Mysterious Sword!

I saw that the single horn on Ye Elf's forehead suddenly radiated a dazzling green light, stretched, stretched, like a long sword!

It has jumped to the top of the sky, and then, relying on inertia, it suddenly slammed towards the tyrannical carp dragon!

Coming soon!

The tyrannical carp dragon's skin is thick and fleshy, and its defense is extremely strong, but when facing Ye Elf's holy sword, its defense is like a dummy, and it is easily pierced!

The tyrannical carp dragon suddenly let out a roar caused by pain!

Fradali's brows were about to form a knot!

And... Immediately afterwards, his heart sank suddenly!

Because...Ka Lunai, after the battle between him and Lin Wen, has already eliminated all the members of the Flare Team, and now his eyes have been turned towards it, he is obviously ready to join the battlefield !

Fradali's heart gradually sank and thought about it...

Ka Lunai showed a slight chuckle, and looked at the tyrannical carp dragon who suffered huge damage under Ye Elf's mysterious sword with great interest, and gave Lin Wen a high look in her heart, and then... commanded Shanai. Duo has joined the fight!


In the next battle, nothing unexpected happened!

Facing Lin Wen, Fradali still does not have any advantages. Although he has the combat power of the Heavenly King, he also possesses a lord-level tyrannical dragon that can super-evolve. However, Lin Wen alone makes it difficult for him. It was very difficult for him to deal with.

Not to mention, the champion Karuna, who was empty, also joined the battle... Her elusive skills of Shanaido caused huge damage to the tyrannical carp dragon!

After holding on for a while, the tyrannical carp dragon also fell to the ground!

All elves lost their ability to fight!

Fradali saw that nothing could be done, and immediately prepared to flee. As the saying goes, if the green hills are left, he is not afraid of running out of firewood, but... what was completely unexpected was that he just ran out two steps before he stopped. Down, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

Because... I saw around this forest, I don't know when, a large number of members dressed in the uniform of the Elf Alliance have gathered!

Fradali's elves lost their combat power, and there was no possibility of any resistance at all, and they were directly arrested and brought to justice!

Many members of the Flare Team who were defeated by Karuna before were also successfully captured by the Alliance!

It was only then that Lin Wen realized that Karunai had already contacted the Elf Alliance in the Carlos area long before the battle started!

She... is the champion of the Carlos region, the real power figure of the Elf League!

With her instructions, the Alliance naturally did not hesitate too much, and sent a team directly, and now they have caught Fradali who was about to flee.

Seeing that the members of the Flare Team, including Fradali, were arrested and brought into the car, Karuna showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, stretched her waist, and showed her beautiful curves, and then moved towards Lin. Wen smiled and said: "Researcher Yang Yan... defeated Fradali, the leader of the Flare Team, and successfully captured it. This is a great achievement."

Lin Wen shook his head gently, and then said quite modestly: "It's just with the help of Miss Karunai, it's nothing."

"That's not the same..." Karuna shook her head: "According to the situation at the time, even if I didn't make a move, Fradali would be gradually defeated by you! After this battle, it is conceivable that Researcher Yang Yan, Your reputation in the league is going to explode again."

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After speaking, Karunai paused, looked at Lin Wen with admiration and said, "This time... I have to thank you, after I came to the Carlos area, I haven't helped you yet, you But it helped me to clear the cancer of Team Flare first!"

"Although this is not the entire Flare lineup, the capture of Fradali will still deal a very serious blow to the Flare."

"Here, I thank you in advance." Karuna said softly.

"Miss Karunai, you are overrated." Lin Wen also smiled: "All of this... it's just what I should do."


At this moment... an alliance trainer in an alliance uniform ran over quickly and shouted, "Miss Karuna!"

In addition to being a champion in the Carlos region, Caruna is also a well-known actress, so most people like to call her Miss Caruna instead of mentioning her champion status.

Karuna turned her head back.

I saw the trainer from the alliance running over quickly, and after stopping by the side, he first said to Karuna, "Miss Karuna."

Afterwards, he looked at Lin Wen with a little curiosity, and said respectfully, "Researcher Yang Yan."

This trainer is a native of Carlos. Although he has heard the name of Yang Yan researcher before, he does not catch a cold, but this time... Lin Wen defeated Fradali and assisted the alliance in capturing Team Flare. Many of the personnel, which made this trainer also full of respect for Lin Wen.

What a person does affects the senses of the people around him. Lin Wen is obviously like this. Although he has made a big name in the Guandu area, in the far away Carlos area, it is not necessarily the case. buy it.

But... when they truly show their unrivaled formidable combat power in front of them, and have a solid record, these people will undergo a great transformation!

Karuna looked at the trainer of the alliance and asked, "What's wrong?".

Chapter [-] The Hidden Base of Team Flare

"Miss Karuna." The trainer from the alliance was apparently running over quickly, but his breath was not even calm. After taking two deep breaths, he said, "We learned from the captured Flare team members that this The camp here is just a temporary camp for the Flare Team, and in the White Sandalwood Forest, there is also a secret base for the Flaming Team!"

"What?" Ka Lunai was shocked, and then said, "Do you know the exact location?"

"I know." The trainer of the alliance nodded, and then said: "We have already inquired about the specific location."

Then, the alliance trainer's eyes fell on Lin Wen and Karuna, waiting for their reply.

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

They "Five Seven Seven" thought that after the Flaming Team came to the White Sandalwood Forest, they began to look for the trace of Xerneas in this camp, but looking at it now... obviously not only that!

Team Flash, here, there is still a secret base!

This was undoubtedly beyond the expectations of Karuna and Lin Wen.

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