"Look... like other "[-]" players, they are all following the plot and completing the tasks as the system releases them, but you are completely different, you are clearly chasing the plot, Every step is ahead of others, just like this expansion film "Chaomeng's Counterattack" is because you led out the legendary wizard in advance, Chaomeng, it will appear!"

Lin Qi said like a treasure!

In fact, as she said, as for other players who are passively waiting for the plot to develop, Lin Wen, who can actively push the plot forward and lead the other players step by step, can undoubtedly be called a real game. player!

This point is easy to say, but what can really be achieved is very rare. Lin Wen has undoubtedly successfully achieved this point!

In the elf century, he has been pushing the plot forward, and every time he makes a move, it will cause a lot of sensation, and it is widely circulated among players and NPCs!

The well-deserved No.1 of the Elf Century!This is something that many Elf Age players recognize!

However, seeing this little girl praising herself with adoring eyes, Lin Wen couldn't help shaking his head and said modestly, "Don't praise me."

"Actually, compared to others, I have slightly better luck!"

"In the early stages of the game, I gained a certain advantage, and then I successfully expanded the advantages I gained in the early stage, and finally I reached this point."

Having said this, Lin Wen couldn't help but sigh: "I can only say that my luck value is very high. It has developed step by step to the present, and an unstoppable snowball effect has been formed. As time goes by, I will only get more and more stronger."

When he said this, Lin Wen's tone was full of confidence!

Lin Qi looked at him with blurred eyes, and suddenly spoke up, interrupting Lin Wen!

"elder brother!"

Lin Wen stopped his voice, looked at Lin Qi, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

Being stared at by Lin Wen's eyes, Lin Qi's face suddenly flushed, and there was a little entanglement...

She pursed her lips and seemed a little hesitant. She unconsciously pinched the corners of her clothes with both hands, obviously hesitating.

Seeing her like this, Lin Wen couldn't help but speak again and asked, "What's wrong?"

Hearing Lin Wen's question, Lin Qi seemed to have finally made up his mind, looking directly into Lin Wen's eyes, his face flushed, and he said, "Brother, let's kiss!"

Lin Qi said this after a lot of psychological choices...

Because... Lin Wen's dazzling performance in the game made this girl subconsciously feel a little uneasy...

There was nothing special about Lin Wen in the past, but now, with his growing reputation in the Elf Century, Lin Wen has long become a sweet pastry in the eyes of others.

Lin Qi is very concerned about Lin Wen's affairs, so he is more aware... Now, Lin Wen has countless fans!

Among them, there is no shortage of female fans!

Just like the Yang Yan Heart fan group formed by players on the forum, the Yang Yan group, most of which are formed by female players!

Everything... is because of Lin Wen's outstanding demeanor!

This kind of situation makes Lin Qi feel a little uneasy in his heart. Although there are occasional rumors of Yang Yan's heart in other people's mouths, the news that Yang Yan has a girlfriend, but... Now in an open society, who would care These?

With a goalkeeper, can't you score goals?

Fans' impulse towards idols can break all constraints!

So... After making up his mind, Lin Qi mustered up a lot of courage and said this sentence...  

After Lin Qier spoke, Lin Wen was stunned.

He stared blankly at his sister, never expecting that she would make such a request so proactively.

After looking at the other party's shy but firm eyes, and realizing the unease hidden in the depths of Lin Qi's eyes, Lin Wen was a little stunned...

Her dazzling performance in the game and those so-called female fan groups really made this little girl feel uneasy.

Although I don't care about these things, and I'm not usually affected by them, but... this is something that really exists. For Lin Qier, it can be called her threat.

A woman is an extremely insecure creature. It is understandable that Lin Qi would feel nervous and uneasy because of her excellence.

But how much courage does it take to make her so bold and take the initiative?

After plucking up the courage to say these words to Lin Wen in 5.8, Lin Qi closed his eyes, as if he no longer dared to look at Lin Wen.

Lin Wen felt a touch of emotion in his heart. Looking at the closed eyes of the girl in front of him, she looked like she was being picked by you. Her trembling eyelashes revealed the tension in her heart.

Lin Wen couldn't control it any longer, and he kissed him affectionately!

Girlish feelings are always poetry.

The slightly cool lips were like jelly, which brought Lin Wen an incomparably novel feeling.

Lin Wen seized the opportunity and tried his best to feel the sweetness of the other party. Such opportunities are rare.

The breathing of the two gradually became heavier and better.

Lin Wen's other hand began to move restlessly...

Chapter [-]: Win the Championship

Lin Wen's hands were as nimble as wearing flowers and butterflies. From under the thin little T-shirt, he gradually moved towards the area with a gentle shape...

Lin Qi struggled subconsciously, but was caught by Lin Wen's strong arms, unable to move.

Finally, he climbed to the top!

Despite the clothes, Lin Wen couldn't stop Lin Wen from feeling the girl's delicate skin and the soft touch of milk pudding...

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