He has a tall figure, the suit is black as a whole, with red stripes on the cuffs and seams, and a thick layer of plush on the neck.

What's more noticeable is...his explosive orange hair is so lush, it's noticeable at a glance.

"Is this... the leader of Team Flare?" Lin Wen frowned slightly.

As the champion of the Carlos region, Karuna knew who and what the leader of the Flare Team was. It was a matter of course, and Lin Wen didn't care.

What he cares about is... Fradali, the leader of the Flare Team, the purpose of appearing here!

You must know that in the basement of the Carlos area, the Flare Team is similar to the Rocket Team and the Plasma Team. In addition to the leader, there are cadres below, forming the framework of the entire organization.

Under this structure, many things do not require the leader to directly take action. As long as he orders his subordinates, someone will naturally complete it!

And now... in this temporary residence of the Flare Team, in addition to the general Flaming Team members, there is actually Fradali, the leader of the Flaming Team!

This made... Lin Wen had to pay attention, what exactly was involved that would make him, the leader, also take action?

Karunai on the side, as the champion of the Carlos region, has extraordinary knowledge. When Lin Wen thought about this... She also clearly thought of this and realized the importance of the problem!

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai looked at each other subconsciously, and both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes!

But...that's all.

The solemn reason is because he realized what the Flaming Team is going to do this time, and it is estimated that it is very related, but there is no tension in the eyes of the two!

After all, the identities of Lin Wen and Ka Lunai are here!

One is a champion trainer in the Carlos region. It is no exaggeration to call the Elf Alliance the strongest in the Carlos region, and Lin Wen is also not weak. He has a real king-level combat power. , it can be said that the world can go as far as possible!

After realizing that Team Flare's plan might be closely related this time, neither Lin Wen nor Karuna made any noise, so as not to startle the snake.They wanted to take a look. The Flaming Team came to the White Sandalwood Forest to think about what they wanted to do!

In Lin Wen's heart, a guess flashed, but he was quickly put aside temporarily.

Not far ahead, Fradali has already started a conversation with a member of the Flare team next to him!

The distance between the two sides is not too far, and it is in the relatively quiet white sandalwood forest. After holding his breath, the voice of the conversation between Fradali and the Flare team member was easily transmitted to Karuna and Linwen. ear.

Very clear.


"Leader... This time we came to White Sandalwood Forest, is it really for that mission?" The Flare Team member asked.

Fradali, who has an orange explosive head, nodded slightly: "That's right...it's for that plan."

"But... are those two elves really sleeping here?" the Flare team member asked.

Fradali nodded and replied, "According to the information I got, Xerneas is sleeping in the White Sandalwood Forest!"

On the other end, Lin Wen and Karuna clearly heard these conversations in their ears.

The two looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes!

Team Flare actually came for Xerneas, who was sleeping in the white sandalwood forest!

This is undoubtedly a very surprising news. No wonder Fradali, the leader of the Flaming Team, will personally lead the team. It involves the legendary elves. I am afraid that even the arrogant person will handle it carefully!

Lin Wen realized that he might have to come into contact with a new secret, because he listened more seriously!

In the Flare team camp, the conversation between Fradali 277 and the Flare team members continued.

Seeing the slightly startled expressions of his subordinates, Fradali smiled and said, "Since we are about to start implementing the plan, I can also tell you the ultimate goal of our Flaming Team this time."

"My original plan! It was to wake up the Yveltal who caused a huge disaster in the Carlos region hundreds of years ago, known as the nightmare of Carlos!"

"And capturing this Yveltal's natural opponent, Xerneas!"


The Flaming Team's plot is so big!In one fell swoop, two legendary elves were involved!

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai couldn't help but widened their eyes in surprise!

After the fire of the Bell Tower, the legendary elf and humans fell into a cold war. In the elf world, humans have rarely seen the figure of the legendary elf!

Because... they all consciously hid it!Don't be discovered by yourself!

It is precisely because of this that in the annihilation of Team Rocket some time ago, the two legendary elves, Mewtwo and Lugia, attracted a lot of attention!

And now... the target of Team Flare is actually two legendary elves! .

Chapter [-]: Team Flare's Conspiracy

Xerneas needless to say, as a legendary elf, its strength is very powerful, if it is successfully captured by the Flare Team, then the Flaming Team's strength will undoubtedly increase greatly!

And what's more serious... is the former!


Xerneas is a legendary elf of the good and lawful camp. He is kind-hearted and peace-loving, but his opposite Yveltal is the complete opposite!

As an evil elf, Yveltal is simply the incarnation of evil, very unfriendly and full of desire for destruction. Hundreds of years ago, the huge disaster in the Carlos region was caused by Yveltal. Initiated by one hand!

If it weren't for Xerneas' shot, I am afraid, the entire Carlos region would even be destroyed!

The destruction of the Legendary Pokémon cannot be ignored!

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