As the only Leaf Elf King, he is already a powerful lord-level existence. As soon as he appeared, it attracted the attention of Karune, the regional champion.

With her eyesight, you can naturally see the powerful strength contained in Ye Elf's body. After nodding lightly, Ka Lunai asked, "Lin Wen, is this your Ye Elf? It's really powerful. "

Lin Wen smiled slightly and looked at Karuna.

He was waiting for Karuna to release her spirit as well.

Just relying on the two of them on foot, trying to catch up with the two of the Flare team who had already mounted the elves in front of them was obviously a fantasy.

Although... he has already summoned the leaf elves, and the leaf elves can carry two people at the same time, but facing the champion of the Carlos region, Lin Wen did not easily offend.

When the relationship is not in place, even if you make a good suggestion, it will affect the other person's opinion.

Karuna understood and took out the Poke Ball in her hand. The light flashed past, and a Pokemon also appeared in place.

After seeing the appearance of this elf, Lin Wen's eyes lit up!


The elf released by Karuna turned out to be an Absol.

This Absol is obviously very strong under the training of the champion. After Lin Wen's eyes fell, the system prompt that the wisdom eye skill failed again sounded in his ears.

Shaking his head, it seems... It is obviously impossible to check the combat power of this Absol.

Afterwards, the two straddled their respective elves and began to move forward rapidly!

After the two of the Flare Team rode on the elf, their speed increased sharply, but they were barely within the sensing range of Shanaido. Now...the two began to chase quickly!

Ye Elf and Absol are both very agile elves. They shuttle freely in the white sandalwood forest. They are very flexible and fast!

Needless to say, Ye Elf, the forest is its home field, and here, its speed has been improved to a certain extent.

And Absol, as the elf of the Carlos region champion Karuna, although the combat power is unknown, but thinking about it, he knows that he can be nurtured by the champion.

When the Leaf Elf carried Lin Wen quickly through the forest, Absol, who carried Karunai, was not weak at all, and followed the Leaf Elf closely!

In contrast... the object they tracked, the elves of the two Flare team members, didn't have such a fast speed!

With the rapid progress of Absol and Ye Elf, they soon caught up with the members of the Flare Team in front of them with the news from Shanaido's telepathy.

However... In order to prevent being discovered, the two had to control Ye Elf and Absol to slow down and hang behind the two Flaming team members.

This situation continued for about twenty minutes.

Finally, in the telepathy, Shanaido received news that Lin Wen's eyes lit up!

"Lord Yangyan...they stopped!"

At the same time, Karuna also heard the news from her own Shanaido!

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai glanced at each other and saw each other's consciousness. The two Flaming Team members stopped, obviously they had already arrived at the place they were going!

Where will it be?What could it be?

What is the purpose of Team Flare coming to White Sandalwood Forest?

They were only two or three hundred meters away from where Team Flare stopped. At such a short distance, it was too easy to be spotted riding a elf. Therefore, although Lin Wen and Karunai did not communicate, they did not They all got off the elves in a very tacit understanding, and took the two elves that carried them here back into the poke ball.  …

Then...according to Shanaido's hint, Lin Wen and Karunai followed the direction and quietly touched the position where the Flare team members stopped.

The trees in the white sandalwood forest are extremely dense. Although it is winter now, there are still many pine trees with dense branches and leaves with snowflakes on them, which gives Linwen and Karuna the best protection!

The two lowered their speed, reduced their voices, and slowly walked towards the position where the two Flaming team members stopped...

About [-] meters away!

Ahead, there was a sudden chatter!

Ka Lunai and Lin Wen looked at each other, and they could see the meaning in their eyes!

3.2 is in the right place!

Although I haven't seen the specific situation before, Guangguang can be sure that Lin Wen and Karunai rely on the noisy voice in his ears... Here, it is definitely not just the two Flare Teams just now. The presence of the team!

I'm afraid...there are more!

The members of the Flare Team did not come to the White Sandalwood Forest for no reason. They must have some evil purpose in gathering here!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen and Ka Lunai were shocked, and both saw the flash of joy in each other's eyes. After that, the two tacitly did not make any sound, and followed the source of the sound... quietly approached.

After moving forward about seven or eight meters, through the gap between the trees, the situation ahead was revealed to the eyes of Lin Wen and Karuna! .

Chapter [-]: Fradali

I saw that the place in front was an empty area!

Usually, this kind of slightly empty area exists in the white sandalwood forest, and it will not attract the attention of others.

But now, in this open area, there are many tents set up, and members of Team Flare are gathering here, resting and talking to each other!

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly. The dense forest gave him and Karuna the best cover. Although they were very close to the secret assembly location of the Flare Team, they were not discovered!

Just as Lin Wen was quietly observing, Karuna suddenly patted her on the shoulder.

Lin Wen turned his head and looked at Ka Lunai, he saw Ka Lunai frowned slightly, stretched out a hand, and whispered: "Researcher Yang Yan, that is the leader of the Flaming Team, Vladali. !"

Lin Wen followed her fingers and looked over, only to see the open space in the middle of the 17th belt, about ten meters away from them... A man in a black red suit was talking to the Flare team member next to him. !

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