"Lord Sopa, the specific situation is like this." After saying everything, Lin Wen concluded.

Sopa, who was opposite the communication equipment, was silent for two or three seconds, and then said: "I understand, Researcher Yang Yan, then you contacted me to..."

"I need your help!"

Before Sopa finished speaking, Lin Wen said decisively!

Although he doesn't know the specific position of the other party in the alliance, he is definitely a real big man. What's more, the other party is also a member who is working hard to ease the relationship between humans and the legendary elves. Lin Wen felt that he should be able to Get each other's help!

If you get it, then it will undoubtedly be of great use to this plan!

On the other end of the communication device, Sopa's breath became heavier, and he didn't reply directly.

Lin Wen didn't care, and said, "Lord Sopa, this matter involves two legendary elves, Yveltal doesn't need to think about it, because of the evil element, it is very evil and full of desire for destruction. There is definitely no possibility of reconciliation with humans, but Xerneas, this is a very kind Pokémon!"

"It is even more for the safety of the Carlos region, at the expense of itself, to seal Yveltal, prevent it from appearing, and cause damage to the Carlos region!"

"I believe you also know that this is a very unfair thing for Zer 013 Nias! In the entire Carlos region, it is not just one elf, in addition to elves, there are many human beings! "

"We humans, why should we ignore this kind of thing?"

The opposite Sopa was silent for two seconds, and then said: "Researcher Yang Yan, you are right."

"Yeah." Lin Wen lightly foreheaded: "Besides, haven't humans always wanted to ease the relationship with the legendary elves? This is actually a good breakthrough point!"

"Xerneas sacrificed himself for the entire Carlos region, if we humans can take the initiative to rescue Xerneas, restore its freedom, and seal Yveltar again, preventing it from affecting the Carlos region. Destruction, then, this is undoubtedly a thing that will make the legendary elf impress!"

"I think so, I don't know Mr. Sopa, what do you think?"

After expressing his views and thoughts, Lin Wen fell silent, waiting for Sopa's reply.

(PS: Ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions. If you have spare money, you may wish to support a wave. The elf's text is already difficult, but I can guarantee that this book will never be a eunuch, but a good start and a good end, thank you for your support.).

Chapter [-] Agree

From the time Sopa met him alone before, Lin Wen could see his entanglement and expectations for easing the relationship between humans and legendary elves. As Lin Wen said, this incident in the Carlos area is actually a A very good opportunity, Lin Wen felt that the other party would not easily let go of this opportunity.

the other end of the communication device.

Because it was getting late, Sopa, who had reached a certain age, was ready to rest, and who knew that he received a communication from Lin Wen!

Moreover... in this communication, Lin Wen even made a proposal that made him very excited.

After listening to the opposite researcher Yang Yan narrating all the events and his own views, he fell silent. Sopa held the communication device in one hand, raised the other hand, and gently rubbed it on his temples.

He naturally knew that what Lin Wen said was true. This was indeed a good time to ease the relationship between humans and the legendary elves, but at the same time, Sopa also had scruples in his heart.

After all... the alliance branch in the Carlos region actually has more people who oppose this matter than those who agree!

Therefore, Sopa hesitated.

He held the communication device, hesitated for a long time, all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind, and finally gritted his teeth and said to the communication device: "Researcher Yang Yan, I agree with your proposal, and I will send someone to assist you in executing this time. plan!"

After saying this, Sopa did not continue to communicate with Lin Wen, but hung up the communication device and looked at the ceiling above his head.

He was silent for a while, then whispered softly: "I hope that I didn't make a wrong choice..."


On the other side, listening to Sopa's last words, Lin Wen's eyes lit up, it's done!

Although he didn't know Sopa's specific position, Lin Wen knew that Sopa must be a high-ranking person in the alliance. With his help, this plan could undoubtedly be implemented more smoothly, avoiding a lot of problems. Accident happened!


Lin Wen pondered, and was about to make another call to contact Ling Feng and ask him how his preparations were going.

As early as a few days ago, he discovered the coordinates of Yveltal, and when he realized that this might lead to the appearance of a new expansion, he had already contacted Lingfeng. I believe that after these days of preparation, Lingfeng will also Surprise him!

Players in the past were completely in the game, but now, with the passage of time, players have gradually become the main force in the game!Far more than NPCs!

After all, players are getting stronger every moment!

Unexpectedly, just as Lin Wen was about to call the communication device, he saw the screen of the communication device light up. It turned out to be the communication request sent by Ling Feng!

Lin Wen's eyes lit up, hehe smiled and said, "What a coincidence!"

He then accepted the communication request.

As soon as it was connected, Ling Feng's familiar voice came over and asked, "Brother Yangyan, how are you doing?"

Lin Wen thought for a moment, and then said: "Most of the alliance executives here in the Carlos area do not agree with the release of Xerneas, and now they have blocked the White Sandalwood Forest and banned all related matters. !"

"But..." Lin Wen paused for a while, and then said: "Me and the champion of the Carlos region, Miss Karunai, have already made a relevant plan, Xerneas, we must release it! We will definitely welcome you at that time. A new expansion will be produced!"

Having said that, Lin Wen asked, "President Lingfeng, how are you preparing?"

Lingfeng of the communication equipment, listening to Lin Wen tell the relevant information about the Carlos region, only one word floated in his heart.

Invisible pretense, the most deadly!

Listen to others, when we are still working hard to catch elves and cultivate elves, they have already teamed up with the champion and done it with the alliance!

The alliance in the Carlos region disagreed with this matter, but Lin Wen and Karunai were still ready to start taking action. In Lingfeng's view, it was undoubtedly the alliance with the alliance!

It's really that people are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away.Ling Feng sighed in his heart.

After hearing Lin Wen's question, Ling Feng quickly replied: "Everything is ready. Next, the members of our guild will head towards the Carlos area in batches."

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