How can there be a big man who is familiar with him coming here and waiting for him? .

Chapter [-] Champion Karuna

Lin Wen was a little confused...

Could it be that people from other regions came to the Carlos region and heard the news of their coming, so they wanted to meet with themselves?

Lin Wen's heart surged with this kind of speculation.

Looking at the invitation from the representative of the Carlos region in front of him, Lin Wen nodded, temporarily suppressed his inquiry about Xerneas' news, and nodded, "That's fine."

He paused, and couldn't help but ask: "Can I ask, who is this big man~?"

"You'll find out when you see it." The representative of the Carlos region sold off, then turned around and said, "Please come with me."

Taking the lead, he took a step and walked towards the rear of the alliance.

Lin Wen quickly followed.

In his heart, he was still very confused about who the big man who wanted to meet him was. Even if he thought about it, he couldn't think of a suitable person.

Someone who can be called a big man by the representative of the Carlos region who came to welcome him is definitely not a player!

After all... Although the players are not much weaker than NPCs now, their status in the alliance is completely incomparable!

Is it NPC personnel?

Even if it is an NPC, I am afraid that there are not many people who can be called a big man to lead the way in front of him, right?

Following behind the representative of the Carlos region, Lin Wen fell into deep doubt.

The alliance in the Carlos area is very broad. After walking out of the alliance hall with the representatives of the Carlos area and coming to the rear, Lin Wen turned left and right with him, and walked for more than five minutes before finally coming to the end. area.

This is a door.

The representative of the Carlos region glanced at Lin Wen with a smile on his face, then moved forward and slowly opened the door.

Lin Wen's eyes looked inside, and he saw that inside the gate, there was an elves fighting the battlefield!

This elf is very perfect for the battlefield. Both sides have a platform for trainers to command, and the center is the battle area for the elf.

After opening the door, the representative of the Carlos area walked in first, followed by Lin Wen, who also entered.

"Who will meet you in this kind of place?"

Lin Wen's heart was full of doubts.

His gaze fell on the elf facing battlefield in front of him, and soon... he saw a figure.

In front of him, the representative of the Carlos area said, "Researcher Yang Yan, I'm leaving now, so I won't disturb your time with Miss Karuna."

After he finished speaking, he nodded towards Karuna at the other end with a smile, then turned and left the elf battle place.

In place, only Lin Wen was left, and he was still very shocked!


Lin Wen never thought that the person who invited him to come to meet would be the champion of the Carlos region, Miss Karuna...

The distance between the two is currently less than ten meters. Lin Wen can clearly see everything about her. After seeing Karuna's appearance, Lin Wen's eyes flashed with amazement.

She was dressed in white with golden stripes on the cuffs and waist as decoration. The end of the hem of the gorgeous skirt was propped up and extended almost parallel, with wing-like decorations on the back, adding a sense of mystery.

On the white neck, a necklace hung with a very special-looking gemstone, which looked very elegant.

At this time, Karuna was walking towards Lin Wen with a kind smile on her face.

Although it seems that this is just a very beautiful woman, Lin Wen... but he knows the information about her clearly, so he doesn't dare to despise her in the slightest!

This... is the champion of the Carlos region!

It was the first time that Lin Wen had met the champion since he entered the age of elves!

To be the champion of a region, then the strength you have is completely unimaginable, very powerful!

Moreover, Lin Wen also knew clearly that this Miss Caruna, in addition to being the champion of the trainer, is also a well-known actress in the Carlos region. She is very famous and has many fans!

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It can be said that... this is a very powerful woman, who has developed in many ways, not only has a moving appearance, elegant temperament, but also has a strong strength!

"But...why did she come to see me?"

This question appeared in Lin Wen's mind.

It was precisely because he knew the identity of the other party that Lin Wen was even more shocked and inexplicable. In his memory, he had never had any connection with the champion lady of the Carlos region, let alone met. , and have never even contacted once!

Lin Wen can be sure... Before he came to the Carlos area this time, he hadn't even heard about Miss Karunai.

"Could it be that... I'm too handsome? Charisma has already surpassed the sky, so all the champions are attracted?" Lin Wen couldn't help but think with some narcissism in his mind.

But then, he threw this rather amusing idea aside by himself. It is true that the current Lin Wen is very famous in the elf century. He has a group of players and fans, and many NPCs are also very fond of him because of his deeds. Admiration, but saying that because of these, the champion of a region can be attracted, Lin Wen can't believe it!

What's more, in addition to being the champion of the Carlos trainer, the Miss Caruna in front of her is also a well-known actress in the Carlos region, and she is very famous!

Lin Wen dares to say that in the Carlos area... those who know Miss Karunai can definitely send those who know the heart of Yang Yan to the sky in seconds...

Miss Karuna is a well-known intellectual woman and a famous actress, so it is impossible for her to join her eagerly because of her charm.

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