"Please tell me where that place is." Lin Wen's eyes lit up, but Ka Lunai actually knew.

"Now, there are only a few areas left, which may be the sleeping place of Xerneas!"

Looking at Lin Wen's expectant eyes, Ka Lunai smiled slightly, and without further ado, she said directly: "Among these areas, the most likely place where Xerneas slept is the White Sandalwood Forest!"

"White Sandalwood Forest?" Lin Wen narrated the place name softly.

Before coming to the Carlos area, he had a certain understanding of the Carlos area, and he also had an impression of this place in his heart!

The White Sandalwood Forest is located around the city of White Sandalwood in the Carlos region. According to legend, the forest is filled with warm sunshine that passes through the gaps in the trees. It is a popular spot for forest bathing.

Xerneas...is he actually sleeping there?

From despair to hope 17, is undoubtedly a big psychological gap!

After hearing that Karuna had just finished narrating the information about Xerneas, Lin Wen almost wanted to give up this mission. After all... In Nuoda's map, wanting to find a sleeping elf is, really It is too difficult, this is not something that can be solved by luck, it is a completely impossible task!

And now... in desperation, I have received very gratifying news. It turns out that the alliance has not stopped searching for the legendary elf Xerneas, and after such a long time, there are also After a certain harvest, the location of Xerneas has been almost determined.

For Lin Wen, this was a huge surprise... He couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

However, after being happy, Lin Wen realized something!

Involving the sleeping legendary elf, I am afraid this is very likely to be the secret of the alliance!

After all... if this kind of thing is known to the evil forces, it will inevitably be tempted by the sleeping legendary elf.

This kind of information related to the place where Xerneas slept, let alone ordinary people, I am afraid that even the king may not know about it!Only the real top leaders of the alliance will know the information!

If it wasn't for Kalu, who was the champion of the Carlos region, and had a solid background, I'm afraid even she might not know the detailed information about where Xerneas slept!

If it wasn't for the information from Karuna, I'm afraid...he would be completely lost in the Carlos area, and he would be completely clueless!After all, the Carlos area is really too big, and it is undoubtedly a fantasy to find a sleeping elf in such a large area!

Thinking of this, in Lin Wen's heart, a deep sense of gratitude immediately emerged!

After all, if it wasn't for the meeting with Karuna this time, the lord-level advanced mission involving Shanaido would probably have...his mission this time would have been smashed into the sand.

At that time, the chain reaction brought about is very amazing!

Fortunately, it turns out that Lin Wen's Gao Luck has been playing a role. After letting him come to the Carlos Alliance Hall, he will be invited by Karuna. Until now, he has obtained this secret information from her that ordinary people can't even know. !

Thinking of this information, Lin Wen spoke to Karunai very solemnly: "Miss Karunai, thank you for your help."

Karuna smiled and waved her hand: "Everyone is a friend of the Alliance, I'm just providing some information."

"No..." Lin Wen slowly shook his head and said, "Miss Karunai, maybe it's just providing some information for you, but for me, it's a huge help."

"After all... There is information about a legendary elf like Xerneas, which is not known to ordinary people. If I hadn't met you, I'm afraid I would be confused when I came to the Carlos area."

Having said that, Lin Wen smiled sincerely at Miss Karunai: "Anyway, thank you, Miss Karunai."

After listening to Lin Wen's words, Karuna showed a bright smile, and then said, "Since that's the case... then I'll accept your thanks, Researcher Yang Yan."

Hearing this, Lin Wen also smiled.

Afterwards, he restrained his smile and said, "Miss Karunai, I won't stay here too much, and now I will go to the White Sandalwood Forest to look for Xerneas. This time, thank you for your help."

There are only a few weeks left until the carnival competition. After getting the news from Xerneas, Lin Wen is ready to complete this task as soon as possible, and strive to complete Shanaido's lord level promotion task before the carnival competition. .

Therefore, he didn't stay here too much, and after thanking him for playing Karuna, he was ready to leave first.

Hearing Lin Wen's words, Karuna suddenly burst into a charming smile, and then said, "Researcher Yang Yan, can I go to the White Sandalwood Forest with you to find Xerneas?"

"What?" Lin Wen was suddenly stunned, 110 almost thought he had heard it wrong.

The smile on Karuna's face did not diminish, and she repeated: "I said... can I go to the White Sandalwood Forest with you to find Xerneas?"

Lin Wen stayed where he was...

Did he hear it right?

The champion of the Carlos region, the very famous Miss Caruna, actually said that she would act with him to find Xerneas?

Working with a regional champion?

Lin Wen felt a little flattered!

You know, Karuna is not an ordinary person, this is a champion!A champion trainer, behind the title of champion, represents a strong strength!

And... she is a well-known actress in the Carlos region, very beautiful.

Such a person actually offered to go with him to the White Sandalwood Forest to find Xerneas?

Lin Wen was a little startled, and could not return to his senses for a long time.

You know, as the regional champion, Karuna is not idle, there must be a lot of things waiting for her to deal with every day.

Under such circumstances, Karuna actually offered to go with him to find Xerneas. What was this for? .

Chapter [-] is actually a peer!

Lin Wen was a little puzzled.

Could it be that... the Alliance has already found Xerneas?That's why Karuna is walking with her?

A guess appeared in Lin Wen's heart.

However, he denied it immediately. From the information Karuna said, Lin Wen already knew that the alliance's search for the sleeping place of Xerneas had never stopped. In this case, There is absolutely no need to send busy regional champions to join the hunt.

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