He visited all the well-known places in Miare City, enjoyed it enough, and felt that he had fought several times before.

The fatigue brought on by it has been somewhat diminished.

After relaxing, Lin Wen finally regained his mind and was ready to go to work!

Shanaido's Lord-level promotion mission!

Lin Wen is very optimistic about Shanai Duo. The super-type elf is blessed by nature, and Shanai Duo is the best among them. If Shanai Duo can successfully evolve into a lord-level elf, then its strength will undoubtedly be greatly enhanced. ! .

Chapter [-] Someone wants to see

Even the current Shanai Duo, relying on its powerful special attack attribute, is also the main force of the forest-patterned elves. If it is promoted to the lord-level elves, then the combat power will be won and the changes will be earth-shaking and become more powerful!

In Miare City, there are many taxi facilities. Players can pay to go directly to various locations in the city. Lin Wen directly found one, and then took a taxi to the Elf Alliance in Miare City!

He was somewhat thankful for the letter of introduction provided to him by Sopa, the high-level leader of the Elf Alliance, so that he did not have to go to the Carlos area again and became confused.

With the existence of a letter of introduction... Lin Wen can also seek the help of the Carlos Regional Alliance, which can undoubtedly greatly improve his progress and increase his hope of finding Xerneas.

The taxi shuttled through the city, and soon came to the Carlos Elf Alliance.

After getting off the taxi, Lin Wen's eyes fell on the elf alliance in front of him.

The elf alliance in each region is one of its landmark buildings. It is very spectacular and covers a huge area... After Lin Wen glanced at the alliance buildings in the area of ​​​​Carlos, he walked in. into it.

In the alliance... there are many NPC staff who are busy at 377, wearing the uniform uniform of the elf alliance, in addition, in the alliance hall, you can also see a small number of players, among them.

Just after Lin Wen entered the hall, an Alliance girl in uniform stepped forward and asked in a sweet voice, "Hello, do you need any help?"

Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and said, "I am Yang Yanzhi, a researcher from the Guandu area, and I came here...to seek the help of the alliance."

After finishing speaking, Lin Wen paused, and took out the letter that Sopa handed him from his backpack: "Here is a letter of recommendation from Lord Sopa."

"Heart of Yang Yan?"

The sister staff member of the alliance was stunned for a moment, and then covered her mouth in surprise: "You are Researcher Yang Yan?"

In this situation, Lin Wen was stunned for a moment, a little unclear, so...

"Could it be... that my fame has spread to the Carlos region?"

Lin Wen didn't know that this battle with Team Rocket was a world-class mission involving all parts of the world. After the Team Rocket branches in various places were cleaned up, everyone's attention was focused on Rocket. The most powerful area of ​​the team, the Kanto area!

That's why... many characters from other regions have also noticed the rookie of the Alliance, the Heart of Yang Yan, who is very prosperous in this battle!Researcher Yang Yan!

Obviously... this girl from the alliance also knows this.

After she was slightly surprised, she read the letter of recommendation that Lin Wen handed over and read it twice.

After all... She can't be sure whether this is the real Heart of Yang Yan, and she also needs to verify it.

After simply flipping through the recommendation letter, the alliance girl raised her head and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, please wait here for a while, and I will contact our person in charge here."

"Okay." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Afterwards, the alliance girl grinned at him, then turned and left.

After watching the sweet foreign trade staff leave, Lin Wen retracted his gaze, directly looked for a seat, and sat down.

He bowed his head slightly, and glanced at the people who were busy in the alliance...

After all, this is not the Guandu area, and Lin Wen's reputation is not so strong, so... when Lin Wen sat quietly on the edge, he was not recognized by others. This one is the most outstanding in the recent alliance. 's trainer, Heart of Yang Yan!

After waiting for less than two minutes, the former Alliance girl walked towards Lin Wen with a smile on her face.

Lin Wen looked over, and saw a middle-aged man in a suit behind the girl, who seemed to have some status.

Soon, the two came to Lin Wen.

The alliance staff girl stepped back slightly and vacated the place.

The middle-aged man in a suit stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, welcome to the Carlos area. I am the representative of the Carlos area."

Lin Wen was so polite, so naturally Lin Wen couldn't turn a blind eye. He also extended his hand, and the two shook hands.

"Hello." Lin Wen said.

The representative of the Carlos area sent to receive Lin Wen smiled, and then said: "Not long ago, we just received a communication from Master Sopa, saying that you are coming to the Carlos area, but I didn't expect you, Researcher Yang Yan. It came here so quickly."

Lin Wen smiled slightly, and then said: "The matter is more important, so I didn't delay."

"Yeah." The representative of the Carlos region nodded, expressing understanding.

Hearing him say that Sopa had also communicated with this side, Lin Wen couldn't help but feel warm, and it could be seen that this alliance elder was still very concerned about his affairs.It seems that it should help the Alliance as much as possible to restore the relationship with the legendary elves.

Thinking of this in his mind, Lin Wen couldn't hold back any longer, and asked, "That... about Xerneas, do you have any specific news?"

He came to the Carlos area this time, but it was to find Xerneas, so as to complete the lord-level promotion quest for Shanaido. Now with the help of the alliance, the progress will undoubtedly improve a lot, but Lin Wen is still I wanted to finish it before the carnival competition, so I was very anxious. After seeing the representative of the Carlos region, I couldn't help but ask.

"Researcher Yang Yan, don't worry about that..."

Who knows, after hearing his question, the representative of the Carlos region instead waved his hand and did not answer directly, a mysterious smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Researcher Yang Yan, we have a very familiar person here. Your big man has been waiting for you for a long time... Now I hear the news of your arrival, and I want to see you."

Familiar with my big shot?

Lin Wen was a little stunned. This is the first time he has come to the Carlos area, let alone a big man... He doesn't even know the people here?

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