Lin Wen looked at Karunai and continued: "It is precisely because of this... I came to the Carlos area this time, and the reason why I first came to the alliance was actually to use the power of the alliance to investigate Find out if there is any trace of Xerneas, so that Shanaido can be further improved."

"It turns out that it is." Ka Lunai nodded lightly, not knowing what to think, suddenly said: "Researcher Yang Yan, the trace of the legendary elf is very difficult to find, and the evolution of fetters is very difficult. However, here I am. There is a surplus of Shanaido MEGA evolution stones, if you give up looking for Xerneas, I can give it to you, and I can also improve the combat power of Shanaido to a certain extent."

After finishing speaking, Ka Lunai's blue eyes fixed on Lin Wen.

This is definitely an investment!

Needless to say, the preciousness of the MEGA Evolution Stone, Ka Lunai said bluntly that he could give it to Lin Wen, which is precisely because he saw the potential of Lin Wen and wanted to please him!

This is also seen as a friendship investment from the Carlos region to the future powerhouses in the Kanto region.

After finishing the narration, Karuna's eyes were fixed on Lin Wen, waiting for his reply.

"Shanaiduo's MEGA Evolution Stone?" Lin Wen was slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

Shanai Duo can evolve into Super Shanai Duo, this is something Lin Wen knows, and the champion of the Carlos region in front of him, Miss Carunai, has a trainer who can evolve into Super Shanai Duo.

Compared with the lord-level promotion quest, super evolution is undoubtedly a way to become stronger immediately, and it can be seen from Karuna's tone that this piece of Shanaido's MEGA evolution stone is obviously a free gift. No need for him to pay any price.

It's just within reach, and it's hard for anyone to refuse!

But Lin Wen was just stunned, then shook his head gently and said, "Sorry, Miss Karuna, I still hope that my Shanaido can evolve through fetters instead of using evolution stones to improve his strength' ”.

Although the MEGA evolution stone can also improve the strength of Shanaido, this is undoubtedly a short-term approach!

In the wizard century, the most important thing is the template!

Boss-level templates, lord-level templates, and legend-level templates!

The difference between each template is huge!

Templates can be seen as the potential of elves. Now, as a leader-level elf, Shanaido has obviously limited potential. From a long-term perspective, only by becoming a lord-level elf will the potential increase greatly, so that there will be more possibilities for wireless in the future. sex!

Although the temptation of the evolution stone is great, after all, it is a prop that can be obtained without paying anything and greatly increases the strength of Shanai Duo, but Lin Wen still decisively refused, without considering it at all!

From entering the Elf Century to the present, Lin Wen has gone through a lot of things, and his vision has naturally been much higher. He has a very long-term view. He doesn't want to give up the powerful potential that Shanaido can tap because of the Evolution Stone!

Hearing Lin Wen's decisive reply, Miss Karunai's eyes flashed with admiration, and she nodded lightly, "I understand, Researcher Yang Yan."

She was silent for a few seconds, as if she was thinking about something, and finally, under the gaze of Lin Wen, she slowly said, "I can help you find the legendary elf, Xerneas, and help you complete the task. ."

Lin Wen was overjoyed when he heard the words. With the help of the regional alliance, his progress would undoubtedly be much faster!

You know, there are only a few weeks left for the carnival conference, but Lin Wen thought that he could return to participate in that time.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to thank him, he saw Miss Karunai showing a charming smile in front of him, and said softly, "But... Researcher Yang Yan, you have to promise me a condition."


Lin Wen's eyes widened, some wondered what this champion, Your Excellency, needed his help!

The other party is not only the champion of the Carlos region, but also a well-known actress... Lin Wen asked himself, this Miss Carunai can be counted as lacking everything. If there is something she can't solve, Lin Wen will also There is no self-confidence to solve...

Ka Lunai saw Lin Wen's nervousness, shook his head and smiled: "It's not a big problem, I just want to play against you."


Hearing this, Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

He thought it was something, but he didn't expect it to be such a simple request, Lin Wen didn't even think about it at all, just nodded and said, "."Of course."

Since he needed the help of the other party, he naturally had to satisfy the other party. It was hard to find someone who wanted to help him from the bottom of his heart, and Lin Wen also intended to have a good relationship with the other party.

The one in front of him, but the champion of the Carlos region, has his own right to speak in the alliance. If he wants to mix better in the alliance in the future, he will obviously need such friendly troops...

What's more, it's obviously not a bad thing to be friends with such a beautiful and powerful woman as Karuna.

The opponent is the champion of the Carlos region, and he can also help himself test his strength!

Many benefits flashed through Lin Wen's mind, and he felt that this was simply a good thing!There is absolutely no need to refuse, and the chance to fight against the champion is rare!

Seeing Lin Wen nodding in agreement, Ka Lunai showed a look of anticipation, and then explained: "Researcher Yang Yanyan (very good), this battle between us is not a very formal battle. ."

Lin Wen tilted his head slightly, a little puzzled.

Karuna's eyes looked at Shanaido on the side of Lin's tattoo: "I'm just happy to see the hunter, I just want to have a discussion with your Shanaido, we just click on it."

Hearing this, Lin Wen nodded in agreement.

This way of sparring is undoubtedly the one that Lin Wen likes even more... They won't hurt each other and are more in line with Lin Wen's wishes.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start." Karuna said, and glanced around: "This is the elves versus the war zone, we don't need to go anywhere else, just start here."


After a simple exchange, the two stood on both sides of the elves in the battle area. .

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth chapters learn from

This room is an elves fighting place. There are podiums where elves trainers stand on both sides. Now, Lin Wen and Karunai are standing in one of them.

And Shanai Duo of Linwen came to the elves in the battle area and stood quietly in the same place.

On the opposite side, Karuna showed a rather serious look, obviously attaching great importance to this sparring battle, and threw a Pokeball. After the light flashed, a Shanaido appeared in place.

Obviously... this is the main elf of the champion of the Carlos region - Shanaido who can undergo super evolution!

Lin Wen's eyes were fixed on Shanaido. As a regional champion, Shanaido is obviously very powerful!

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