Then, she realized something was wrong!

Because it is winter in the elf world, and the snow has just fallen, and it has not completely melted, under the effect of the cold weather, the land inside the white sandalwood forest is in a somewhat frozen state!

But... the place that Lin Wen pointed out is indeed a layer of floating soil in front of it!

And... after careful observation, Karuna was surprised to find that there seemed to be metal products underneath!

Just now...the light that made her suddenly shine was caused by this metal product!

Just as she was observing this place, Lin Wen had already come one step ahead to the ground he found. He leaned down and without any hesitation, Lin Wen stretched out his hand to clear the floating soil above and swept it aside.

As his movements continued, the eyes of many alliance trainers showed rather shocked expressions!

Because... after Lin Wen emptied the floating soil on the surface, what appeared in their sight was a square metal plate about two meters wide and two meters long!

This obviously wouldn't be a native crop in the sandalwood forest!

Such a very explained metal plate is obviously artificially placed here!

It's not over yet...

After seeing such a huge discovery made by Lin Wen, a trainer from the alliance immediately came over, and along with Lin Wen, gradually cleaned the floating soil on the metal plate!

Then... a hand fell into everyone's sight!

Lin Wen stopped when he saw the handle, then raised his head and looked at Karuna who was not far from him.

Ka Lunai has been watching Lin Wen's movements, and she also realized that Lin Wen has made a major discovery. At this time, seeing Lin Wen looking at her, she nodded at Lin Wen with a smile, and the admiration in her eyes was not concealed.

"Researcher Yang Yan did not rely on luck to grow up to this point. This shocking insight alone is already outstanding!"

"Researcher Yang Yan, let's open it?"

After the armrest on the metal plate came into view of everyone, a trainer in the alliance force couldn't help but propose.

Here... the coordinates of the Flaming Team base revealed by that Flaming Team member. Now that such a major discovery has been made, it means that this metal panel is likely to be the entrance to the Flaming Team base!

Everyone can't hold back their curiosity!

If it weren't for Lin Wen's identity and strength, and this metal panel was also discovered by Lin Wen... I'm afraid no one would ask him what he meant, but he couldn't wait to try to open it and see what was inside. What is the situation!

Hearing the question, Lin Wen 247 nodded, and then put one hand on the armrest.

After cleaning... this metal panel has been completely exposed to the trainers of the alliance, and the floating soil above has also been cleaned up, which will not increase the weight of the metal panel.

Under the attention of many lines of sight, Lin Wen exerted force and yanked it!

The metal panel was directly pulled up by him with the armrest!

Then... the following situation came into the line of sight of Karuna and the others!

I saw that there was a ladder under the metal panel. The ladder was not high, only three or four meters away... Then, there was the shiny metallic floor!

Lin Wen raised his head, looked at Ka Lunai, and immediately realized that they had found each other!

The Flare team member who was overwhelmed and told about the Flare team's secret base after being arrested did not deceive them... However, the Flare team's protection of their secret base is obviously in place!

I actually thought of this method to build an underground base!

Although at present, because I haven't entered it yet, I don't know how big the specific area is. However, just because this base is built underground, it can be seen that this is obviously the first major project, and it cannot be completed overnight. ! .

Chapter [-] The Secret of Team Flare

As Lin Wen had guessed, the Flare Team had been planning for a long time for the two legendary elves, Xerneas and Yveltal, and had prepared them early!

In the depths of the White Sandalwood Forest, such a secret base has been built. If it weren't for this unexpected harvest, the Alliance would have no idea about it at all, and it was kept in the dark!

After the line of sight and Karunai met slightly, Lin Wen withdrew his gaze, then turned around, climbed up the ladder first, and landed on the metal floor along the ladder!

Karuna followed behind him and climbed down the ladder as well.

The trainers of the alliance troops naturally did not dare to compete with the champions of the Carlos area. As Lin Wen and Karunai entered, they entered one by one...

After landing on the ground, Lin Wen's eyes scattered and swept around.

This is a passageway made of metal. The floor, sides, and even the ceiling above are all made of metal!

After all... this is an underground base, and the firmness of the base is the most important thing!

On both sides of the passage, the lights are constantly flickering, providing light here.

Before...before the metal panel was found, the lights inside were not leaked at all.

Lin Wen's eyes were scattered, and in a remote corner, he saw the existence of a camera, which made Lin Wen frowned.

"Are there any members of Team Flare in this secret base?" Lin Wen guessed in his heart.

But then, he put this guess aside, so what?What if not?

No nature is happy for all.But even if there are members of Team Flare, facing the combination of him and the Carlos regional champion Ka Lunai, and facing dozens of alliance trainers, can there be any troubles?

Obviously not possible!

While Lin Wen was observing the surroundings, Ka Lunai, as well as many alliance trainers, were also observing the surroundings, obviously amazed by the secret base of Team Flare!

It can be seen... The Flare Team must have spent a huge amount of money to build this base, involving two legendary elves, and the Flaming Team didn't care about the investment at all!

Then... Lin Wen walked forward along the passage first.

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