He must have the help of his teammates!

Feeling Lin Wen's gaze, Kalu turned her head sideways and said with a smile, "Researcher Yang Yan, I really admire you!"

Then, she said, "I've long been dissatisfied with the old system of the Alliance!"

She frowned and said: "Those old, old-fashioned, old-fashioned, old-fashioned as they get older, the power they hold has become greedy for life and death, and they have completely lost the mentality and attitude that a Pokémon trainer should have, I don't understand. Grateful to the elf as a companion... If this continues, as you said, the relationship between humans and the elf will become worse and worse... It will never be as good as it was at the beginning."

"This kind of thing is something that any Pokémon trainer doesn't want to see!"

"So..." Lin Wen was slightly overjoyed.

Karuna gave a hearty smile: "Of course I agree [-]% with the plan you mentioned and support it!"

"And... I can also contact my friends to join in!"

Speaking of this, Ka Lunai's majesty as a champion suddenly showed; "It's time for a change in today's league!"

(bhae) In Lin Wen's heart, a surprise flashed by!

As the champion of the Carlos region, Kalunai has a noble status and a detached status in the alliance. Even those senior members of the alliance with high status cannot be compared with him!

What's more, there are Karuna's connections!

An alliance champion who wants to reform the alliance can play a much bigger role than a little researcher like Lin Wen!

Of course... even if Karuna joins, this is a long-term and very long-term plan. After all, most of the top leaders of the alliance are already rotten. It can be seen from the results of this Xerneas voting. To clean up, it is very involved and needs to be fully prepared.

Lin Wen and Ka Lunai both knew this, so after talking about this... neither of them went further on this topic, but returned to their original topic!

About Xerneas!


"If you want to release Xerneas, you must have a perfect plan." Lin Wen said.

"Indeed." Karuna nodded in agreement.

"Although the Alliance has now blocked the White Sandalwood Forest, with our strength, it is actually very simple to break into it." Lin Wen said, "We know the location of Yveltal, Xerneas's The orientation has also been roughly determined, after entering the white sandalwood forest, as long as you start searching, after finding Xerneas, you can easily release it..."

Karuna listened carefully, listening to Lin Wen's words very seriously.

Lin Wen frowned: "Everything before this can be said to be very simple, and with our ability, we can easily achieve it!"

"But... the most important thing is what comes next."

"That's right." Karuna replied, "After Xerneas is released and wakes up from his slumber, then... Yveltal will also appear!"

"You don't even have to think about what it did when it came back after it appeared!"

"According to its temper, coupled with the anger that has been sealed for hundreds of years, I am afraid it will retaliate as soon as possible, causing very serious damage to the Carlos area."

"Yes." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

"The biggest problem with this matter is here, Xerneas and Yveltal are involved, as long as Xerneas is released, then Yveltal will also wake up! Destruction in the Los area!".

Chapter [-] The plan of the two

Lin Wen's fingers tapped on the table in front of him unconsciously, and continued: "What we need to consider is not only to bypass the Carlos Alliance and release Xerneas, but the bigger problem is how to intercept Yveltal! "

"After releasing Xerneas, we must stop Yveltal, who is also free, and prevent it from wreaking havoc on the Carlos region! Only in this way can our actions be recognized by others."

"Yeah." Karuna nodded in agreement.

"And... this time, no matter what, we have to help Zerni Yas!"

"Although Yveltal is expected to destroy the Carlos region as soon as he regains his freedom, but... we also have natural helpers!"

"Xerneas!" Lin Wen said.

"Xerneasken gave up his freedom and sealed Yveltal. Then, even after his freedom is restored, it will definitely not tolerate Yveltal's destruction of the Kalos region!"

"This will be a battle between two legendary elves!"

Lin Wen Road.

Immediately... his eyes turned to Karuna.

Ka Lunai has been listening carefully to Lin Wen's narration of her thoughts, and when she saw Lin Wen's gaze, she couldn't help but be slightly dazed, but she didn't realize what Lin Wen meant for a while.

Lin Wen smiled slightly: "I have heard that hundreds of years ago, the battle between Xerneas and Yveltal ended up being seriously injured. From this, we can see the strength of these two elves. It's almost..."

"However, in the battle hundreds of years ago, in order to prevent more lives from being affected, it was also out of self-esteem, Xerneas did not allow humans to help..."

"This time... no matter what, we have to join the battle!"

"The strengths of the two elves were about the same hundreds of years ago, and now they have both fallen into a deep sleep due to serious injuries, so now...their strength gap is probably extremely limited."

"In this case, we will be the last straw to the camel's back, allowing Xerneas to take the lead in this battle and defeat Yveltal."

Hearing Lin Wen's suggestion, Ka Lunai nodded lightly and agreed.

The fact is exactly as Lin Wen said, with their strength, it is very simple to release Xerneas. Although the Alliance has now banned the White Sandalwood Forest, prohibiting outsiders from entering, but no matter how powerful it is. Can the team still be able to stop a champion and a trainer of the heavenly king level?

Totally impossible!

The main problem that Lin Wen and Karunai need to face is not to enter the White Sandalwood Forest and release Xerneas, but the chain reaction brought about by the release of Xerneas!

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