So... why exactly?

Lin Wen really couldn't figure it out.

The mind was broken, but Lin Wen was unable to come up with a reason. Karuni offered to act with him and went to the White Sandalwood Forest to find Xerneas. This really shocked Lin Wen, he must have The opponent is the champion of the Carlos region, a real big shot!

Lin Wen has never had such an experience. Before meeting Ka Lunai, the highest level in the alliance he had contacted was probably several heavenly kings in the Guandu and Chengdu areas, as well as Sopa who provided him with a letter of recommendation .

And now... the champion of the Carlos region, Miss Karuna, who I met for the first time, was going to go with him to find Xerneas and go on a mission together.

This is undoubtedly a shocking thing.

After speaking, Ka Lunai waited for Lin Wen's reply with a smile on her face. Lin Wen knew very clearly that the champion had definitely felt his shock and doubts, but he had no idea of ​​explaining it at all.

Facing the doubtful gaze handed by Lin Wen, Ka Lunai just smiled and didn't explain much.

Seeing this scene, Lin Wen also retracted his doubts and did not continue to explore.If you really can't figure it out, just don't think about it!

Lin Wen shrugged, completely relieved.

After all... it is a godsend to have such a great expert to help out!The regional champions are definitely the small group of people standing at the top of the human race. With the help of such a master, the possibility of Lin Wen completing the task has undoubtedly improved a lot.

With the help of a master, Lin Wen was also very happy.

At will, he stopped thinking about the reason at all, but said, "Okay, let's go to the White Sandalwood Forest together." preparations before, we will gather at the entrance of the Alliance Hall later?"

Karuna nodded and agreed, "Okay."

Then... in her attention ceremony, Lin Wen was the first to leave this elf battle place.


After a simple preparation, Lin Wen returned to the entrance of the Carlos Alliance Hall again.

In the wide gate, many people came in and out. Lin Wen glanced around, but couldn't see Karuna.

He was not in a hurry, and Lin Wen did not think that a well-known regional champion would let his pigeons go, so he stood there calmly and waited.

At this moment, from not far away, a voice suddenly came!

"Researcher Yang Yan!"

The voice was very familiar, and Lin Wen recognized it almost instantly. It was Karuna's voice!

Turning his head and looking at the a black car not far away, Karuna was sitting in the back seat, the window was rolled down, and she was gently waving her hand towards him.

Seeing this, Lin Wen hurriedly accelerated his pace and quickly came to the side of the car.

This is Karuna's private car.

As the champion of the Carlos region, Kalunai is undoubtedly a privileged figure, and it is very convenient to have a special car for travel.

At the very beginning, Lin Wen was still a little puzzled, why Karunai didn't show up, but just shouted at him in the car, but then.Lin Wen wanted to understand everything. You must know that in addition to being the regional champion, Kalu is also a well-known actress in the Carlos region!

It is very famous and has many fans!

This is like Lin Wen in the Guandu area. The celebrity effect is here, and if he shows up rashly, it will undoubtedly attract onlookers.

Lin Wen also sat on the back seat, and then the car started and headed towards the White Sandalwood Forest!


The interior of this car is very prosperous, and as a champion car, it naturally has its own uniqueness.

In the driver's seat, there is a driver in uniform, and between the front seat and the back seat, there is a black glass barrier, which allows people in the back seat to chat freely without worrying about being heard by the driver.

After Lin Wen got into the car, Karuna started to chat with Lin Wen.

For Lin Wen, a young rookie trainer, Ka Lunai can be said to be very curious and very appreciative. Although she has read the relevant information about Lin Wen, but... reading the information, how can it be compared to asking me?

She had read Lin Wen's information, and also knew of the many deeds Lin Wen had done. Some things made her feel a little surprised, and she couldn't help but ask at this time.

Facing this beautiful champion lady, the matter she asked was not a secret, so Lin Wen naturally did not hide it, and told some of his experiences truthfully.

The other party can be said to have helped him a lot. At this time, he only asked some questions, and Lin Wen did not feel bored at all.

What's more, Miss Karuna, herself is a beautiful woman with amazing charm!


After a period of driving, Karuna's special car quickly left Miare City and headed towards Baitan City.

As time passed, (Zhao Nuohao) Lin Wen and Ka Lunai also kept talking in the car, and after a period of driving, they came to the outskirts of the White Sandalwood Forest smoothly!

Then, the two got out of the car together.

Karuna's special car drove away, and the two of them looked at the white sandalwood forest in front of them.

At this time, the time of the Elf Century has come to winter, and just before Lin Wen came to the Carlos area, snowflakes just drifted in the sky, and now the snowflakes have just stopped.

The trees in the forest were covered with a layer of silver, and the ground was covered with white snowflakes.

The world of the Elf Century seems to be exactly the same as the real world, even more beautiful than the real world!

Looking at Ka Lunai, the two entered the White Sandalwood Forest directly through the entrance of the White Sandalwood Forest, ready to start searching! .

Chapter [-] The cooperation of Shuang Shanai Duo

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