In addition, when Lin Wen was looking for information about the Carlos area, he saw many interesting anecdotes and attractions.

The entire Carlos region is composed of sixteen towns, with a complex geographical environment and a very beautiful environment.

For example, the manor villa of the fallen nobles has been transformed into the ancient wood town of a tourist destination.

The town of Shilin is proud to have precious stones that seem to surround the ancient times and are arranged in a similar manner.

Located by the sea, the city of Bharat has a tower of refinement with legends about mysterious stones.

There is also a very famous and very popular Sea Wing City with endless views and a mild climate.

In the entire Carlos region, it can be said that there are many famous scenic spots, attracting countless crowds for sightseeing.

Places like Azure Bay, Shining Cave, and Balfam Incense Hall have attracted countless people to visit.

Wizard Century is not only a game, but also a famous virtual tourist destination. .

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth rare leisure

Finally arrived at the Carlos area, and after a short wait, Lin Wen got off the plane.

The place where he landed this time is the central city of the Carlos region, a metropolis that gathers the essence of technology and art, Miare City!

After walking out of the airport, the face of the entire Miare City was also revealed in front of Lin Wen.

On the streets, there are walking players and NPCs everywhere, and occasionally two or three cute ones can be seen running wildly on the streets.

This relaxing scene undoubtedly made Lin Wen feel better.

It can be said to be the most prosperous city in the entire Carlos area. There are many shops on both sides of the street. In this city full of art, Lin Wen's mood is rarely relaxed.

The Carlos area and the Guandu area are far away. The customs and habits of the two areas are completely different. Just standing here, Lin Wen can already feel the difference between the two areas.

For a while ago, he had been focusing on various battles, one after another, Lin Wen had not been so relaxed for a long time... So, he did not rush to the Elf Alliance in Miare City, but chose to go along the Walking along the streets, leisurely strolling.

After all, this is the Carlos area, which is far away from the Guanduchengdu area. The players here are not so familiar with the Heart of Yang Yan. Moreover, he came to Miare City by transportation this time. Lin Wen's iconic elf, the Flash Dragon, has never appeared, so Lin Wen has a rare experience of ordinary times.

A person... admiring this art-filled city, walking freely along the streets, and the mind is greatly relaxed.

According to the map he had prepared before, Lin Wen already knew that the street he was currently on was called Spring Avenue!

Pedestrians on both sides are dressed very fashionably, full of fashion.

According to legend, this is the area where Miare City attaches the most importance to dressing up...

Lin Wen wandered aimlessly... After walking straight forward for a while, his eyes fixed on a building on one side.

This is a cafe that looks very elegant. On the door plaque, the words Rising Sun Cafe are engraved.

With a slight movement in his heart, Lin Wen stepped into it, ordered coffee and snacks, chose a seat by the window, sat down, and began to savor.

His eyes fell outside the cafe. The people who came and went, dressed in different colors, were in a particularly peaceful mood...

The emergence of virtual reality technology has allowed many players to join the game out of the experience of a beautiful environment.

Compared with the real world, all kinds of things in the virtual world are undoubtedly more beautiful and more attractive.

After quietly staying in the cafe for a long time, Lin Wen was savoring this rare silence.

He hadn't been so relaxed in a long time.

Since the Dragon Dragon Trial, one thing after another, the completion and appearance of each mission have been perfectly linked together, and he can't let him relax at all.

Lin Wen knew that everything he was doing now was achieved through hard work in the age of elves, so he didn't dare to relax at all!

In the past few days, the continuous battle with Team Rocket made Lin Wen very tired.

But now... I finally have a chance to relax.

He experienced this rare beauty very rarely, and seriously appreciated this city full of art. He was very relaxed as if he was traveling.

Miare City, as a very prosperous metropolis in the Carlos area, has a beautiful environment and strong artistic atmosphere. The whole city also has a completely different style.

After walking out of the Rising Sun Cafe, Lin Wen wandered aimlessly along the street in the entire city of Miare.

His speed is neither rushed nor slow, this is a rare free time, so Lin Wen is also very relaxed...

The location where Lin Wen landed was not far from the center of Miare City, so... he soon came to the central square.

In the center of Miare City, in the central square, there is a crystal tower, called the Symphony Crystal Tower, and the Miare City Gym is located in the Symphony Crystal Tower.

The tall crystal tower stands in the middle of the square, which is very eye-catching. Surrounded by humans and elves who are playing in the central square, they look very relaxed.

Players and NPCs all have them. In this artistic metropolis, they experience a rare relaxation and tranquility.

Lin Wen's steps didn't stop too much, he made up his mind to take this opportunity to relax and have a simple understanding of Miare City, so he continued to stroll as far as he could.

On the way, Lin Wen also passed by the Stone Pavilion in Miare City.

This is a shop that specializes in selling stones. It sells stones that can make Pokémon evolve. However, Lin Wen walked in and walked around, and then backed out, because it only sells water stones and fire stones. , Leaf Stone, and Forest Pattern are not needed.

In addition, Miare City has Four Seasons Avenue. In addition to the Spring Avenue where Linwen first landed, Miare City also has Summer Avenue, Autumn Avenue, and Winter Avenue. Every street has its own Unique well-known shops and buildings.

Baby Arena, Erliu Restaurant, Sliding Swing Cafe, (Zhao Hao) and so on, the list goes on and on.

A fashionable clothing store that sells fashionable dresses, a Chinese pharmacy that sells elf Chinese herbal medicines, Miare Art Museum that admires paintings...

Lin Wen walked along the street all the way, and the whole person's mind was greatly relaxed.

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