After being slightly surprised, Lin Wen opened his mouth and said, "Miss Karunai... It seems that Team Flare's plans for the two legendary elves, Xerneas and Yveltal, have not been around for a day or two!"

Lin Wen paused slightly: "I heard that Fradali mentioned the news about Yveltal before, and said that Yveltal had regained his strength long ago, but because Xerneas never woke up. , so it never broke free of the seal and reappeared. And this secret base exists in the White Sandalwood Forest, so the Flare Team may have coordinate information about Yveltal's sleep!"

"Moreover, it is very likely that it is in this secret base!" Lin Wen said his guess.

After years of searching, the Alliance has basically determined that Xerneas's sleeping place is in the White Sandalwood Forest, but after the specific news, it is not clear!

After all... the main strength of the alliance is distributed in the major cities, and there are not many people sent to find Xerneas.

In contrast, the Flare Team is active in the wild all year round, and Fradali has evil intentions against the two legendary elves, Xerneas and Yveltal. They are... more than the Alliance. It is easy to obtain information on the two mythical beasts!

It can be seen from the conversation between Karuna and Lin Wen that they overheard Fradali's conversation. The Flare Team's plan is definitely not a matter of one or two days. You can get so much news!

If it wasn't for the alliance between Lin Wen and Karunai, and they were successfully arrested and brought to justice, then... it's not hard to imagine what would happen to the Carlos area if Team Flare succeeded in fulfilling their plan!

Hearing Lin Wen's guessing, Ka Lunai nodded in agreement and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, you are right!"

Afterwards, she frowned slightly, as if she was using her brain, and after a few seconds, her brows stretched out, and Ka Lunai said, "It's not too late, since we know the location of Team Flare's secret base, let's go now. There! Let's see if we can get any windfalls!"

Lin Wen nodded in agreement.

"it is good."

Karuna looked at the trainer of the alliance and said, "Go on, except for a certain number of people to escort Fradali and other members of the Flare team back to the alliance, the rest, with me and researcher Yang Yan. Go to Team Flare Base!"

"Yes! Miss Karuna." The alliance trainer said respectfully.

As the champion of the Carlos region, Caruna's identity is absolutely detached, and she is one of the top figures in the real league.In the Carlos region, in the alliance, I am afraid that there will be no one who will reject her words.

After the promise was completed, the alliance's training ran back to the side... At present, the temporary camp of the Flare Team where they are located is relatively remote. After receiving the communication from Karuna, the alliance's troops followed the white sandalwood The road in the forest, take the transportation to get here quickly!

Lin Wen and Karuna waited for a while...  

Then... the trainer from the alliance came back, and behind him, there were many trainers in uniforms, and there were other staff!

This is... the authority of the champion. Karunai just contacted the alliance and discovered the traces of Team Flare, and the Carlos Regional Alliance sent a troop to come to support quickly!

Glancing at these people, Karuna said loudly, "Let's go!"

Then...the first to walk in the front.

Lin Wen followed by his side, and the trainers from the alliance told them about the coordinates of the Flare Team's secret base, and the group quickly moved towards the destination!

In the process of moving forward, Lin Wen keenly noticed that many curious eyes were condensed on him. Although Lin Wen felt a little unhappy about this, he did not care too much.

These trainers in the Carlos region are curious about such a person who came from the distant Kanto region, that is really normal!

After all... his performance in the annihilation of Team Rocket some time ago was too amazing. After coming to the Carlos area, he has now joined hands with the champion of the Carlos area, Kalunai to defeat Team Flare, bringing the leader of Team Flare, Fradali also successfully made 3.8 arrests!

Therefore... these people are curious about him, it's really normal, Lin Wen is not the first time to feel this kind of gaze, he quickly adapts to it!

Through Karuna's order, there are fifty or sixty alliance trainers assembled here. From this, you can see Karuna's strength as a regional champion!

The reason why she recruited the troops of the alliance, instead of going alone with Lin Wen, naturally had her own considerations.

The temporary base of the Flare Team was swarmed by them, but they didn't know the situation inside the secret base. Who knows if they captured all the members of the Flaming Team in the White Sandalwood Forest today?Are there other enemies in the secret base? .

Chapter [-]: Amazing Discovery

With the alliance's troops following along, plus the super high combat power of Ka Lunai and Lin Wen, no doubt, any unexpected situation can be easily dealt with, and there will be no variables!

The group quickly moved forward in the white sandalwood forest, the team was very neat and silent.

At a glance, you can see that this is a well-trained team!

The area in the White Sandalwood Forest is huge, and according to the information revealed by the captured Flaming Team members, their secret base is located in a place far away from here.

Ka Lunai and Lin Wen led the huge alliance wrong, and they traveled for more than an hour before finally arriving at the destination of their trip!

The coordinates of Team Flare's secret base!

After arriving here, Karuna's eyes swept around, and she couldn't help but look suspicious.

Because... the surroundings here are very normal, and there is no difference from the environment in the white sandalwood forest... There are no trees, land, or even a mountain, and the existence of the secret base is completely invisible.

"Could it be... that the Flare team member who provided the information deceived my 17s?" Karuna couldn't help but have this thought in her heart, and there was a trace of anger brewing in her eyes.

At this moment, Lin Wen, who was also carefully observing the surrounding environment, was suddenly stunned, his eyes focused on a place on the ground, and he let out an exclamation!

"Miss Karuna!"

"Huh?" Ka Lunai's eyes were passed over immediately, looked at Lin Wen, and asked, "Researcher Yang Yan, what's the matter?"

"Look!" Lin Wen didn't answer her directly, but raised his right hand and pointed his finger to the ground ahead.

Ka Lunai felt a little puzzled, but thought that Lin Wen would not come to a nonsense, so she looked in the direction Lin Wen pointed.

Behind him, many trainers in the alliance troops also looked at them one after another.

As soon as she looked in the direction Lin Wen's fingers pointed, Karuna felt a light in front of her, and she couldn't help but close her eyes.

"How can this reflect light?" This doubt appeared in Karuna's heart!

You must know that this is the white sandalwood forest, the ground is all land, and now in winter, there are basically no plants to be seen.

Her eyes quickly returned to normal, and Karuna looked there again with suspicion!

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