Lin Wen was stunned for a moment and fell into contemplation.

From the bottom of his heart, he naturally wanted to release Xerneas. After all... that means the appearance of a new expansion, and now he and Ling Feng have discussed related matters.

Thinking of this... Lin Wen did not hesitate, and said, "I think it should be awakened and released~"!"

Without waiting for Lin Wen to reveal his reasons, Karunai answered, "Yes, Xerneas should be released. This should have been our responsibility."

Karuna's eyes flashed a little bit of light, and she didn't know what to think.

She went on to say: "Xerneas took the initiative to stop Yveltal's destruction of the Carlos area, and he was seriously injured because of the battle with Yveltal, and he had to fall into a trap. In a deep sleep."

"But, even so, it is still sleeping, choosing to sacrifice its freedom and leaving a seal on Yveltal!"

"For hundreds of years, Xerneas has been carrying the seal alone to prevent Yveltal from appearing!"

"Researcher Yang Yan, as you said..." Karuna's eyes turned to Lin Wen: "Xerneas, as a grass-type, super-type elf, has a much better recovery ability than evil-type Yipei. Eveltal, I am afraid, has regained consciousness and health long before Yveltal."

"However, because it wants to seal Yveltal, because it wants to prevent Yveltal from appearing after it appears and destroying the Carlos area again, it has been silently enduring this loneliness, so that it never wakes up from its slumber, Limit your freedom!"

Karuna's voice was full of emotion!

"This kind of thing, it shouldn't be responsible for it!" Karuna raised her voice!

"The world of elves is a world where humans and elves coexist. To protect this world, apart from elves, we humans also have the responsibility. In this case, how can Xerneas be allowed to bear the seal for hundreds of years? For it, it is extremely unfair!"

Lin Wen nodded silently.

What Karuna said was true, there are not only elves in the fairy world!

Even an elf has such a fearless dedication to make efforts for the peace of the elf world, but in comparison, humans are undoubtedly very ashamed.

"Researcher Yang Yan, we will immediately return to the alliance now!" Karunai said, with a determined face: "I will apply like the alliance and release Xerneas. The safety of the elf world should not only be guarded by elves. Humans should do their bit too!"

Lin Wen nodded again and again, and Ka Lunai's words were deeply agreed with him, and he said, "Okay!"

Then, the two walked out of the room!

The coordinates of Yveltal's location have been memorized by the two of them for a long time!

After discovering the coordinates of Yveltal's location, Lin Wen's biggest purpose of the trip has been achieved. Now the trainers of the alliance are sorting out various materials and some equipment of this base. This is Team Flare. Collected for a lot of money, the Alliance wouldn't put them here waiting to rust.

After seeing Karuna and Lin Wen walking out of the room and heading towards the exit, the passing Alliance trainers nodded in greeting.

Ka Lunai responded with a smile, leaving behind to take away all the valuable things here, and came to the passage with Lin Wen.

The passage of dozens of meters is over in the blink of an eye.

Then...the two walked along the ladder, walked out of the Flare Team's underground base, and returned to the White Sandalwood Forest.

"."Researcher Yang Yan, wait a moment."

After walking out of the passage (the money was good), Karuna opened her mouth to signal, then took out the communication device and started talking.

Because of the distance... Lin Wen couldn't hear what she said.

However, after just a few words, Ka Lunai hung up the phone, then looked at Lin Wen and said, "Researcher Yang Yan, we can just wait here for a while, the Alliance will send someone to pick us up soon!"

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and started waiting with this Karuna.

As time passed, neither of them spoke. Because of Xerneas, both of them were silent.

About four or five minutes later!

In the sky, the sound of the propeller suddenly sounded, deafening!

Lin Wen looked up and saw that not far away, a helicopter with the logo of the Elf Alliance was rapidly flying towards them. .

Chapter [-] Carlos Union

Karuna smiled and said softly, "The people from the alliance are here."

The helicopter stopped over them, not moving.

Then... a rope ladder was lowered to the ground!

There are trees all around, and there is no way for the helicopter to land.

Seeing the falling rope ladder, Karuna said, "Researcher Yang Yan, let's go up."

Then...she grabbed the rope ladder agilely and climbed all the way to the helicopter!

This scene made Lin Wen a little surprised, seeing the other side of this champion!

Lin Wen didn't stay too long, grabbed the rope ladder, and then climbed onto the helicopter!

After Lin Wen and Karunai both arrived on the helicopter, the rope ladder was put away, the door of the helicopter was closed, and then the direction was reversed!

Towards the location of the Elf Alliance in the Carlos area, fly quickly!


In addition to Lin Wen and Karuna, there was also a pilot on the helicopter, as well as the staff of the Alliance.

After seeing Lin Wen and Ka Lunai board the helicopter, the staff member of the alliance hurriedly said hello very respectfully: "Miss Ka Lunai, researcher Yang Yan, how are you." 577

Lin Wen nodded slightly towards him.

Then, through the porthole, I saw the scenery outside!

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