A very beautiful smile bloomed on Karuna's face, and she didn't see any nervousness. She took out the Poke Ball in her hand and said to Lin Wen, "Researcher Yang Yan, those members of the Flare Team, I will leave it to you. Radali, I'll deal with him."

After reading the relevant information about Lin Wen, and having a sparring session with Lin Wen, Ka Lunai naturally has a certain degree of confidence in Lin Wen's strength, and does not think that these ordinary members of the Flare Team can embarrass him.

On the other side, Fradali frowned slightly: "Researcher Yang Yan? It seems that I have heard this name somewhere..."

"No, let me come."

Facing Karuna's suggestion, Lin Wen shook his head and refused.

His eyes fell on Fradali on the opposite side, and there was a strong fighting intent and a trace of anger in his eyes!

It is precisely because of its high level of simulation that players can integrate into the Wizard Century. Many players not only regard this place as a game world, but a real world!

They are devoted to the elves, and they will also be sad and happy about some things that happened in the elves century.

Xerneas' selfless dedication undoubtedly touched Lin Wen, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice his freedom to prevent Yveltal from waking up from his slumber. Only a pure-minded elf would do such a thing. Do it!

And now, the guy with the explosive head in front of him actually wanted to destroy all this, released Yveltal, captured Xerneas, and in order to satisfy his ulterior purpose, he came to deal with such a pure-hearted and kind-hearted man. The legendary elf is moving!

This is undoubtedly something that Lin Wen cannot accept!

So... he has to teach this guy a good lesson!

Hearing Lin Wen rejecting her proposal, Ka Lunai was slightly taken aback, and her eyes were fixed on Lin Wen's face.

After seeing the fighting intent in Lin Wen's eyes, Ka Lunai seemed to have thought of something, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she nodded: "Okay, since that's the case, Vladali will be handed over to you, Researcher Yang Yan, Dojia Be careful."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, expressing his understanding.

Then... he took a step forward and stood in front of Fradali!

Fradali's eyes swept over Lin Wen, and then looked to the side of the champion Karuna, who really had no intention of doing it himself. He was slightly surprised, his eyes swept across Lin Wen, and his eyes revealed strong doubts!

He originally thought that this person following Karuna was just a small character... Now, is there anything extraordinary about him?

Fradali couldn't help but looked at Lin Wen carefully.

At the same time he looked at Lin Wen, Lin Wen was also looking at him, his eyes showed fighting intent, and he said coldly, "Vladali... It's bad luck for you to meet me."

Fradali's face froze when he heard the words, as if he heard something very interesting, he opened his eyes and looked at Lin Wen: "What did you say?"

Then... a flash of light flashed in his mind, he suddenly thought of something, and his gaze towards Lin Wen changed!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"Wait, Yang Yan researcher? Which Yang Yan researcher is rumored in the Guandu area recently?"

After a flash of inspiration in his mind, some information suddenly appeared in Fradali's mind.

His eyes swept to Lin Wen, and his brows slightly wrinkled: "Could it be... this is the heart of Yang Yan, researcher Yang Yan?"

Recently, the annihilation of the Rockets in the Guandu area is a rare event in the wizard world, which has attracted the attention of countless people in other areas. It has aroused the vigilance of many people, and even caused the evil forces in other regions to be in danger!


And this battle has also successfully made a rookie trainer famous!

Heart of Yang Yan!

Researcher Yang Yan from the Kanto area!

Almost all the alliance personnel in various regions know of his existence, and the same is true for the evil forces personnel who are paying attention to the battle in the Guandu area!

As the leader of the Flaming Team, Fradali will naturally pay attention to a lot of information, so... I only heard a little about the information of Yang Yan researcher, but because Yang Yan's heart is a role in the Guandu area, and Guandu The region and the Carlos region are far apart, so there is no in-depth investigation.

Unexpectedly... the person standing in front of me now is this researcher Yang Yan!

Fradali put away the contempt in his heart, and was able to make such a big name in the annihilation of the Rockets. The person in front of him is obviously not a general generation, and it is estimated that the combat power is not weak!

Lin Wen didn't care about Fradali's reaction. After all, no matter how Fradali changed, in Lin Wen's eyes, he was just an enemy!

The Poké Ball in his hand was thrown, and the three Pokémon had already appeared on the spot!


Leaf Elf!

Nine tails!

The three elves stood in front of Lin Wen with extraordinary expressions, and their gazes towards Fradali also showed vigilance. .

Chapter [-]: Battle against the Flaming Team Leader ([-])

At the same time, Karuna, who was tattooed by Lin, took out a communicator and explained a few words in a low voice, and then her Shanaido was released!

In the face of many members of the Flare Team, the battle begins!

How big is the gap between an ordinary Flare team member and the champion?

No one knows for sure!

However, after seeing Karuna fighting against the members of Team Flare, Fradali's brows furrowed immediately!

He doesn't think that these members of his team can resist the regional champion of Carlos!At best, it will last for a while.

Moreover, after knowing Lin Wen's identity, he also put away the contempt in his heart, and faced Lin Wen's seriousness, thinking in his heart: "If Kalu is free, and "[-]" "The Yang Yan researcher in this Guandu area is besieging together, I'm afraid even I can't stand it!"

"In that case!"

His gaze turned to Lin Wen: "You can only defeat him first!"

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