In her opinion, even if there are many people in the alliance who would choose to oppose it out of consideration for human beings, there should be a split between the two...

But now... the number of people who oppose it actually has a tendency to crush the number of people who agree.

This is something Karuna never thought of!

Her eyes swept around the entire conference room, and the disappointment on the faces of the alliance executives who were very happy because the final result was against the release became stronger.Immediately... he stood up suddenly and left the conference room directly!

The departure of Karuni, the regional champion, caused a slight shock in the entire conference room, but... Then, they ignored it!

The result of the vote has already been produced, and the meeting has already come out, then... Ka Lunai is no longer necessary to stay here, after all, everyone in the alliance leaders gathered here now has a lot of things to work on.

Then... there was an order from the top of the alliance!

Block off the white sandalwood forest and do not allow anyone to enter!

Now it has been determined that Xerneas and Yveltal are both sleeping in the white sandalwood forest. Although very few people know the exact location, there are only a few people, but in order to prevent accidents, if anyone accidentally wakes up accidentally Xerneas, then...their meeting this time is not necessary at all?

Once Xerneas is released, then Yveltal will also follow. This situation is what most of the alliance executives currently in the conference room do not want to see!

No accident is allowed!

Therefore, after confirming the results of this meeting, the top officials of the alliance issued an order immediately!

And... the trainers of the alliance acted quickly and blocked the entrances of the White Sandalwood Forest to prevent outsiders from entering!

Many trainers and players are very curious about this matter, but they have not been able to inquire about any specific results. Except for the top leaders of the alliance, they are very tight-lipped about this matter and will not reveal it easily at all!


At this time, Lin Wen was leisurely drinking coffee in a cafe in Miare City, very leisurely...  

Knowing nothing about what's going on in the conference room...

Because he had to wait for the news from Karuni, as he said before, he did not leave Miare City, but just walked around here. After all, Lin Wen rarely relaxes for a while, so he was happy to relax. .

Miare City is a city full of artistic atmosphere. There are many places to go in the whole city, but Lin Wen took this opportunity to take a closer look!

He was very laid back, waiting for Karuna to contact him.

What makes Lin Wen a little bit puzzled is that... He indulged happily in Miare City for two days, but... Karuna still didn't contact him.

"What happened?" Lin Wen was a little puzzled.

But could not find out.

The Elf Alliance has been very lively these days. Lin Wen waited for Ka Lunai to take the initiative to contact him, but he didn't go to look for it.

Finally... When the time came to the third day, an alliance staff member found Lin Wen's residence.

"Hello 3.6, are you Researcher Yang Yan?"

After seeing Lin Wen, the alliance staff asked.

Lin Wen nodded lightly: "Yes, I am."

The staff's eyes lit up, showing a little respect: "Miss Karunai asked me to come to her office for a while. Researcher Yang Yan, do you have time now?"

Lin Wen has been waiting for the past two days. Of course, it is impossible to refuse. He immediately nodded and said, "I have time."

"Okay, you come with me."

Afterwards... Lin Wen followed behind the alliance staff, preparing to meet Karuna.

The place Lin Wen temporarily chose to live in Miare City was not far from the Elf Alliance, so the two did not take any means of transportation, but chose to walk there. .

Chapter six hundred and eighty fourth corruption and anger

Soon, Lin Wen followed the staff to the outside of the Elf Alliance.

There are many people coming and going in the alliance, but no one has noticed Lin Wen...

The staff of the alliance led the way, and Lin Wen followed behind him and entered the inside of the alliance!

This is not the first time Lin Wen has come here...

When he first came to the Carlos area, he was led to the rear of the alliance, where he met Karuna in an opposing battlefield.

But this time...their meeting place has obviously changed.

Instead of going to the last battle location, I switched directions!

Following behind the alliance staff member, Lin Wen saw many alliance personnel who were wearing suits and seemed to be of decent status. Some people passed by when they saw Lin Wen and gave them slightly curious eyes.

After the alliance staff turned left and turned 17 and climbed another five floors, Lin Wen finally stopped outside an office.

Then... the staff member took two steps forward and knocked on the door softly.

dong dong dong.

From inside the office, Lin Wen's more familiar voice came: "Please come in!"

"It's Karuna's voice!"

The staff pushed open the door of the office, then bowed slightly, and sat facing Lin Wen in a posture of inviting in.

Lin Wen walked into the interior of the office.

Then, there was the sound of the door closing from behind, and the staff member of the alliance left here and took the door behind him!

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