Stepping on the ground with both feet, I immediately pressed out obvious footprints in the snow, forming a route. However, as the breeze swayed, the drifting snowflakes were blown away, and the footprints were covered again.

This winter environment made it harder for Lin Wen and Karuna to find them.

After entering the White Sandalwood Forest, Lin Wen released his own Shanaido.

Shanai Duo has a very powerful perception ability. It is obviously nonsense to find Xerneas in the white sandalwood forest by relying on Lin Wen himself. Only with Shanai Duo's perception ability is good.

The champion Karuna on the side saw this scene and secretly foreheaded, and summoned her own Shanaido!

Her Shanai Duo, at present, is stronger than Lin Wen's Shanai Duo, and her perception ability is not inferior.

The two Shanai Duo became familiar with each other after the battle not long ago. As the same race, their relationship progressed rapidly. After they were released, they took the initiative to get together. Luna laughed dumbly.

Lin Wen originally wanted to summon the Leaf Spirit and use it as a mount, but after Wei Wei weighed it, he gave up the idea, although according to Karuna's information, Xerneas Pole 840 might be in the White Sandalwood Forest. However, the area in the white sandalwood forest is not small, and it still takes a very careful investigation before it can be harvested.

The structure of the entire white sandalwood forest has a certain similarity with the familiar forest pattern of the Joban Forest. It is said that this is a famous forest bathing spot, and the warm sunshine through the shade of the trees makes people very enjoyable and very comfortable. was summer, but now it's winter, and it has just snowed, so I can only think about the pleasant sunshine I want to experience.

The two Shanaido were one after the other, carefully perceiving everything around them, and trying their best to find the trace of Xerneas.

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai followed behind, walking side by side, both of them tacitly did not speak, but carefully observed the surrounding environment, trying to find something.

Although compared to Shanaido...they are much less likely to find Xerneas, but trying hard is much better than doing nothing at all!

Walking along the passage of the White Sandalwood Forest (bhcj), Lin Wen saw a lot of elves that are only found in the Carlos area.

The grass-type Harley, the fire-type fire fox, the flying-type little arrow sparrow...

Each one is a unique elf in the Carlos region.

Lin Wen was very surprised. This was the first time he came to the Carlos area. He didn't know much about the elves here, but now he has enriched them a lot.

However... he did not fight or capture.

As a result, these elves located in the periphery of the White Sandalwood Forest are very weak, most of them are little guys who have just been born, their strength is poor, and Lin Wen can't even think of fighting...

Moreover, on the other hand, the configuration of the elves in Lin Wen's hands has also approached perfection. Because of his status as the master of elves, he carries as many as eight elves at the same time, but now he also has a full seven main elves, unless he is a master elves. If he encountered something that made him particularly excited, otherwise Lin Wen would definitely not be able to capture it easily.

He is typically someone who values ​​elites, not numbers.

Compared to catching a group of elves aimlessly, Lin Wen chose to capture excellent elves, cultivate them with concentration, and improve their strength.

In the peaceful white sandalwood forest, two Shanaido walked in front, closed their eyes slightly, and carefully sensed their surroundings, while two humans followed behind, their eyes swept around and searched.

This, of course, came to the White Sandalwood Forest to find the sleeping Xerneas' Linwen and the Kalos region champion, Miss Karuna!

They have been searching for three days in the white sandalwood forest!

The area in the white sandalwood forest is not small, and they need to search carefully so as not to miss it, so the progress is really slow. After three days in the white sandalwood forest, the two have only searched about one-third of the place. That's it.

In this regard, Lin Wen was not discouraged, he was prepared long before he started looking for it!

It must be... What they are looking for is a legendary elf who has fallen into a deep sleep. Its sleeping place must be very secret, and it is impossible to be easily discovered!

After coming to the Carlos area, he was lucky enough to meet the regional champion Karuna, and got the important information from her that Xerneas was sleeping in the White Sandalwood Forest, Linwen was already satisfied, and he was satisfied with finding Xerneas. Therefore, he was very calm and did not feel depressed because he did not gain anything.

After all... in itself, the place where Xerneas can sleep is the White Sandalwood Forest, which is already a huge progress!

After three days of searching together, the relationship between the two Sanados has become even better. One of them wears a gorgeous super crown on their head, and the other wears a mysterious evolution stone necklace around their necks, despite their appearance. It's almost the same, but the feeling it brings is completely different!

Ka Lunai's Shanaido, as the main elf of the regional champion, is powerful and has a compelling aura in itself, and following Ka Lunai, his eyes and ears show his heart, and his body is full of calm temperament. Lady Gao Leng is generally...

In contrast, Lin Wen's Shanaido is much more lively. It is very young, like a young girl in puberty, very lively.

In the perspective of these three days, the two Shanaido can be said to be working together, and they have carefully and seriously inspected the places they have walked, but unfortunately, there is no gain.

Two people, two elves walked in the woods of the white sandalwood forest, the air was very quiet, only the clicking sound they made when they stepped on the snow that had not completely melted because of the cold.

In summer, the number of visitors to the White Sandalwood Forest can be considered to be very large, and there are many tourists who come here, but now it is winter. If I want to describe it, it is the off-season of tourism in the White Sandalwood Forest. People who come here must Much less.

During the three days of exploration, Lin Wen and Karunai only encountered a small number of players and NPCs, and they were not found or recognized. .

Chapter [-] Accidental Discovery

If this kind of information is known to the players, it is estimated that it will cause an uproar.

The Great God of Yang Yan actually acted with the regional champion of Carlos, and the combination of strong powers may cause shock to many players!

Even in the NPC camp, Karuna's performance will give Lin Wen a certain potential improvement in the alliance's status.

Just as Lin Wen and Karuna were walking side by side on the path in the forest, a message suddenly came from Shanaido in the telepathy!

"Master Yang Yan, someone is walking towards here~ here!"

Lin Wen's heart moved, his eyes subconsciously looked at Karuna, who was beside him, and found that the regional champion was also looking at him, and he pulled his body and ducked towards the side of the trail...

"Huh?" Lin Wen was a little dazed, didn't quite understand what Ka Lunai meant, looked at Ka Lunai with puzzled eyes, and was about to ask...

From his point of view, he just met someone, so he wouldn't avoid it, would he?

Could it be that... Karuna is afraid of her being seen?No, they have encountered some players and NPCs in the past few days, and Karuna didn't dodge either, just kept a low profile.

Just as Lin Wen was about to ask, he was stopped by Karuna.

I saw Karuna stretched out a green index finger, put it to her mouth, and said softly: "Shh..."

Seeing this, although Lin Wen was still a little unclear, he immediately calmed down.

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