"This time... the people who went to the Carlos area were all the most elite players in our Lingxi guild, and they all had at least one boss-level elf, which can be said to be the strongest combat power we can bring up so far. !" Ling Feng said.

He undoubtedly attaches great importance to the affairs of the Carlos region. As long as it is used properly, this will undoubtedly be an opportunity for the Lingxi Guild to develop by leaps and bounds again!

Of course, there are dangers too.

But as the saying goes, you will win if you love to fight. What's more, with the current background of the Lingxi Guild, you can also fight, and you are not afraid of failure!

Listening to Ling Feng's reply, Lin Wen's eyes flashed with satisfaction and nodded secretly.

This is what he and Lingfeng discussed. The guild players sent to the Carlos area are not expensive!What is needed are truly elite personnel!

After all, this is a massive battle involving two legendary Pokémon!No matter how many ordinary players come, they are just cannon fodder!

Only real elite players can play a certain role in this battle and increase (Zhao's) chips for Lin Wen's plan!

"."Okay, hurry up and come here." Lin Wen nodded lightly, very satisfied with Ling Feng.

"Well, I understand, Brother Yang Yan."

Then, the two hung up the call.

Lin Wen got up from the chair and came to the window.

Outside, the sky has completely darkened, and it has entered the dark night.

Lin Wen's eyes swept across Miare City at night, and he took a good look at the night scene of this artistic metropolis. Then, he returned to the bed and began to rest.

night passed...

This night, many people are destined to have no sleep, quietly preparing for various things and making adequate preparations!

It's like the calm before the storm. There seems to be no sign on the surface, but when everything starts, it will be earth-shattering! .

Chapter [-] The Tower of Refinement

The next day, early in the morning.

Early in the morning, Lin Wen got up early, then left directly from his residence and took a taxi to Borneo City!

He is going to challenge the very famous Tower of Refinement there!

At present, all parties are making preparations. Next, it is conceivable that they will face the legendary elf in a decisive battle. It is rumored that the rewards of the Tower of Refinement are very rich. The strength of the elves has been improved again, and maybe they can play a huge role in the decisive battle with the legendary elves!

This kind of temporary cramming still has to be done frequently!

Nowadays, the Carlos region prohibits anyone from approaching the White Sandalwood Forest, and it is even more forbidden for anyone to have the idea of ​​releasing Xerneas. As the leader of the plan, Lin Wen does not dare to be too ostentatious to attract the attention of the top officials of the Carlos region alliance. , so, he didn't even choose to ride the flash dragon to go to the city of Borneo, after all, it was too conspicuous, but chose to go by means of transportation!

Compared with the speed of the Flash Dragon, the speed of the bus is much slower, but after a long journey of 440 hours, Lin Wen finally came to Borneo City smoothly!

After traveling for a while, the destination of his trip, the Tower of Refinement in Borneo City, was already in sight. From a distance, it could be said that it was very lively, with many players gathered around.

Because he wanted to come to the Tower of Refinement for the challenge, before coming to Borneo City, Lin Wen specially searched for information about the Tower of Refinement!

The Tower of Refinement in Borneo is not the same as in the original series. It is not a simple gym challenge, but a level-by-level challenge!

The entire tower of refinement has five floors, and each floor has a completely different enemy!There are also completely different settings!According to legend, there is also the existence of the sixth floor, which is said to be the most mysterious legendary refining apex of the Tower of Refinement. However, although the wizard century has been open for more than half a year, let alone the fifth floor, it is hovering on the fourth floor. There are many players, and it will take a long time to confirm the existence of the sixth floor.

The Tower of Refinement (bhdi) uses the very developed technology in the Carlos area to simulate the real battle scene to detect the strength of the trainer, and it can also improve the strength of the trainer to a certain extent. Moreover, After the challenge is over, you will get a lot of rewards, which makes many players love this place and come to challenge often.

At the same time, it is also the most famous landmark building in the Carlos area!

Following the road, Lin Wen quickly came to the square in front of the Tower of Refinement.

At first glance, the Tower of Refinement was built very spectacularly, and the situation inside could not be seen from the outside.

Around the Tower of Refinement, there are many players gathered at this time, talking, some of them are here to challenge the Tower of Refinement, and some are here to watch!

Everything... is because of that huge screen outside the Tower of Refinement!

On that screen, there are a total of twenty-five avatars, representing players who are challenging the Tower of Refinement!

The Tower of Refinement can accommodate 25 players to challenge each time, but the number of people here is overwhelming and very popular. It can be said that it is very rare to see the challenge of dissatisfied players.

On the avatars on the [-]th floor, there are stars. Now, above the avatars of these [-] players, two stars have lit up above the avatars of three players, and more than a dozen players have lit up with one star. A star, and as for the rest, there is darkness above.

Lin Wen knew about this situation before he came here. This is the real-time situation of the players who challenged inside the Tower of Refinement!

Each star means that the player has passed the first floor!

Players like those who have already lit up with two stars have obviously entered the third floor of the Tower of Refinement and can be called masters!

As for those players who haven't lit a single star, they are obviously still hovering on the first floor, and the possibility of wanting to pass is actually very small!

Although there is no way to watch the players who are challenged on the facade in real time at the top of the screen, it can reveal the progress of the players, which undoubtedly satisfies the curiosity of many players.

Now... this group of challengers in the Tower of Refinement has obviously just entered, and countless players outside are watching the big screen, wanting to see if they can get any surprises today.

Lin Wen's gaze just stayed on the big screen for a while, then withdrew his gaze and walked towards a small room on the side of the Tower of Refinement!

There... it's the registration place for the Tower of Refinement!

Each time the Tower of Refinement can accommodate [-] players to challenge at the same time, as long as the number reaches [-], registration will be suspended.

Lin Wen's luck is good. Now the display outside the small room is still registration, which means that the number of people who have signed up has not yet come together.

Soon, Lin Wen came to the outside of the registration room.

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