Is it possible?

Obviously not possible!

Karuna's heart shook!

Compared with humans, elves are undoubtedly more attached to and relied on the elves world. The dedication of elves is far from what humans can compare to!

Facing Yveltal, who could wreak havoc on the Kalos region as long as he wakes up from his slumber, Xerneas did not give it any chance and chose to sacrifice his freedom to become Yveltal's The last shackle protects the entire elf world!

This spirit is truly admirable!

This time... Ka Lunai came to the White Sandalwood Forest with Lin Wen, even if she admired and helped the supernova of the alliance, and planned to make a preliminary investment for the future, she also had the ability to wake up Xerneas, you. Only the idea of ​​a legendary elf!

After all, humans and legendary elves were caught in the cold war because of the fire of the Bell Tower, and Xerneas, who had been sleeping and didn't know about this matter, was very kind-hearted, and he had a relationship with humans before he fell asleep. Not bad, no doubt it can be a breakthrough.

But now, after hearing Lin Wen's guess that was infinitely close to reality, Karuna...was shaken!

"Should you really try to wake Xerneas?"

Karuna's mind was shaken.

Xerneas, undoubtedly from the perspective of the entire elf world, chose to sacrifice himself to prevent Yveltal from sobering up. Compared with this, humans are simply ashamed!

This is the difference between humans and elves!

Among human beings, although there are countless kind-hearted human beings, there are also many human beings with all kinds of evil thoughts!

But in Pixie, it's different!

Their minds are pure, and they go straight to each other. They don't know what conspiracy is at all, and they will only follow their own hearts to do things!

Seeing that Karuna fell into silence, Lin Wen didn't make a sound. (bhcj)

After guessing the possibility that Xerneas would not wake up, Lin Wen could not help but admire the dedication of this legendary elf.

To harm oneself and benefit others, I am afraid that only these elves with pure minds can do it!Far from being comparable to human beings...

The two were speechless for a while...the atmosphere was a little silent.

At this moment, not far away, a vigilant exclamation suddenly sounded!

"Who are you? What do you want to do here?"

The sudden vigilance sound broke the silence, and both Lin Wen and Karuna looked towards the place where the sound came from!

At a glance... I saw that explosive orange haircut that I couldn't help but notice!


The one who discovered the two of them turned out to be the leader of the Flare Team, Vladali!

The conversation just now involved Xerneas' selfless devotion, which caused both of them to have some fluctuations in their minds... They didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation.

They are dozens of meters away from the Flare Team camp, and it is obviously normal that they will be found now!

While Lin Wen and Karuna turned their heads to look, Fradali was able to see their faces clearly. He only stayed on Lin Wen's face for two seconds before leaving, obviously not knowing Lin Wen... …

However, after landing on Karuna's face, Fradali couldn't help but let out a soft exclamation.


His face darkened.

As the leader of Team Flare, Team Flare's main scope of activities is the Carlos area. He naturally has a certain understanding of the female champion in the Carlos area!

Although the young boy next to him doesn't know each other, the fact that this female champion appears here means that it is very likely that the goal of their Flaming Team's plan this time has been exposed!

After a second thought, Fradali already had an accurate idea in his heart!

"You can't let these two go away! Even if she is the champion, she will stay with me!"

At the same time, after hearing the voice of their leader, not far away, the members of Team Flare quickly condensed here!

Fifteen or six members of the Flaming Team, with vigilant expressions on their faces, surrounded Lin Wen and Karunai in the center!

"Miss Karuna." Fradali's eyes were fixed on Karuna, completely ignoring Lin Wen who was beside him, and said softly, "Although I don't know what the purpose of your coming here is, I'm sorry. Now that you have met us, you may not be able to leave."

Chapter six hundred and sixty seventh touch

Karuna broke away from the emotions just now, and after hearing Fradali's voice, she smiled and said softly, "Vladali, what gave you such confidence?"

Fradali waved his hand gently.

Around, many members of the Flare Team who surrounded Lin Wen and Karuna, got the signal one after another, the Poke Ball was thrown, and in the twinkling of light, the Pokémon had already appeared ~ in place!

Surround Linwen- and Karuna!

At the same time, Fradali also took out the Poké Ball and looked directly at Karuna. Although he did not speak, his consciousness was very clear!

"Even if you are the champion, we have so many people here!"

"What's more, I, Fradali, are not easy to mess with!"

As for Lin Wen on the side, Fradali completely ignored it. The Carlos area is well-known and a powerful trainer. Fradali is very aware of it, but he doesn't remember such a young face.

I just happened to meet Karuna.

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