This is undoubtedly a very shocking thing!

What's more, this trainer is not a well-known figure in the alliance, but a rookie trainer who has suddenly appeared recently!

A rookie trainer whose strength has improved rapidly, until now, every record shows that he already has the combat power of the king!

It is precisely because of these... that Karunai became curious about Lin Wen, and invited him to meet after Lin Wen came to the alliance in the Carlos area.

Ka Lunai smiled slightly after seeing Lin Wen's relieved look, and said, "Actually... I invited you to come and meet, there is another reason."

"There's another reason?" Lin Wen was slightly taken aback, not knowing why.

"Researcher Yang Yan, you should be breeding a Shanaido, right?" Karuna suddenly asked.

"Yes, I do have a Shanaido." Lin Wen nodded.

Karuna's eyes showed a look of anticipation: "My main elf is also a Shanaido. It is precisely because I want to meet Shanaido trainers in other regions that I choose to meet you."

It was so!

Lin Wen was slightly stunned, Ka Lunai is indeed a trainer famous for Shanaido!

As far as Lin Wen knows... It is said that Karunai's Shanaido can evolve into a Super Shanaido, and his strength can be said to be very powerful!

Of course... being a champion shows Karuna's strength in itself.

Having said that, the doubts in Lin Wen's heart were swept away!

He completely understood why Karuna would meet him.

Just when he was about to speak, Karuna took the lead and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, can I take a look at your Shanaido?"

Her eyes flickered with anticipation, although according to the information, Kalu knew that the Yang Yan researcher's Shanaido was also a very powerful elf, but... in the information, how could it compare to seeing it with her own eyes?

She really did chat with Lin Wen with a communication mentality.

Hearing her question, Lin Wen nodded and said, "Of course."

Then... He took out the Poké Ball, and after the light flashed, Shanaido appeared in place.

At this time, Shanaido, because of wearing the super crown, added a noble aura to her body, standing quietly in the same place, but very eye-catching.

After Shanai Duo was released again, he first glanced left and right. He was a little puzzled after not seeing the enemy. In the telepathy, Shanai Duo's voice came: "Master Yang Yan?"

Lin Wen felt its doubts, and just nodded slightly like it.

Aside, Karuna's eyes were fixed on Shanaido.

As a Shanaido trainer, she can easily identify the level of Shanaido's cultivation!

You must know that Shanai Duo of Linwen has mastered many profound skills, and even a powerful elf who can fight Chaomeng in the state of super power runaway!

After just observing it carefully for more than ten seconds, Karuna said with exclamation in her tone: "Researcher Yang Yan, your Shanaido... has been cultivated really well."

Lin Wen smiled slightly and said, "You have won the prize."

Ka Lunai shook her head again and again, looking at Lin Wen's eyes with more appreciation, and the two began to talk.

They are all trainers of Shanaido. Naturally, they have their own unique insights into the growth of Shanaido. As the champion of the Carlos region, Kalunai knows his strength, so naturally, there is no need to say more.

And now, Lin Wen can have the combat power of the king, and his strength is not weak, and as a player, he has many unique insights, which makes Miss Karunai amazed.

It can be said that the two talked very happily, and had a very pleasant negotiation on the cultivation of Shanaido.

During this period, the summoned Shanaido quietly watched his master have a conversation with the beautiful lady opposite, and under the command of Lin Wen, showed it to Karuna.

After some conversation, the two of them both gained something, with smiles on their faces, feeling that it was a worthwhile trip.

"Miss Karuna, to tell you the truth, I came to the Carlos area this time to improve Shanaido's strength..."

"Oh?" Karuna showed a curious look and said, "I would like to hear more about it."

Lin Wen's gaze turned to Shanaido by his side, and he slowly recounted: "This Shanaido was obtained by me in the Meteor Lake Forest in the Guandu area."

"When I first got it, it was still a Kirulian, and then, under my cultivation, it grew into a Shanaido"

"However, as Shanaido's strength gradually became stronger, I also realized that the leader level is already restricting its development!"

117 "If you want to continue to improve, you can only make Shanaido a lord-level elf!"

"For this reason, I went to the Meteor Lake Forest specially and asked the owner there, a very wise lord-level hippo king. According to its prompt, if you want to improve Shanaido's strength, you can only find the legendary The Fairy King Xerneas!"

"Because my Shanaido's next evolutionary method is to carry out bond evolution, not ordinary super-evolution, so I must find the trace of Xerneas."

"Evolution of fetters?" Ka Lunai was slightly surprised when she heard the words: "Is this path you it actually this path?"

As the champion of the Carlos region, Karuna has a wealth of knowledge. Although the evolution of bonds is very rare, she also understands relevant information.

Therefore, I also have a better understanding of how valuable and difficult the evolution of fetters is...

Karuna's brows were slightly wrinkled, and she looked at Shanaido, who was standing peacefully beside Lin's tattoo: "I didn't expect... Researcher Yang Yan, you have such an opportunity."

"However, bond evolution should be the most difficult of all evolutions..."


Lin Wen nodded lightly, and he also knew in his heart the difficulty of bond evolution. .

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth chapters learn from

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