Seeing that the first tentative attack had no effect, during the mental exchange, Karuna's order was conveyed again: "Xanaido, use the magic leaf!"

As the main elf that he has cultivated since then, Karuna and Shanaido can be said to be in the same spirit. At the moment when the order is conveyed, Shanaido has already moved!

Countless leaves exuding brilliant colors condensed in mid-air, and as Shanai Duo gently waved his hand, they came straight towards Shanai Duo!

"Is it a magic leaf..."

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed. In this round of attacks, his orders were a little slower, but he didn't care! .

Chapter six hundred and fiftieth seven test each other

With a look of excitement flashing in his eyes, Lin Wen said decisively, "Shanaiduo, we use multiple magic leaves!"

Shanaido understands!

Lin Wen, I want to try to have the most positive battle with this Carlos regional champion, Miss Carunai's Shanaido!

Countless magic leaves were condensed in midair. Shanaido, who was wearing a super crown, was very calm. Facing the countless magic leaves that came, he waved his right hand, and the multiple magic leaf skills he used immediately moved towards the attacking magic. Leaf - swept away!

Boom boom boom!

Skills collide!

The magic leaf skills of both sides bombarded together in mid-air, making a harsh explosion!

Multiple magic leaves, as Shanaido's elite-level skills, it is even stronger than magic leaves. After a fierce collision, there are still some magic leaves on the side of the forest pattern, and they face Karuna. The Shanaido attacked away!

This made Lin Wen look quite satisfied.

In the cultivation of Shanaido, he has put a lot of effort into it. It can be said that he has used many related props for Shanaido to improve his strength step by step.

Now... in the battle with the champion's main force, Shanaido, Shanaido did not fall behind. This was undoubtedly a scene that made Lin Wen more satisfied.

During the sharing of vision, Karunai saw the incoming magic leaves calmly, and in the spirit of communication, she whispered: "Shanaido, shadow avatar!"

The entire Shanaido's figure was immediately divided into several!I don't know which of them is the real one!

The magic leaf bombarded one of them. After the explosion, this "Shanaido" turned into a cloud of smoke, obviously not the real body!

The probing rounds of the two sides have completely passed!

"Shanaido, use the energy ball!" In the spiritual exchange, Karuna's meaning was known by Shanaido!

Energy Ball: Launches the life force collected from nature, while causing damage to the enemy spirit, it will reduce the enemy's special attack!

The light green energy ball was condensed, and then, it bombarded Shanaido in the forest pattern!

Seeing this, Lin Wen said softly, "Shanaiduo, use position swap!"

Position exchange: exchange positions with an object, and the upper limit of the exchanged weight is related to the special attack.

The entire elves have a very brief introduction to the battlefield. Only around the wall, there is a broom. Under the instructions of Lin Wen, Shanaido initiated a position exchange!

Shanaido's position disappeared instantly, replaced by a broom that looked very ordinary!

In the next second, the energy ball hit the broom and exploded, sending life force everywhere.

However... it was only facing an ordinary broom, and it just bombarded it to one side and fell to the ground.

And Shanaido, who flashed to the side through the exchange of positions, started the next attack according to Lin Wen's instructions!

"Xanadu, use the phantom attack!"

Illusion Attack: Materialize the mysterious power wave to attack the opponent, inflicting physical damage, damage value and special attack to the opponent.

Substantial thought power condensed and slammed towards Shanaido of Karuna!

Karuna responded calmly.

Both sides have tacit understanding and did not use super-evolution and fetter skills, after all... this is just a discussion.

During the battle, Ka Lunai and the super queen Shanai Duo had a seamless tacit understanding, which made Lin Wen secretly smack her tongue. The powerful strength of her Shanai Duo also made Lin Wen couldn't help but praise her. It is worthy of being the champion of the Carlos region. The background is too deep!

Of course, Lin Wen is not weak!

He has a lot of thoughts on Shanai Duo, and used a lot of resources to improve Shanai Duo's strength. Shanai Duo has comprehended the profound meaning skills, but Lin Wen has the most elves in his hands!

Coupled with Lin Wen's unique command, the two were evenly matched in the early stages of the battle!

But at the end of the battle, Shanaido inevitably showed a downward trend...a little inferior!

This is because of level restrictions!

Although I haven't seen any specific information about Karunai Shaneduo, after a battle, Lin Wen can be sure that this elf of Karuna is definitely a lord-level elf!

· · ·

In contrast, Shanaido, who is still a leader, is undoubtedly weaker.

Of course... this battle, there is no winner or loser. Before the battle, the point was to stop. After Shanaido showed signs of decline, the two stopped fighting!

And... this did not make Lin Wen depressed, but made him even more determined to make Shanaido stronger!

As long as Shanaido can be promoted to a lord-level elf, its strength will undoubtedly undergo a qualitative change, and it will undergo earth-shaking changes now!

After the battle, Karuna took the initiative to walk down from the podium on the other side and came to Lin Wen's side.


She looked at Lin Wen with deep appreciation!

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