After all, [-] times one is only [-] times, but [-] times ten is only [-]!

The former is only a difference of [-] points, while the latter is a full five points difference, ten times the difference!

Of course, this is just an example.

In the same way, the lord-level leaf elves are obviously the same, especially because they are grass-type elves with excellent recovery ability. If they really fight with the mirror image of the leaf elves, then... it is estimated that the light is the strong recovery of grass-type elves. The ability can make Lin Wen feel nauseous for a while!

Therefore, after some consideration, he directly released the elves that had not come out to participate in the battle for a long time!


This is undoubtedly a long-lost elf. After the Royal Dragon Trial, because Lin Wen got the Flash Dragon, many of the former elf did not appear often, and Lucario was left out for a long time!

Now... this challenge to the Tower of Refinement is undoubtedly the chance for Lucario to reappear!

After hearing the system prompt that sounded again in his ears, Lin Wen said directly, "I choose Lucario!"

Afterwards, the light condensed on the ring, and a virtual mirror image of Lucario appeared on the ring. .

Chapter [-] Mirror Image

"Is this my opponent?" Lin Wen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he threw the Poke Ball directly onto the ring!

After a flash of light, the long-lost Lucario appeared on the ring.

Although he hardly appeared during this period of time, Lucario was not at all dissatisfied. After he appeared in the ring, his eyes were full of vigilance, and his eyes were fixed on the mirror image of Lucario on the opposite side!

Two almost identical elves looked at each other on the ring.

Then, the sound of the system suddenly started!

"The challenge begins!"

The moment the system sound appeared, Lucario on the opposite side sprinted directly towards Lucario of Linwen, and it... actually chose to go first, not ambiguous at all!

Its knee "[-]" was slightly bent over the lid, and Lin Wen could see at a glance what skills it was going to use!

Knee kick!

Because he had a certain understanding of the Tower of Refinement in advance, Lin Wen had already seen the flaws in this layer of rules!

Opposite Lucario, although its attribute strength is [-] times that of its own Lucario, it does not have the command of a trainer, and often relies on its own instincts and likes to take the initiative to attack!

Facing the attacking image of Lucario, Lin Wen calmly said, "Lucario, dodge the moment it approaches you!"

When Lucario saw the attacking image of Lucario, he was going to dodge the first time, but after hearing Lin Wen's order, out of trust in the master, it stopped for the first time!

The speed of Lucario's mirror image is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he has already sprinted not far in front of Lucario!

Lin Wen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly shouted, "Right now, jump up and dodge its attack!"

The moment he heard Lin Wen's order, Lucario, who had been prepared for a long time, kicked his legs hard, and his entire body jumped up instantly, jumping up high!

Lucario was caught off guard by the mirror image, but his skills had already been displayed, and it was impossible to stop temporarily, so he could only watch his flying knee kick and escaped by Lucario!

At this moment, Lin Wen's order came again!

"Lucario, use the wave missile!"

How agile is Lucario's body?Under a sensitive vertical leap, he jumped directly into the high mid-air!

After hearing Lin Wen's order, Lucario, who was in midair, gathered his hands together, his strength condensed, and the light radiated out!

Then, towards the mirror image of Lucario below, it blasted out!

The image of Lucario below was evaded abruptly by Lucario, and now it is in the stage where the new force has not yet been generated, and the old force has been dissipated.


The wave missile slammed into the body of Lucario's mirror image, and its entire body was directly impacted by the powerful impact force, and its body staggered and almost fell!

At the same time, there was a painful expression on his face!

"Lucario, don't give it a chance, use metal claws!"

After Lucario's wave missile was launched, Lin Wen did not hesitate at all, and the next order came again!

A sharp light flashed on Lucario's palm, and in a flash, his body quickly came to the back of Lucario's mirror image!

At this time, the mirror image of Lucario was staggered and very unstable because of the impact of the wave missile!

At this moment, Lucario came behind it, and the metal claws have been swung out!

Swish swish!

The sound of metal passing through the skin sounded, Lucario's mirror image let out a painful whine, and the whole body subconsciously leaned forward!

Then, Lucario's body flashed again and came to the front of Lucario's mirror image!

"Lucario, use melee combat to get rid of it!"

After two consecutive attacks, Lucario's mirror image suffered huge damage, and he was in pain, and his body was a little unstable. Lin Wen's very confident order had already been conveyed!

Lucario's figure was tactful, and he had come to the front of Lucario's mirror image, and then he launched a bold attack!

Its body shrunk into a ball and slammed into Lucario's mirror image's arms!

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