The two hid in a hidden place next to the trail, and if they hadn't checked carefully, they wouldn't have found it at all.

At this moment, not far away, suddenly there were footsteps.

Lin Wen subconsciously followed the voice and looked over.

If there is no guesswork... this should be the person Shanaido sensed!

Then, two figures entered Lin Wen's line of sight.

That was...two figures in red suits, walking along the path towards the depths of the white sandalwood forest.

"This is?!" Lin Wen's eyes widened.

The two men quickly passed the direction of Lin Wen and Karuna, and continued to walk forward.

At this moment, Karuna's voice came from the side: "This is a member of the Flare Team." Karuna showed a serious look: "I thought it would be a big man, but it seems that they are just two ordinary members, we Take action, and hand them over to the alliance directly!"

In each region, there are underground forces and evil organizations in each region, the Rocket Team in the Guandu region, the Plasma Corps in the Hezhong region, and the Carlos region, the Flare Team in red suits is the most famous!

Karuna obviously sensed through Shanaido that the members of the Flare Team were coming, so she chose to avoid it for the time being.

"But... take action?"

A flash of light flashed in Lin Wen's mind, he stopped Karuna, who was about to take action to deal with the two members of the Flare Team, and said, "Miss Karunai... I think that the members of the Flaming Team appear in the White Sandalwood Forest. For what reason!"

"I'm afraid they have some purpose, or things are going to be completed in the White Sandalwood Forest, and they came here. Instead of solving them, I can't help but follow them to see what the Flaming Team is going to do!"

Lin Wen slowly finished his narration, and looked at the backs of the members of the Flaming Team who were gradually moving away.

Hearing Lin Wen's explanation, Ka Lunai also calmed down. After thinking about it, she felt that what Lin Wen said was indeed reasonable!

The Flare Team is an unprofitable organization. Their members came to the White Sandalwood Forest, so they must have their purpose!

Otherwise... these two members of the Flare Team, are they here to travel here in the White Sandalwood Forest?

Obviously not possible!

Even travel, it should be summer, come to the white sandalwood forest to enjoy sunbathing, how can you come here in this cold winter.

Think these things in your mind.Karuna smiled, looked at Lin Wen and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, you are right. The Flare Team must have some conspiracy or plan, so they came to the White Sandalwood Forest."

"In that case..." She paused and then continued: "Researcher Yang Yan, do as you said! Let's follow them to see the specific situation!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????????

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

This is not the first time he has dealt with these evil forces. Basically, any of them are useless!Since they appeared in the White Sandalwood Forest, they must have their own plans!

Just as Lin Wen and Karuna were talking, the two members of the Flaming Team in front had already walked a long way forward, and their backs were about to disappear from their sight.

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai looked at each other and quietly followed behind!

The two Shanaido also followed, following behind the two Flare team members... walking towards the front.

The time in the fairy century has come to winter, and snowflakes have just fallen a few days ago, but now because of the cold weather, the snowflakes have not completely melted.


In the path of the white sandalwood forest, there is a thin layer of snow.

Wizard Century, can become the world's most popular virtual online game, part of the reason is because of the real environment inside!

In this detail, it is even more perfect!

Ahead, the two members of the Flaming Team rushed along the trail toward the depths of the White Sandalwood Forest, stepping on the ground of the trail, leaving shallow footprints.

This gave Lin Wen and Karuna the bottom to follow.

At the same time, the two Shanaidos are exerting their sensing abilities... sensing the specific positions of the two Flare Teams!

In order to prevent the snake from being caught by the grass, Lin Wen and Karunai hung far behind the two of them to prevent them from discovering.

It is winter now, and the traffic in the white sandalwood forest is very sparse, so if Lin Wen and Karune are too close, they will inevitably be found.

So...the two hung far behind them.

The two members of the Flash team in front obviously did not find the trackers behind, and did not pay attention to the back at all. In Shanaido's perception, they were still moving forward.

At this moment... In the telepathy, Shanaido's voice suddenly came: "Master Yang Yan, they have increased their speed!".

Chapter [-] Tracking

"Increased speed?"

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly, because he deliberately controlled the distance between the two sides, and they were in a dense forest such as the White Sandalwood Forest. At this time, he and Karuna could no longer see the two of them in the field of vision. Flare team member location.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Wen thought about it. It seems that the two members of the Flare Team are likely to ride on the elves and advance, and they should be elite villain members.

The area of ​​the White Sandalwood Forest is large and the terrain is complicated. These two members of the Flare Team must have been riding on the elf at such a speed. He must ride on the elf to continue to keep up.

On the side, Karuna's eyes also looked over, obviously, she also knew this information.

Afterwards, Lin Wen took out a "five zero zero" spirit ball, and after the light flashed, Ye Elf appeared proudly in place.

After seeing Lin Wen, it happily rubbed against Lin Wen's body, very friendly.

Karuna's eyes were fixed on Ye Elf's body, revealing a strong curiosity in her eyes.

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