Taking his eyes back, Lin Wen looked inside the office.

At first glance, it fell on Karuna, who was busy behind her desk.

As the champion of the Carlos region, in addition to being in charge of combat power, Karuna also has a lot of things to deal with every day.

Therefore, it is quite normal to be busy in the office.

However...because of Lin Wen's arrival, Ka Lunai obviously put the work in his hands aside, looked at Lin Wen with a smile, and then said: "Researcher Yang Yan... You are here. Sit down and talk."

For this new trainer in the Kanto region, Karuna can be said to be very appreciative, and there is a certain appreciation in her tone.

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then sat down. He had the experience of fighting with Ka Lunai, but he was not intimidated by the aura of a female champion at work. After sitting down leisurely, Lin Wen asked. : "Miss Karuna, about the release of Xerneas, how is the alliance decision?"

Lin Wen returned to the alliance with Karuna, so he was very clear about what they were discussing in the emergency meeting!

What they discussed was whether to release Xerneas!

Now, since Karuna came looking for herself, there must be a result of this matter!

After Lin Wen asked this question, his eyes focused on Ka Lunai's face, and immediately, he noticed that Ka Lunai's brows were wrinkled.

Lin Wen was slightly stunned: "Did something bad happen?"

Ka Lunai sat on the office chair with both hands on the top of the desk. After hearing Lin Wen's question, Kao raised her right hand and rubbed her temples, looking like she had a headache.

Later, she looked at Lin Wen and said, "The alliance has adopted a voting mechanism for whether to release Xerneas in the end."

Lin Wen's heart moved, and he asked, "What about the result?"

"As a result..." Karuna pondered, and said with anger in her tone: "Seventy percent of the people who opposed the release of Xerneas were put on hold. This proposal has been put on hold!"

There was still a hint of anger in Karuna's tone that could not be suppressed. Obviously, this situation also caused her extreme dissatisfaction!


Hearing Karuna's answer, Lin Wen couldn't help but exclaimed!

This is the answer he didn't expect!

The alliance did not choose to release Xerneas?

His eyes turned to Karuna, and he revealed doubts: "Miss Karuna, really?"

"Yeah." Karuna nodded lightly and said, "I really don't know what those guys think. First of all, after Xerneas is released, Yveltal will also appear. The danger is too great..."

"Later, he even bluntly said that Xerneas chose to sacrifice himself to seal Yveltal, and he was not forced by others. If this is the case, why not enjoy it..."

"This view! Really!"

After the narration, even Karuna's tone was full of anger, which was obviously very unacceptable!

Lin Wen was also shocked when he heard Ka Lunai tell the story of the day...

How could anyone have such an idea?

This is no different from saying that Xerneas is cheap, who makes you sacrifice yourself to seal Yveltal!

Treating the selfless dedication of the elves as what they should have done in the first place, but tossed away all the responsibilities that they should have as a human being!

In the alliance, is it already so rotten?

They don't even think about... If Xerneas hadn't sealed Yveltar, then... what would happen to them now!

Lin Wen's heart also rose to anger!

The Elf Alliance was originally formed by legendary elves and humans to maintain the peaceful development of the Elf world. However, after so many years... The Elf Alliance has undoubtedly undergone tremendous changes!

Although... it may be that its essence and its mission have not changed, and it is still to maintain the peace of the elf world, but the executors have found a huge change!

Many of the so-called high-level personnel of the alliance have simply lost the mentality they should have, and are planning for themselves everywhere!

The alliance is completely rotten!

Lin Wen felt a little stunned in his heart. No wonder the legendary elves with high intelligence became more and more disappointed with human beings. They even entered a state of cold war as Sopa said at the beginning. At first, Lin Wen thought it was mainly because of evil forces. Because, now it seems that it is obviously only one of the reasons!

Another point, that is, the changes in the alliance itself! .

Chapter [-] Karuna's request

Legendary elves, none of them are fools, all have extremely high IQs, their own thinking, facing the rotten elves alliance, and facing the worms in those alliances, they will naturally be discovered by them!

Therefore... I will become more and more disappointed with mankind, resulting in the current result!

Think about it, even Xerneas, who has guarded mankind for hundreds of years of peace, is keeping silent, instead of extending a helping hand, worrying about this, that... This alliance has rotted to what extent ?

Lin Wen didn't dare to think about it any longer...

"Have those people never thought about Xerneas at all?"

After many thoughts flashed in his mind, Lin Wen couldn't help but said.

A sneer appeared on Karuna's face: "If they had thought about it for Xerneas, I'm afraid there wouldn't be such an answer."

After finishing speaking, Karuna paused, with a sarcastic smile on her face: "I got the news that after the decision was made, the Alliance immediately sent someone to block the White Sandalwood Forest, prohibiting outsiders from entering. "

"Not only will they not help Xerneas themselves, but they are also ready to stop everyone who wants to help Xerneas! Total ban!"

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