One of Team Flare's goals turned out to be to release Yveltal, which was simply for the purpose of destroying the Carlos region!After all, after sleeping for hundreds of years, Yveltal's anger will probably be even more violent. Once released, it may start to wreak havoc on the entire Carlos region and massacre!

There are good and bad, good and evil, legendary elf. Xerneas is the representative elf of the good side. On the contrary, Yveltal is undoubtedly the symbol of evil!

If Team Flare achieves its goal, the consequences are unimaginable!

Lin Wen and Karuna calmed down their fluctuating minds after hearing the news, and continued to meditate to get new news from Vladali's mouth!


After saying this, Fradali frowned slightly and said, "According to my previous investigation, Yveltal has actually recovered his strength, and all the injuries caused by the war hundreds of years ago have recovered, and he has recovered to his original state. The powerful evil-type legendary elf~"!"

He shook his head gently: "However, it was naturally sealed by Xerneas using superpowers and fell asleep in the forest, so if you want to wake Yveltar from his sleep, you must first wake up Zer. Nias!"

Fradali's eyes looked into the depths of the White Sandalwood Forest: "We came to the White Sandalwood Forest this time to wake up the sleeping Xerneas and try to capture it!"

A frenzy flashed in Fradali's eyes: "If Xerneas can be successfully captured, then the strength of our Flaming Team will increase dramatically!"

The Flaming team members on the side showed respect, and said respectfully: "I understand, leader!"

"Well." Fradali nodded lightly and waved his hand: "Go get ready, we will continue to act in a while, and look for Xerneas's sleeping place!"

The member of Team Flare nodded again and again, and then returned to the camp.

Fradali stood there for a while, as if after thinking about something, he also turned back and came to the center of the camp.

The conversation came to an abrupt end.

Not far away, Lin Wen and Ka Lunai looked at each other and saw the shock and solemnity in each other's eyes.

Although they had thought that following the members of Team Flare, they might have such a certain harvest, but they didn't expect that Team Flare was making a plan with such a far-reaching impact!

This time, if they don't find out and let Team Flare successfully achieve their goal, I'm afraid... the entire elf world will be shaken by it!Cause a huge shock!

Fortunately... Now that Lin Wen and Karunai have found out, there is still the possibility of everything being blocked!

"Yang Yan..." Just as Ka Lunai was about to speak, she was stopped by a gesture from Lin Wen.

Lin Wen pointed to the temporary camp of the Flare Team not far away, then he quietly backed away and waved at Karuna.

The two are currently so close to the Flare team camp that if they talk rashly, they are likely to be discovered.

Ka Lunai understood and nodded lightly at Lin Wen, followed by Lin tattoo, and quietly left the Flare team's camp.

The two Shanaido were temporarily put away because they had already found the Flare team camp.

The two stepped back fifty or sixty meters in a row, confirming that they would not be discovered by the Flare team members in the Flare team camp when they were talking softly, and then they started talking.

As soon as he opened his mouth, Lin Wen spoke out the guesses that emerged in his heart.

"Miss Carlos, I'm afraid... Xerneas has recovered his strength long ago. The reason why he didn't wake up is because he didn't want to wake up, so he was still in a deep sleep!"

Lin Wen's guess is not unfounded!

From the previous conversation between the leader of the Flare Team Fradali and the members of the Flare Team, Lin Wen had already learned that because of the existence of the Xerneas superpower seal, the premise for Yveltal to regain his sobriety is Xerneas woke up from his slumber!

This is undoubtedly the last shackle that Xerneas prevents Yveltar from destroying again after regaining his strength!

Therefore, this kind of speculation emerged in Lin Wen's heart!

The two legendary elves happened [-] years ago, and now, [-] years have passed!

Such a long period of time, even for a legendary elves, is a very long time. Although, in the battle eight hundred years ago, the two elves fought to the brink of death. After a long time to reply, I am afraid... they have long since recovered their health!

You must know that Xerneas is a legendary elf with various attributes of grass, fairy, and super power. He is deeply favored by the forest!

Its recovery ability is definitely much stronger than the evil Yiffeltar!

According to Fradali, according to their investigation, even Yveltar has recovered his combat power to this day!

So... what about Xerneas?

What about Xerneas, whose recovery ability is definitely stronger than that of Yveltal?

I'm afraid, Xerneas had recovered from a long time ago!

After hearing Lin Wen's words, Ka Lunai was startled, her eyes widened suddenly, and she asked, "."You mean...".

Chapter [-]: The Sacrifice of Xerneas

"That's right!" Lin Wen understood what Karunai meant, and replied directly: "Xerneas' recovery ability is far better than Yveltal, since even Yveltal has recovered his strength. , It is only because of the seal of Xerneas that he can't wake up, then, Xerneas, I am afraid that he has recovered his health a long time ago!"

Lin Wen paused slightly, and then said in a heavy voice: "There is only one reason why Xerneas has not woken up from his deep sleep!"

"It is also very clear that as long as it wakes up by itself, then... Yveltal, who has no seal restrictions, will also wake up. At that time, Yveltal, who is in rage, will undoubtedly cause a second time to the Carlos region. Destruction!"

"So... it chose to sacrifice its freedom to restrict Yveltal's actions!"

Lin Wen's voice was loud and clear!

At first, he just used an uncertain tone of voice, but as he described it, Lin Wen felt more and more that what he said was the truth!

After listening to Lin Wen finish his thoughts, Kalu Nai lowered his head slightly and fell into silence...

With her wisdom, of course she also felt that Lin Wen's guess was most likely the truth!

The recovery ability of the legendary elf is very powerful, not to mention Xerneas, who has various attributes of grass, super power, and fairy. It is deeply favored by the forest, and its recovery ability is unimaginable!

But, eight hundred years!For a full eight hundred years, the figure of this legendary elf has not appeared, it seems that it has been sleeping and has not woken up...

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