Then... Lin Wen's eyes again focused on the two lord-level elves!

Here, is the main battlefield of this (bjbj) battle!


At the same time, Fradali on the opposite side, when the master Itachi lost his fighting power, his brows could not help frowning!

He never thought that it would be him who would lose the elves first!

This researcher Luo Shizi from the Guandu area is so powerful that he can defeat his elf first!

Especially... When Fradali's eyes swept across the members of the Flare Team, who were struggling with only a few elves left, the unpleasant feeling in his heart was even more...

You must know that his original plan was to quickly defeat the Yang Yan researcher, and then face the champion of the Carlos region, Karuna!

But now... the battle between him and the Heart of Yang Yan was flying, but he was the first to lose an elf!

This puts him at a huge disadvantage!

Once Karuna also leaves the battlefield...then...

Fradali didn't dare to think about it...

His eyes froze, and he said in his heart, "This guy must be defeated!"


Commanding three elves to fight at the same time is also a way to test the strength of the elves trainers. After all, the trainers should pay attention to the various situations of each elves. Fortunately, they can make the most effective and most beneficial actions in each time period. Wizard's order!

Shanai Duo, Jiuwei, Fire Lion, Master Itachi, the battle of the four elves is in full swing. On the other side, the battle between Ye Elves and the tyrannical carp dragon is still going on!

Fradali's tyrannical carp dragon is a lord-level elf, and his strength is very powerful. After super-evolution, his strength has been upgraded to a new level. It can be said that it is very difficult to find opponents!

However, its enemy this time is indeed the Leaf Elf of Linwen!

It is also a lord-level elves. In the terrain of the White Sandalwood Forest, the leaf elves undoubtedly took advantage of it!

"Tyrannosaurus, use the Destruction Light!"

Fradali came with a calm voice!

The tyrannical carp dragon roared, and the powerful destructive light burst out after just one second of charging!

"Ye Elf, dodge!"

Lin Wen opened his mouth and said!

The leaf elf, who was already sensitive, was raised to the limit in this forest terrain, and easily escaped the attack of the destructive light!

The amazingly powerful destructive light bombarded the ground, making a deafening sound, and then a half-person-high deep pit appeared on the spot!

After destroying the light, it will cause the elves to freeze for a certain period of time. This time is longer or shorter depending on the strength of the elves!

After seeing that the tyrannical carp dragon used the destruction light, Lin Wen quickly ordered: "Ye elf, approach it!"

Hearing the order, Ye Elf let out a soft cry, and his agile body jumped out instantly, turning into a green streamer, sprinting towards Vladali's tyrannical carp dragon!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Elf had already sprinted to the front of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon!

At this moment, the strange look in Fradali's eyes swept away, and suddenly said: "The tyrannical carp dragon, use the water tail!"

The tyrannical carp dragon, which seemed to be in a state of rigidity, suddenly reacted, and its huge tail waved vigorously, smashing it towards Ye Elf!

This time... it was completely beyond Lin Wen's expectations!

But then, he reacted!

As a lord-level elf, the tyrannical carp dragon is in the process of super-evolution. Such a short period of rigidity is completely understandable!

This is completely the danger set by Vladali!

In order for the elves to super-evolve, in addition to the super-evolution stone one, they also need a deep understanding between the elves and the trainers. Obviously... Fradali just reached a tacit understanding with the tyrannical carp dragon, and wanted to take advantage of it. Lin Wen first hand!

But... what you are facing is my Leaf Elf!

Lin Wen was not in a hurry, and a cold voice came out: "Ye Elf, get out of the way!"

The body of the tyrannical carp dragon is very large, and the super-evolutionary tail is like a bulldozer, waving forcefully towards the leaf spirit! .

Chapter six hundred and seventy-two great achievements

Seeing the incoming attack and hearing the master's order, even though Lin Wen did not clearly indicate how to avoid it, Ye Elf responded immediately!

It's... a very smart elf!

I saw Ye Elf's body suddenly bend, as if it was accumulating power, and the two hind legs kicked hard, and then, the whole body jumped up instantly!

Its speed is extremely fast, and its strong body makes it jump to a very high height!

The Tyrannosaurus's tail swept fiercely!But it smashed an empty ~, did not hit the leaf spirit!

Ye Elf, has come to the top of the sky!

Lin Wen's order came again!

"Ye Elf... use the mysterious sword!"

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