and trust in me, but I know in Lugia. With the help of the alliance, the attitude towards the alliance will definitely change!"

"Actually, although this time because of Team Rocket's death, a man-made legendary elf Mewtwo was researched, because the legendary elf appeared in anger... But looking at it now, this is a good thing!"

"After all, according to what you said, the Alliance has not been in contact with the legendary elves for a long time, but now... because of Team Rocket, they have reconnected with the legendary elves, and there has been a qualitative breakthrough. And... this large-scale mission to Team Rocket is undoubtedly an action statement, letting the legendary elves know that humans are also working hard! It is undoubtedly a good start!"

While listening to Lin Wen's narration, Sopa nodded secretly!

Every point that Lin Wen said, no doubt pointed to the core, very correct!This made him, a high-ranking alliance leader who had lived for a long time, couldn't help but talk about it. Researcher Yang Yan has grown up to this point, naturally he has his own uniqueness!Very accessible!

After hearing Lin Wen finish, Sopa nodded and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, just do as you said!"

"The alliance side will fully assist you to find the trace of Little Lugia and help you complete the task!"

"After all... this is the only way at the moment!"

"Hmm..." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

"As for the next thing..." Sopa whispered.

"Let's talk about the next thing later." Lin Wen suggested: "The alliance had better try its best to complete this mission first, so that the attitude of the sea god Lugia will change. After this mission is completed, look for other There are ways to improve the alliance and the legendary elves, so as to make changes and work hard step by step!"

Having said this, Lin Wen shook his head: "Frozen three feet, not a day's cold, the cold war between the alliance and the legendary elves has lasted for so long, it is undoubtedly a long process to restore the previous state, It is far from being solved by a gesture or two!”

"Otherwise, the attitude of the legendary elves, Kong Ao, would have changed a long time ago, and he wouldn't have waited until now!"

"You're right." Sopa nodded, agreeing with Lin Wen's statement.

"Since that's the case... this matter will stop here for the time being." Sopa said, "I will order it to go on, and let the trainers of the alliance help find the traces of Little Lugia, and at the same time find things that can promote the alliance and the legendary little boy. The way of the elf relationship!"

5.5 At the end, Sopa looked at Lin Wen sincerely: "Researcher Yang Yan, thank you very much this time!"

The alliance side wanted to ease the relationship with the legendary elf for a long time, but after the fire of the Bell Tower and the disappearance of King Ho, they could not contact the legendary elf at all!

And now, the appearance of Lin Wen undoubtedly gave them hope!

And... Lin Wen even shared his mission, which gave the alliance the possibility to show favor to the legendary elves!

Therefore, Sopa's thank you can be said to be sincere!

As a senior member of the alliance, he has a high position and holds great power!Compared to him, Lin Wen is just a little elf researcher! .

Chapter [-] Precious Letter of Introduction

But for Lin Wen, he didn't despise him in the slightest, he was completely treating him as an equal figure!

All of this... At first, it was because of the king-level combat power displayed by Lin Wen, but now, the respect is even stronger. This includes Lin Wen's identity as the elf leader, as well as actions to help the alliance find a way, etc.!

"No thanks, this is what I should do." Lin Wen shook his head gently and said modestly.

Helping the alliance and the legendary elf to change the relationship can be said to be beneficial to Lin Wen. When it does not affect his own interests, Lin Wen will naturally do his best to complete it!Find a way to increase the chips on the alliance side!

Now, the main purpose of coming to the Golden City Elf Alliance, the reward has been achieved, and this unexpected gain, the dialogue with the alliance executives, Sopa has finally come to a temporary conclusion, Lin Wen is no longer ready to stay, ready to leave leave.

Just when he was about to speak, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind, and 17 made him swallow his words and say another sentence instead.

"By the way, I may go to the Carlos area to complete the task next. I wonder if Sir Sopa, do you have a certain understanding of it?"

Going to the Carlos area is naturally for the advanced quest of the lord of Shanaido!

This quest was received by Lin Wen a long time ago, but because it involves the legendary elf, Xerneas, it is very difficult to find, and the location of the Carlos area is far away, so it has been shelved until now. To finish, it is time to bring up the process.

The Carlos area is relatively far from the Guandu area, and it is also an area that Lin Wen has never been to before. I don’t know much about it. Now I have met a high-level alliance leader, and Lin Wen is going to see if I can ask him for some news. .

"Are you going to the Carlos area?" Sopa was slightly stunned, and then smiled: "These are all small things."

"I can't introduce you to the Carlos area...because I don't go there often, but I can provide you with a letter of introduction from the Carlos Alliance. After you arrive in the Carlos area, as long as you contact the alliance, naturally help is available.”

Sopa paused slightly: "Only the local people know more about things in the Carlos area, so I won't show off."

"letter of introduction?"

Lin Wen suddenly felt a little surprised when he heard the words. This was definitely an unexpected gain. After arriving in the local area, with the help of the alliance, it would undoubtedly be smoother!

Although researcher Yang Yan's reputation has begun to spread to the entire elf world, in the final analysis, his status in the alliance is here, just a small researcher in the Guandu area.

Someone who knows him will give him a share of face and offer help, but in the same way, if he doesn't know him, he will naturally ignore him!

And Sopa is different!

This is the high-level personnel of the Alliance Headquarters!The status is definitely not weaker than that of the king, and because it is a manager, I am afraid it is even higher!

With his letter of introduction, he can undoubtedly provide Lin Wen with great convenience!

"Thank you so much!" Lin Wen thanked.

"It's just a small matter." Sopa waved his hand, then sat back in the chair and raised his head: "Researcher Yang Yan has made so many contributions to the alliance, it's just a letter of introduction."

After speaking, he lowered his head, picked up the pen, and started writing!

Lin Wen stood aside and waited.

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