Driving the flashing dragon, Lin Wen returned to the golden city again, but this time... he did not fly in the city with much fanfare, but outside the city, and let the flashing dragon land in a hidden place, and was then put away by him !

Lin Wen walked directly to the airport in Golden City.

As the largest and most prosperous city in the Guandu area, the buildings in Golden City are very complete!Naturally, there are also airports.

Soon, Lin Wen arrived at the Golden City Airport!

There are not many people in the airport, compared to the many means of transportation in Elf Century, everyone has a variety of choices, passenger cars, ships, planes, and even directly taking the Elf to travel. Players have many choices.

After buying the ticket to the Carlos area, Lin Wen came to the terminal, found a place to sit down at will, and prepared to wait for the plane to take off.

The time of his arrival was also a coincidence. In half an hour, the plane to the Carlos area departed. As long as you wait for a while, the ticket check will begin.

Sitting on the seat in the waiting room, Lin Wen looked around aimlessly, looking around.

Immediately leaving the Guandu area and heading to the Carlos area, it is a completely unfamiliar place. Lin Wen still has some nervousness in his heart... After all, this is an area that he has never been to before!

However... After a slight nervousness, he is confident. With his current strength, he asks himself that it is almost impossible to encounter a task that he cannot complete. Even if the lord level promotion task involves a legendary level elves, Lin Wen is also confident!

As long as he can successfully find Xerneas, he has a certain confidence to complete the task!

When I thought of this in my mind... Lin's tattoo side, about three or four meters away, suddenly heard an exclamation!

"The Great God of Yang Yan???"

The exclamation was full of disbelief, causing Lin Wen to subconsciously look up.

Turning his gaze, Lin Wen couldn't help but be slightly stunned after seeing the figure in his sight.


The player who called him was a female player and a girl.

If this is the case, it will not make Lin Wen feel wrong. After all, he has a lot of female fans. He has no shielding measures on his body now, and it is completely normal for him to be recognized!

What surprised him was... this female player, he had seen it before!

It was the one he met when he was traveling to the Hezhong area on a passenger ship, the deputy head of the Forum Yang Yan Group!

Night fish!

It was this girl!

"It's really the Great God of Yang Yan!"

Seeing Lin Wen turn his head, Ye Xiaoyu saw Lin Wen's face clearly, and couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice.

Her voice was full of surprises and surprises, and she was obviously very surprised that she could meet the Great God of Yang Yan for the second time!

Looking at Lin Wen in front of her, she couldn't help being a little lost.

Lin Wen coughed lightly and said, "Ye Xiaoyu, are you coming to fly too?"

The sound of Lin Wen's coughing woke Ye Xiaoyu up. Hearing Lin Wen's question, he nodded quickly and said, "Mmmm!"

Then... she said with expectant eyes: "God Yangyan, where are you going?"

"I..." After hesitating for a while, Lin Wen didn't lie and said, "I'm going to the Carlos area."


Hearing this, Ye Xiaoyu nodded in disappointment.

Although she also wants to take a plane, the target is not the Carlos area... Although the two meet again this time, it is obvious that the fate is not as deep as last time, and they can take a Kechuang, which makes Ye Xiaoyu suddenly feel Somewhat disappointed.

But then, she adjusted her mentality, the sisters of Yang Yan Group, but they can't even see the Great God Yang Yan!As for herself, she has actually met twice, she is already very lucky!You can take it out and show it off!

Thinking of this, Ye Xiaoyu's depressed mood was instantly swept away, and he said with exclamation in his eyes: "God Yangyan, you are so handsome in this world-class mission! How domineering!"

The tone is full of idol worship!

Before waiting for Lin Wen to speak, Ye Xiaoyu continued to say: "One person defeated a senior cadre of Team Rocket! Moreover, he once broke into Team Rocket's base by himself and almost overturned it. The most handsome is Commanding the legendary elf from the back, Lugia fought! It's so handsome!"

As the deputy head of the Yang Yan Group and a die-hard fan among female fans, Ye Xiaoyu naturally has a very good understanding of Lin Wen's affairs, and now praises it very seriously. .

Chapter [-] Offline Waiting

"Thank you for the compliment."

Lin Wen only smiled and nodded in response to the girl's compliment.

Just as he was about to speak, a radio sound suddenly sounded in the waiting hall.

Lin Wen listened attentively, it was the flight he was on, and the ticket check was about to begin-!

This made Lin Wen have to smile apologetically at Ye Xiaoyu, and then said, "Let's talk next time, I'm going to check the ticket."

"Okay." Ye Xiaoyu nodded quickly: "God Yangyan, go!"

Then... she watched Lin Wen's figure go away and gradually disappeared.

After Lin Wen completely disappeared from her sight, Ye Xiaoyu did not hesitate and went directly to the forum!

Start showing off!

"Yang Yan Tuan: I met Yang Yan again at the airport today, and he was so handsome that he exploded! 》

In front of the post, with the front stamp of Yang Yan Tuan, it was sent by Ye Xiaoyu, the deputy head of the Yang Yan Tuan well-known in the forum. This made this post just after it was refreshed, and I didn’t know what to attract. How much attention!

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