During dinner, the two were also discussing the specific plan. For this matter, Lin Wen and Ka Lunai paid great attention to it, and no negligence was allowed!

After all, this involves two legendary elves and the safety of the Carlos area!

It took nearly an hour for a dinner to be eaten!

When the two finished their dinner, there were not many people left in the restaurant in the alliance.

Karunai followed Lin Wen until she walked to the exit of the Elf Alliance, and then said to Lin Wen, "Researcher Yang Yan, I will send you here first."

Lin Wen nodded lightly: "Write more about Miss Karunai."

"Thank you." Ka Lunai smiled and said softly: "In the next period of time, we will be comrades fighting side by side!"

Hearing this, Lin Wen shook his head, the two looked at each other and smiled, without saying anything!


After leaving the Elf Alliance, Lin Wen returned to his temporary residence in Miare City.

He recalled the plan he made with Karuna in his mind, and nodded secretly.

The plan of the two is very detailed, and there are many people involved!

First of all, as the champion of the Carlos region, Karuna will gather her strength secretly. After all, they are likely to fight the legendary elf Yveltal!Lin Wen and Karunai both believed that just relying on the two of them could not ensure that all accidents would not happen, so Karunai planned to secretly gather the four kings of the Carlos region!

The Four Heavenly Kings in each region will rotate every generation, and they are all very powerful trainers. Compared with the rotten old antiques of the Alliance, they will undoubtedly stand on the same front as Karunai, and they will be on the same front as Karunai. Luna will have the same choice!

At the same time, it is necessary to rely on the power of Karuna to cover the information of other high-level alliances in the Carlos area and provide a certain amount of time for Lin Wen's plan!

After all... it involves the legendary elf, the plan set by Lin Wen, it takes a certain amount of time just for the preliminary preparations!

You must know that the Carlos Regional Alliance has banned outsiders from entering the White Sandalwood Forest. At the same time, Lin Wen learned from Karuna that they wanted to prevent someone from releasing Xerneas and causing Yveltal to break free of the seal. It is even more obvious that this action is prohibited!

No one is allowed to have the idea of ​​releasing Xerneas!

This undoubtedly made Lin Wen even more disgusted with these alliance executives!

Because of the preparation for related matters, there will inevitably be a major personnel transfer in the next 0.0, which is likely to arouse the alertness of the Carlos Regional Alliance and let them find out that someone is preparing to release Xerneas!

Therefore, while Lin Wen is implementing the plan, he also needs Ka Lunai to deal with it on the bright side, blinding the eyes of the high-level officials of the Carlos area alliance, and preventing them from hindering this plan!

It involves two legendary elves, and the safety of the Carlos area. If the alliance executives in the Carlos area still block it, then... the difficulty of this plan will be greatly increased!

These are all things Karuna will do in the next period of time!

And what Lin Wen has to do is to find help!  …

Chapter [-] Contact the top of the alliance

Lin Wen followed Ka Lunai and made it clear about the Lingxi Guild. Since the launch of the Elf Century server, the players are no longer the weak groups who would kneel and lick when they saw NPCs. They have changed over time. It is very powerful. In such a large-scale task, in the new expansion, it can exert the strength that is not inferior to that of an NPC trainer!

As the first guild for players across the Guandu area and the Chengdu area, Lingxi Guild has a lot of elite personnel. For the development in the Carlos area, I believe Lingfeng will do her best!

Hearing that Lin Wen can bring a lot of reinforcements from the Guandu area, Ka Lunai undoubtedly agreed with it, and at the same time, he also looked up to Lin Wen.

An independent trainer, even if he is strong, is only one person. In the face of many huge wars, the role he can play is really limited, but a trainer with the same power behind it is completely different. At times, it can make a huge difference!

And the Lin 17 pattern obviously belongs to the latter!

This made Karuna feel that her vision was correct. Researcher Yang Yan was able to rise so quickly, and he really had his own unique side!

Overall, that's the plan.

Because the Carlos Region Alliance is resistant to this matter, except for Karuna and the Four Heavenly Kings of the Carlos Region who she can ask for help, in this plan, the rest of the combat power requires Lin Wen from the gate. In the capital city area, use your own connections to get it done!

This is undoubtedly an opportunity to show Karuna's strength!

The various plans they discussed flashed through their minds, and Lin Wen followed the road and quickly returned to his residence in Miare City.

As soon as he entered the room, Lin Wen did not hesitate, took out the communication device and dialed a number!

After the communication request was sent, the approval was quickly obtained. Then, a slightly old voice sounded in the communication device: "Hello? Researcher Yang Yan? What's the matter? Did you have any new gains recently?"

Lin Wen put a smile on the corner of his mouth and said softly, "Lord Sopa."

That's right, he contacted the high-ranking alliance he met after the Rockets' annihilation battle in the Kanto area, Sopa!

The two had reached a certain consensus in the Elf Alliance in Golden City before, and they even left contact information for each other, which is convenient for normal contact!

Sopa didn't dare to despise Lin Wen, a researcher with heavenly king-level combat power and the identity of the head of the elf.

"Researcher Yang Yan, if I remember correctly, you are in the Carlos area now, what happened? Need you to contact me?" Sopa's old voice came from the communication device.

After a short contact, Sopa also understood the general character of this Yang Yan researcher. He is definitely a master who can't afford to pay early. He won't make a loss-making business. If it doesn't happen, or there is something that needs help , then, Sopa estimates that he will never contact himself.

Lin Wen lightly foreheaded and said, "Lord Sopa, I did encounter something in the Carlos area."

Afterwards, while Sopa listened carefully, Lin Wen recounted what happened!

Including him and Karuna teamed up, defeated Fradali, arrested the Flare team members, and then got the location of the secret base from the Flare team members, and finally, learned about the legendary elves in the secret base, The exact coordinates of Yveltal!

Furthermore, based on the coordinates, the specific range of Xerneas has been inferred.

After narrating all this, Lin Wen talked about the reaction of the Carlos Region Alliance, the opinions of the top leaders of the alliance, and the current attitude of the Carlos Region towards this matter.

When Sopa first started, he would also ask questions based on what Lin Wen said, but the more he heard the back, the more silent he became, and he did not say a word.

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