Ye Xiaoyu is just a refresh, and there are many replies below.

"Fuck? True or false, I envy the landlord."

"Sister Xiaoyu? Are you hanging up? This is the second time you've met the Great God Yang Yan! I'm so envious of 嘤嘤baby..."

"No pictures, no truth!"

"I've taken off my pants, so you can show me this?"

"I envy the deputy head, I really want to meet the Great God Yang Yan..."

Ye Xiaoyu flipped through the post and grinned at Shui Tie's reply. Seeing the envious reply from the members of the Yang Yan Group, he couldn't help raising his eyelashes, showing a proud expression.

It can be seen that she is very happy to encounter Yang Yan's heart twice!

Lin Wen didn't know about Ye Xiaoyu's performance, and even if he did, he would probably just shrug and don't care.

After checking in... Lin Wen boarded the plane very quickly.

In the roar, the plane soared into the sky and flew towards the Carlos area!

The outside environment gradually changed, from the buildings on the ground to the blue sky and white clouds.

Lin Wen calculated slightly and found that it would take a long time to reach the Carlos area, which made him feel a little tired. While heading to the Carlos area, it happened to be off the assembly line for a rest.

Thinking of this... Lin Wen directly chose to go offline.

Then... Lin Wen opened his eyes in the game room and glanced at the time at will.

It's only afternoon...and the day will be a long time to end.

After coming out of the game room, Lin Wen frowned and went to the bathroom to wash his body.

He cleaned very carefully. After cleaning all the dust on his body, he casually put on a T-shirt and big pants, and walked out of the bathroom!

Just as he opened the bathroom door, Lin Wen heard the sound of the living room.

That's the sound of TV!

After walking out of the bathroom, Lin Wen looked at the sound...I saw Lin Qi, this little girl, sitting on the sofa and watching TV intently, very cute.

After she came back, this little girl gradually changed from a room under the car to a home. Lin Qi was still in a good house, but she was finally willing to come out of the room, and there was a huge improvement!

Presumably... with the passage of time, the character of this little girl will gradually change completely!

Thinking of this in his mind, Lin Wen's eyes inadvertently aimed at Lin Qi, who was lying on the sofa, and there was some wolfish light in his eyes...

He thought about the last time he was offline from the game.

It was undoubtedly a good opportunity to bring the two closer together, but because of Lin Wen's momentary negligence, he didn't seize it, causing the little girl who was delivered to him to run away, which is really a failure!

Now... I met this little girl outside the room this time, and I couldn't let this weird little goblin escape again...

Lin Wen thought of this, and his heart was inevitably warm, but his expression was calm, and he couldn't see the wretched thoughts in his heart. After a light cough, he walked towards Lin Wen.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Lin Wen already had a plan in mind. He was going to chat with this little girl, relax her vigilance, and then get to the point.

Who knows, just when Lin Wen walked towards Lin Qi, he seemed to hear Lin Wen's coughing sound. Lin Qi's eyes fixed on the TV suddenly turned around. After turning around, he saw Lin Wen walking towards her. Wen, with surprise on his face, said crisply: "Brother, are you playing the game?"

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly, then came to the side of the sofa, not far from Lin Qi's side, and sat down.

Then... his eyes turned to Lin Qi.

Because this little girl is at home, it can be said that she is wearing very cool clothes. She wears a dark vest on her upper body, which faintly prints the shape of Bro inside, which is full of temptation.


The lower a pair of denim shorts, and the long white and tender legs are exposed, causing Lin Wen to swallow unconsciously.

"Little girl is getting more and more beautiful..." Lin Wen couldn't help thinking in his heart.

While Lin Wen was staring at Lin Qi, the little girl was also staring at Lin Wen, her eyes were full of nostalgia, and then... she suddenly said, "Brother..."

Lin Wen was also about to speak, when he heard the words, he stopped the words in his mouth and said, "You speak first."

Lin Qi burst out laughing, full of splendor.

"Brother, I caught a very cute elf in the game recently!" Lin Qi said.

"Huh?" Lin Wen blinked and asked curiously, "What kind of elf?"

"It's a pink fat man!" Lin Qi replied excitedly, "It's chubby and chubby, and it looks very cute."

"Really." Lin Wen agreed with her, his tone full of doting.

Seeing that his younger sister could play so happily in the game, Lin Wen also felt that it was not a waste of time to bring her closer to the game.

Lin Wen rarely played the game, which obviously made the little girl Lin Qi very excited, pulling Lin Wen to talk about things. .

Chapter six hundred and forty-eight Lin Qi's initiative

Recently, there have been world-class quests in the elf world that have attracted the attention of the whole world. Obviously, this little girl has been paying attention and has some understanding of Lin Wen's actual situation.

"I went to the forum to watch your video." Lin Qi said with admiration: "It's so handsome! Especially the commanding Lugia and boss Sakagi to fight at the end, it's really cool!"

Hearing the little girl's praise, Lin Wen smiled and said softly, "It's okay, it's okay."

Not knowing his modesty, Lin Wen was a little dissatisfied, his mouth pouted slightly, and he said, "It's okay! I recently flipped through the information video about you on the forum, whether it is Whatever you do, it can always cause a sensation among players!"

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