Inside was a young female alliance staff member. After seeing Lin Wen coming, she showed a sweet smile and asked softly, "Hello, are you here to sign up?"

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

The staff member of the Women's Alliance lowered his head, not knowing what was being recorded, and then looked up and said, "Are you going for an anonymous challenge or a real-name challenge?"

"Anonymous." Lin Wen replied.

He was only here for the reward of the Tower of Refinement, but he wasn't prepared to be in the limelight to attract the attention of the Carlos Regional Alliance, so he was naturally anonymous and made a fortune in silence.

The staff member recorded something, and then handed a small sign to Lin Wen.

"With this pass, you can enter the Tower of Refinement to start the trial after this group of challenged trainers is over."

"Thank you."

After saying thanks, Lin Wen took the pass and returned to the front of the Tower of Refinement.

The pass is very simple.At the front is a number.

No.: 0017

This means that he is the 17th player in this group of challengers to sign up.

After that, there is a record.

Today's 0981st anonymous challenger. .

Chapter [-] Challenge

The Tower of Refinement is very popular. In just one morning, nearly a thousand players have already challenged it!

Lin Wen believed that if it wasn't for the time it took for each group of players to challenge, the number of challenges would probably increase rapidly!Several times more!

However, after the registration was completed, Lin Wen stopped thinking about it, and instead noticed the big screen not far away.

There, the real-time progress of this group of players is being displayed.

Now, the player with the highest ranking of stars has lit up three stars, which means that he has come to the fourth floor to challenge at this time!

And the exit of the Tower of Refinement has begun to walk out of the players, these are the people who have failed to challenge.

The difficulty inside the Tower of Refinement is still very high, and ordinary trainers cannot successfully break through and gain rewards.

Time passes gradually.

With the appearance of the first challenger's defeat, more and more players walked out of the Tower of Refinement.Just five minutes later, as the last player walked out of the Tower of Refinement, this group of challengers completely announced the end!

Their best scorer only had three stars on, which means that the challenge on the fourth floor failed, but when the last player walked out, there were still players around to give applause, shouting: "Brother, great what!"

The player who got three stars obviously also gained a lot. Although he didn't pass the fourth floor, he was not depressed at all. It seemed that he was very satisfied with the gains of the first three floors.

As the last player walks out, this group of players who are testing is completely over.

In the small room next to it, the girl staff said to Mike: "The next group of trainers who are challenging, please hold the pass to enter the tower of refinement."

As soon as her words came out, several players suddenly showed impatient expressions on their faces, holding their passes in their hands, and went to the entrance of the Tower of Refinement.

At the entrance, the staff of the alliance are guarding, and after showing the pass to him, he can enter the tower of refinement.

Inside the Tower of Refinement is a space created with high technology. Players are not challenged together, but each has their own area, which is very magical. After entering the Tower of Refinement, every player will enter the Different places, do not meet.

Hearing the sound from the broadcast, Lin Wen smiled slightly, and also went to the entrance with the pass.

This is the Carlos area. Compared with the Guandu area, he is not so familiar with him. Therefore, although there are countless players gathered around the Tower of Refinement, no one recognizes Lin Wen, which satisfies Lin Wen's low profile. 's intention.

After showing the pass to the staff of the alliance, Lin Wen stepped into the interior of the Tower of Refinement.

After seeing the environment in front of him, Lin Wen was taken aback.

Because... the space in front of it looks like a large arena. There is a large arena in the center for elves to fight, and on both sides of the arena there are podiums for trainers to stand.

At the other end of the room, there is a large screen hanging, just like the big screen outside, showing the challenge progress of the players who participated in the battle at the same time.

It's a comparison and an incentive!

Lin Wen shook his head slightly and stepped onto the podium on one side.

Just as he stepped onto the podium, the system prompt suddenly sounded: "Player Heart of Yang Yan, please choose the elf you want to fight!"

"Choose an elves..." Lin Wen rubbed his chin and pondered a little.

The first few floors of the Tower of Refinement have already been successfully passed by many players, so the rules are no longer a secret.

As for this first floor... not to mention more, as long as a player in the Carlos area can know.

Lin Wen also conducted investigations when he was short of relevant information.

The rules of the first floor of the Tower of Refinement are: use a elf of any level to defeat the virtual mirror of the elf with [-] times its own strength.

After Lin Wen searched for this first-level rule, he already knew it in his heart. This is undoubtedly a level to test the trainer's ability. Obviously they are all players with a certain background.

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At the same time, this means that what kind of elves are used to fight is actually a very important point!

After a little consideration in Lin Wen's mind, he first ruled out his two lord-level elves, Leaf Elf and Shining Fast Dragon!

As the saying goes, the bigger the base, the bigger the multiplier. As the most powerful elf in Lin Wen's hands, the Flash Dragon is very powerful in all attributes. It is also a dragon-type elf with a very strong defense. Pointing five times the mirror image of the Flash Dragon, then, Lin Wen felt that even if he were to fight with another Heavenly King, he probably wouldn't be able to get through...


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