Yveltal will also appear!

It has to be stopped!

As a powerful Legendary Pokémon, Yveltal's strength is absolutely outstanding. Hundreds of years ago, it can cause such serious damage to the Carlos area, it can be seen in general!

Fortunately... Lin Wen and Karuna do not need to appear on the battlefield as the main force!

They said that after Xerneas was released, Xerneas, who was kind-hearted and loved the elf world, obviously couldn't let his old rival destroy the Carlos area, and would definitely stop him!

The two legendary elves are very likely to have an earth-shattering battle just like hundreds of years ago!

At this time, the role of Lin Wen and Ka Lunai is reflected!

In the face of a powerful legendary elf, even a champion would not dare to say that he can win, but... the opponent of this legendary elf is also a legendary elf!

What Lin Wen and the others need to do is to assist the attack on the side and become the last straw that crushes the camel!

As long as Yveltal can be defeated head-on, then... it will undoubtedly become a delusion if it wants to destroy the Kalos region again!

After pondering Lin Wen's plan very seriously, Ka Lunai nodded very seriously: "Researcher Yang Yan, you are right, it is true..."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

She found that she had become more and more appreciative of this rookie in the Guandu area, because the other party could always surprise him!

His statement was approved by the champion Karuna, and Lin Wen did not show any strange expression, and then said: "As for the specific lies, we still need to seriously consider it!"

"Although the banning of the guards in the White Sandalwood Forest can't stop us, there are still many worms in the current alliance after all. If we directly break into the White Sandalwood Forest, we will undoubtedly leave a story behind them."

"You have to plan well!"



"If that's the case... we'll..."

There was a low voice of discussion in the office.

Lin Wen... The Yang Yan researcher in the Guandu area, the king-level combat power trainer, and the regional champion of Carlos, Miss Karuna, began to seriously discuss the specific plan to liberate Xerneas!

There is no room for negligence!

After all, this involves two powerful legendary elves, and also involves the safety of the Carlos area!

The two chose to prepare to release Xerneas because they did not want Xerneas to bear the responsibility of guarding the Carlos area alone, but that must be done rashly under the premise of perfect preparation. impossible!

The situation of [-] years ago is still vivid in my mind. Many forests in the entire Carlos region were tragically destroyed, and life was devastated!

Now, this time, under their initiative, these two legendary elves will reappear. Lin Wen and Karunai obviously cannot allow the situation that happened [-] years ago to happen again!

That doesn't match their original intention!

The purpose of Lin Wen and Karuna is not only to release Xerneas, so that he does not have to sacrifice himself to seal Yveltal, but also to completely solve the hidden dangers, so that I can't let Yveltar be sealed. Peltar is wreaking havoc on the Carlos region! .

Chapter six hundred and eighty-eight seeking help

At the same time, facing the dilemma brought by the two legendary elves, there is no room for carelessness. Lin Wen and Ka Lunai discussed the specific related plans very seriously, without the slightest ambiguity.

Under this kind of attentive discussion, time passed quickly, and with the gradual improvement of the two, a complete specific plan was finally released!

This can be regarded as the crystallization of the two people's hard work... After all, because two legendary elves are involved, not only Lin Wen, but even the champion of the very Carlos region, Karuna, also pays the same attention!

If one is not good, it will have a huge impact on the Carlos region!

When Karuna sent someone to look for Lin Wen, it was already afternoon, and now... with the discussion between the two in the office, the time flies "nine three zero" fast, plus the time in the Elf Century In winter, the sky is dark and very early. At this time... through the window, you can already see that the sky outside has become dark.

Karunai put the preliminary plan of the two in the drawer and locked it. After all, what they are going to do is unacceptable to many people in the Carlos Alliance, and it cannot be discovered in advance.

Afterwards, he took the initiative to invite: "I'm a little carried away, Researcher Yang Yan, let's have dinner together later?"

Lin Wen shrugged at the beautiful Miss Karuna, and naturally would not refuse the request of such a champion and beauty, and nodded lightly, "Okay, let's go together."

The two walked out of the office side by side and walked towards the restaurant inside the alliance.

Along the way, I met quite a few insiders of the alliance, and after meeting Karuni, they all said hello.

As the champion of the Carlos region, Caruna's status in the Carlos League is actually very detached.Everyone in the alliance is very respectful to Karuna!

While greeting Karuna, many members of the alliance also looked at Lin Wen with curious eyes.

They were quite familiar with this face, but if they thought they could follow Karuna, they were definitely not small people.So he also nodded to Lin Wen!

Lin Wen also responded one by one!

Of course, in the Carlos Alliance, there are many people who know him!

After all, a few days ago, Lin Wen, together with Karuna, defeated the leader of the Flare Team, Fradali, and successfully arrested all the Flaming Team members including him. Great work!

At that time, the alliance sent trainer troops, and many of them were working in the elf alliance!

These people, after seeing Lin Wen, would say a word to Researcher Yang Yan with great respect.

This is a direct result of his strength and fame.


After walking all the way, Ka Lunai and Lin Wen came to the restaurant inside the alliance, ordered a few random dishes, and the two had dinner.

They deliberately chose a relatively remote corner, and the Alliance staff in the restaurant were also concentrating on eating, but no one paid attention to them...

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