Karuna obviously had no intention of speaking, so the helicopter fell into silence.


Elf League of Carlos Region!

At this time, the outside of the Elf Alliance is very lively. One after another high-end cars are parked outside the alliance, and one after another alliance personnel in suits and leather shoes walked out and gathered in the alliance!

These... are all high-ranking members of the Alliance who can speak to the Carlos region!

They saw acquaintances, greeted each other, and talked about this time!

Xerneas and Yveltal!

Following the previous news, Karunai sent the news about Xerneas and Yveltal back to the alliance, and realized that the Elf Alliance in the Kalos region, which was a serious matter, held an emergency meeting!

At this time, these people gathered in the Elf Alliance are all the high-level officials of the Carlos Regional Alliance who have the right to participate in it! (bjfg)

There is only one content they discuss!

That is... whether to liberate Xerneas!

Because it was an emergency meeting, the people who participated in the meeting came very quickly. In a short time, more than half of the spacious meeting room was full!

However...their meeting obviously won't start here, let's not say that people are too late, the most important personnel are also here!

That is the Carlos Regional Champion who initiated this emergency meeting, Miss Caruna!


The speed of the helicopter was very fast, and it flew quickly towards the Elf Alliance.

After a long journey...they finally came to the Elf Alliance in the Carlos region!

Subsequently, under the operation of the driver, the helicopter slowly landed on the tarmac.

The Alliance staff carefully opened the door of the helicopter for Linwen and Karuna to come in and out.

Ka Lunai walked in the front, Lin Wen was at the back, the two of them just got off the helicopter, and a high-level alliance executive in a black suit came over and said, "Miss Ka Lunai, you are finally back. , everyone has been waiting in the conference room for a long time."

Karuna nodded lightly: "I understand that the White Sandalwood Forest is a bit far from the Alliance, so I'll head to the conference room now."

"Well." The alliance executive nodded.

Then... his eyes noticed Lin Wen on Ka Lunai's side, his brows slightly wrinkled, and he said, "Who is this?"

"This is a Yang Yan researcher from the Guandu area." Karuna replied.

"Researcher Yang Yan?" The brows of the alliance executives frowned, obviously they knew the name, but after pondering, he still said: "Miss Karuna, are you going to bring him to join our emergency meeting? ?"

Karuna glanced at him with some surprise, and then said: "This time, I discovered the conspiracy of the Flare Team and found out about Yveltal's location coordinates. Researcher Yang Yan also helped a lot, and he also has The right to speak, can't I join the meeting?"

"Miss Karunai, this is not in line with the rules." The brows of the alliance executives frowned more tightly, and glanced at Lin Wen, then withdrew their gazes.

"I have also heard about the deeds of Researcher Yang Yan. He has made a great contribution to the alliance." The alliance executive paused, then lowered his voice and said, "However, Karunai wants to know, he is only concerned about A researcher in the capital region, what is this called to join the high-level meeting in our Carlos region!"

Karuna frowned.

She explained: "Researcher Yang Yan helped a lot in this incident. I think he is qualified to join the meeting."

The face of the alliance's top management changed, and he said to himself: "But..."

Before he could finish his words, Lin Wen's voice came over: "Miss Karuna, I'll be fine if I don't join this meeting."

Although the higher-ups of the Carlos Regional Alliance consciously lowered their voices, they were only so short apart that Lin Wen could hear their conversation clearly.

Hearing that this high-level executive in the Carlos region objected to his participation in the meeting, Lin Wen didn't think there was anything unacceptable.

In fact, as he said, he has all the strength and fame in the alliance, but in essence, he is still a little researcher under Dr. Ohno in the Kanto area.

There are no corresponding positions!

Lin Wen's sense of Ka Lunai is excellent, and he didn't want to make Ka Lunai trouble, so he took the initiative to go.

"No need, Researcher Yang Yan, you can completely join the meeting." Ka Lunai whispered towards Lin Wen.

The alliance executives on the side were still about to speak, but after seeing Karuna's firm gaze, he immediately swallowed the unspoken words.

"Don't bother." Lin Wen shook his head and said, without any strange emotions: "I'm waiting for your news, I just took this opportunity to take a good look around Miare City.".

Chapter [-] Differences of opinion

Lin Wen tried to walk in front of Ibrahimovic, stretched out his hands and directly hugged Ibrahimovic into his arms. He didn't expect this guy to be quite naughty. Squat in a comfortable position.

Lin Wen couldn't help him, and it felt good. Ibrahimovic's fluffy hair was very soft and comfortable to touch with his face, which was really flattering.

Lin Wen stretched out his hand and gently combed Ibrahimovic's soft brown hair, the latter narrowed his eyes in comfort.

"Ding Dong, Ibrahimovic has a favorable impression of your actions, tacit understanding +5, favorability +5, please make persistent efforts!"

The system's prompt sounded, and it is undoubtedly the fastest and most convenient way for players to treat Pokemon kindly to improve their tacit understanding and favorability of their Pokemon. Both of these attributes can be used to trigger evolution conditions, which are extremely important. Can not be ignored.

The original intention of these two attributes is that the game encourages players to treat Pokémon kindly, rather than using them as combat tools.

He opened his Pokémon illustration to check Ibrahimovic's initial attributes.


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