Although I have a certain understanding of the new strong trainer, Yang Yan researcher, who has recently appeared in this Guandu area, from various relevant materials, but... Looking at the information, how can it be accurate to fight in person?

After discussing with Lin Wen, she undoubtedly has a certain understanding of Lin Wen's strength!

Although... at the end of this battle, her Shanai Duo took the initiative, while Lin Wen's Shanai Duo was slightly inferior and at a disadvantage, but Karuna would not look down on Lin Wen because of this, but looked more highly. I got some of him, and I appreciate him even more!

You know...she is the champion of the Carlos region!

Her Shanaido is its most important combat power!

As far as Karunai knows, although Shanaido can also be ranked in the forefront among the elves of the forest pattern, it is obviously not the number one. Or Ye Elf, I am afraid that it is stronger than Shanai Duo!

What's more, this Shanai Duo obviously did not use all his strength in this competition, and the hidden combat power is still worth looking forward to.

Of course, Karuna's Shanaido didn't use all his strength, and both sides had reservations. After all... this was just a point-to-point sparring.Not a real contest. .

Chapter six hundred and fifty-eight the task of nowhere to start

However, all of these things made Ka Lunai appreciate Lin Wen even more, and at the same time, he was even more curious about how he grew up so quickly, from a rookie trainer, from scratch to become stronger so quickly, it is said to be like a rocket The growth rate is not too high.

It's hard to imagine a rookie trainer growing so fast!

After the battle, Lin Wen's mind was focused on the lord promotion quest about Shanaido. Karuni promised that as long as he had a battle with her, he could help him find the legend of Xerneas. Level Pixie's!

So... After Karuna came over, Lin Wen showed expectant eyes and said, "Miss Karuna... Can the Alliance start to help me find the trace of Xerneas?"

 "Nine Zero Three" Ka Lunai smiled when she heard the words, shook her head and said, "You are really impatient..."

Lin Wen smiled embarrassedly.

As his elf began to gradually transition to the lord level, it goes without saying that the flashing dragon was the lord level when he got it, and the leaf elf was also successfully promoted after Lin Wen completed the lord level task.

Lin Wen originally thought that his third elf to become a lord would be Shanaido, the elf who had been with him for a long time, but he never imagined that because of his relationship with Lugia, Minas would actually catch up with him. A hitchhiker can easily become a lord-level elf directly!

On the contrary, Shanai Duo, the elf that Lin Wen had already received information about the promotion of the lord-level elf, has never started to move!

Now... Lin Wen is very eager to promote Shanaido to a lord-level elf, so as to improve his strength.

Kalunai shook her head helplessly and smiled, without paying too much attention to this issue, she said seriously: "Researcher Yang Yan, I happen to have a certain understanding of Xerneas' intelligence."

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, and he immediately calmed down, ready to listen to the champion lady tell what she knew.

The opponent is the champion of the Carlos region, and it is no surprise to know the information about the legendary elves in the Carlos region!

"As far as I know, the last time Xerneas appeared in the eyes of the world was [-] years ago..." Karuna said with nostalgia in her tone.

"Eight hundred years ago?" Lin Wen was slightly amazed, and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"That's right." Ka Lunai nodded lightly, with a peaceful smile on her face. She admired Lin Wen very much, so at this time she designed the task of Lin Wen, and she described it very seriously.

"About [-] years ago, Yveltal devastated the forest of Oluans, nearly destroying all the creatures in the forest of Oluans, and Xerneas, who got the news, came and met I. Peltar has fought a great battle!"

Karuna spoke slowly.

As the champion of the Carlos region, she knows these secrets all too well.

"After that battle, Xerneas and Yveltar each fell into a state of near-death, and then fell into a deep sleep in the mysterious forest and mountains, and the traces of these two elves could no longer be found."

Speaking of which, Karuna said with some nostalgia: "When the war that shocked the entire Kalos region was carried out, the Alliance also wanted to help this legendary fairy-type Pokémon - Xerneas , but the self-esteem of the legendary elf is too strong..."

"What's more, Xerneas is also very sympathetic to other lives. In order to prevent it from affecting more people, ordinary people are not allowed to take action at all, which led to this ending."

Lin Wen frowned and listened to Ka Lunai's narration, and couldn't help but ask: "The alliance didn't take action, what about the other legendary elves? Yveltal caused such serious damage in the Kalos area, could it be? Are the other legendary elves left alone?"

Karuna shook her head gently, and said softly, "It's not that I don't care, it's that I can't control it."

Afterwards, she explained to Lin Wen: "The legendary elves each have their own responsibilities and need to sit in other places and cannot walk around casually."

"That's why... this tragedy happened. Xerneas and Yveltal fell into a deep sleep. Now that eight hundred years have passed, the two elves still haven't appeared in the world. It's like she's completely lost track..."

"Is that so..."

After listening to Karuna and finishing the information she knew about Xerneas, Lin Wen not only was not happy, but became a little desperate.

Because... the map of Elf Century is really too big!

The Carlos area is a huge area that is not inferior to the Quartz Plateau. Although it is known from Karuna that the current Xerneas is in a deep sleep in a forest somewhere, but he wants to live in such a place. Looking for a sleeping elf in a big place is undoubtedly worse, almost like finding a needle in a haystack!

"Could it be... Is it so difficult for Shanaido's lord promotion task?" Lin Wen sighed, his face a little decadent.

Now he is not afraid of encountering battles because of his tyrannical strength, but in the face of this kind of thing like finding a needle in a haystack, looking for a sleeping legendary elf on a huge map, he is undoubtedly unable to start.

This is a near impossible task.

Beside him, Ka Lunai keenly noticed Lin Wen's dejected appearance, smiled and comforted: "Researcher Yang Yan, you don't need to be so depressed."

"Huh?" A glimmer of hope flashed in Lin Wen's heart, and he looked at Karuna. 2.4

Seeing his gaze, Karuna smiled and said, "You know, eight hundred years have passed since Xerneas fell asleep... During this time, the alliance has never stopped. The search for the legendary elf Xerneas."

"After all, the significance of the legendary elf to the alliance is very important!"

Hope surged in Lin Wen's heart, the previous slump was swept away, his eyes were fixed on Ka Lunai, and he said softly: "Then... Does the alliance have any specific news about Xerneas?"

Karuna shook her head, but immediately followed, and said, "Although the exact location of Xerneas has not yet been determined, the Alliance has ruled out most of the areas after years of searching!"

Chapter [-] Target!White Sandalwood Forest!

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