Listening to Ka Lunai's narration, Lin Wen couldn't help clenching his fists, and his heart twitched even more.

"These people... are really too much!"

Their rigid brains probably never thought that the Carlos area can be so safe and peaceful now, all because in the depths of the White Sandalwood Forest, there is a legendary elf who gave up his freedom.

They... they must not be ashamed!

"Researcher Yang Yan."

After a moment of silence, Karuna suddenly exclaimed.

"Hmm?" Lin Wen looked at Karuna with a slightly puzzled look, not knowing what the champion lady wanted to say.

"Although the alliance has made a decision not to release Xerneas, but... I'm still not ready to change my mind!" Karuna's face showed a determined look: "Xerneas A person has been fighting alone for hundreds of years, and as a human being, as a part of the elf world, we need to lend a helping hand to it and help it."

Afterwards, Ka Lunai looked at Lin Wen with serious eyes: "Researcher Yang Yan, are you willing to help me?"

Then... Karuna's eyes were fixed on Lin Wen's body.

Slightly stunned, Lin Wen smiled, a very natural smile, and a very happy smile.

Immediately... he restrained his smile, looked at Karuna, and said very solemnly: "Miss Karuna, of course I am willing, and I can't even ask for it!"

If at the beginning, Lin Wen still released two legendary elves in his arms, causing the emergence of new expansion pieces, and seeking benefits from it, then now... After knowing the inaction of these top leaders of the alliance, Lin Wen's In my heart, there is a real anger!

Got the idea to help Xerneas!

Such a kind-hearted elf who thinks about the elf world wholeheartedly, the ending he deserves is not to sleep in a lonely place forever!

Hearing Lin Wen's reply, a satisfied smile flashed across Ka Lunai's face, and her gaze towards Lin Wen became even more appreciative.

Seeing that Karuna had the same opinion as himself, Lin Wen finally felt that he was not alone. The other party was the champion of the Elf League and the Carlos region, but he had the same opinion and agreed to release Xernia. Sis, help this kind and legendary elf.

Looking at it this way, the Elf Alliance is not hopeless!

Although many high-level officials have decayed and no longer have the spirit of selfless dedication to the elf world, there are also a group of people, such as Karuna, who still maintain the heart of a child and have not been polluted by the world!

Their hearts are still kind, and they will make the most correct feeling!

After a slight pause, a lot of thoughts flashed in Lin Wen's mind, and then, Lin Wen said, "Miss Karuna, as the saying goes, freezing three feet is not a day's cold, and the Elf Alliance has become what it is now, but It’s not something that can be achieved overnight.”

Karuna nodded lightly. As the champion of the Carlos region, she was naturally very clear about these things.

No one will suddenly change overnight... The Elf Alliance has become what it is now, and that is the failure gene produced by the alliance after a long time since its formation!

"."This time... from the Xerneas incident, you can see the views of these people!" Lin Wen went on to say: "They have long put aside their original ideas, and they have power but are greedy for fear. Die, without the dedication you once had."

"It's obviously not enough for us to help Xerneas!"

Having said that, Lin Wen paused.

Looking at Karuna's admiring look and motioning for him to continue, Lin Wen continued, "Now, it's just a Xerneas, but as time goes by, looking at the corruption of the current alliance... In the future, there will be a second Xerneas, a third Xerneas... and so on!"

Of course, Lin Wen was not talking about the elf Xerneas, but the elves who needed help!

(Wang Zhaohao) "At that time, the relationship between humans and elves will probably get worse and worse!" Lin Wen said.

"Yeah! You're right, Researcher Yang Yan." Ka Lunai said with a forehead in agreement.

"Miss Karuna, to tell you the truth, before I came to the Carlos area, I met a senior member of the alliance. His name is Sopa, and he is an old man."

Karuna obviously had a certain understanding of the character Sopa, and nodded when she heard the words.

Lin Wen went on to describe: "The reason why he sought me is one, hoping to become a bridge between the alliance and the legendary elf through my identity as the leader of the elf, so that the two can be reconciled."

"Of course... I also discussed with him at the time, but as far as he said, the legendary elves were disappointed because of the alliance's inaction against the evil forces of mankind."

Chapter six hundred and eighty sixth wind of change

"But... looking at it now, this is obviously just one of the reasons!"

"The legendary elves were able to form an elf alliance with humans back then, which shows how much trust the legendary elves had in humans!" Lin Wen analyzed very calmly.

"But now... they found that human beings have changed! They are no longer the same as before! They have changed their appearance!"

"Compared to the evil forces, I think that the changes that have taken place in my long-time comrades are what truly chills the hearts of the legendary elves! It is also what disappoints them."

"Just as the evil forces have always existed, within the alliance, there have also been a group of worms who have lost their faith. If they don't get rid of all these worms... I am afraid that the legendary elves will never regain their attitude towards humans. ."

"Similarly... If there are these worms, then... things like Xerneas have only happened for the first time, but in the future, it will also happen a second time, a third time, no Knowing how to be grateful for being an elf in the same class, the result is that the relationship between humans and elves has completely deteriorated!"

Lin Wen stopped after he said everything in his heart in one breath.

Karuna's eyes became brighter and brighter as Lin Wen spoke, and after hearing that Lin Wen stopped, her eyes fixed on Lin Wen brightly, and she asked, "Researcher Yang said so much, What are your plans?"

Looking at Karuna's gaze, Lin Wen squinted and replied, "Xerneas must be released! Similarly, these worms in the alliance should also be cleaned up!"

After saying these words, Lin Wen turned his gaze to Ka Lunai, and continued: "Of course... some of them have already held high positions in the alliance, and if they want to get rid of these assholes, they need to A very long-term plan."

"At the same time..." Lin Wen paused for a while, and looked at Ka Lunai sincerely: "I also need the help of the senior members of the alliance who are like you, Miss Ka Lunai, who still maintains a sincere deficit!"

After saying this to Ka Lunai, Lin Wen's bright eyes were fixed on Ka Lunai's body!

As he said, this plan can be described as very large, and it is not the first simple thing to clean up the high-level members of the alliance who have become worms!

Not only does it take a long time as a foreshadowing, but it also requires trainers like Karuna, who are at the top of the alliance and have not yet decayed!

With the strength of Lin Wen alone, it is obviously a fantasy to achieve such a goal!

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