
Under the fierce impact that condensed all the strength, Lucario's mirror image was knocked out instantly, and his body fell to the ground!

At the moment when it slammed onto the ground, Lucario's mirror image suddenly shattered, and there was no trace of it!

The corners of Lin Wen's mouth twitched slightly, winning!

At the same time, the system prompt reminded Lin Wen of...  

"Congratulations to the player, Heart of Yang Yan, who successfully passed the first floor of the Tower of Refinement and received the reward: Heart of Refinement."

"Refined Heart?" Lin Wen pondered for a while, without hesitation, he directly took out the Refined Heart that had automatically entered the backpack, and checked its attributes.

Refined Heart: Special reward badge, all attributes +1 after wearing.

Lin Wen nodded, then threw it back into his backpack noncommittally.

For many players, this kind of accessories that can +1 all attributes is already a very good thing, but for Lin Wen, with his configuration, this kind of accessories is obviously optional. You don't need such a tool!

After all... every item on his body can be said to be the essence!Treasures left after screening!

"However, talking is better than nothing."

2.8 In less than a minute, the battle on the first floor was over, but Lin Wen did not feel that there was anything to be proud of.

Because, he has already seen the problem of the first floor!

That is, although the attribute strength of Lucario's mirror image is stronger than that of Lucario's, Lucario's mirror image, after all, is not commanded by a trainer, and only relies on his own instinct to fight!

The trainer and the elves can be said to be in a complementary relationship with each other. The elves fight, and the trainer, through keen observation, strives to make the elves display their most powerful strength in battle!

Except for a small number of elves, most elves can only display more powerful combat power after being commanded by the trainer! .

Chapter six hundred and ninety fourth collocation battle

Most of the elves have a very simple mind and like to go straight to each other. Like Lin Wen this time, he actually used a trick. Facing Lucario who didn’t dodge, Lucario’s mirror image was vigilant in his heart. No doubt it will drop a lot.

Afterwards, the sudden attack by Lucario succeeded.

A set of skills is successfully taken away, and there is no effective resistance at all.

It can be said that everything seems to be going smoothly, but in fact, it is exactly what it should be able to pass the first layer!

Just as the information flashed through Lin Wen's mind, a ray of light suddenly enveloped him, and then, inside the Tower of Refinement, where he was, the surrounding environment began to change gradually!


Inside the Tower of Refinement, in the space where the twenty-five players who challenged at the same time were located, there was a large screen showing the progress of the players who came in to challenge together.

This is a challenge competition for players, and it is also an incentive for each other, and strive to achieve better 17 results!

Everyone has just entered the Tower of Refinement. Some people have just refreshed the elf mirror opposite to them, and some people are facing a 1.5 times the elf mirror of their own, and they are in a hard fight!

At this moment, in less than a minute, a star has already lit up above the avatar of an anonymous player!

The first player to break through the first floor and go to the second floor!

This anonymous player numbered 0017 immediately attracted the attention of players who also came to the Tower of Refinement!

Although the first layer is the most difficult layer of the Tower of Refinement, it is not an easy thing to pass here. The highest record used to be one minute and fifty-seven seconds. The impact is exaggerated enough that many players have difficulty breaking through even this layer.

The opponent's ability to clear the customs in such a short time fully proves that this anonymous player numbered 0017 is definitely a real powerhouse!No water mixed in!

Seeing that someone broke through the first floor so quickly, the players who were breaking through the level at the same time were inspired a lot, and immediately commanded the elves to fight even harder, trying to break through the first floor in the shortest time possible!

Outside the Tower of Refinement, in the square.

Every day, the progress of the Tower of Refinement attracts many players to watch the battle, and the same is true today!

In the square, after the latest batch of twenty-five challengers entered the Tower of Refinement, the eyes of many onlookers fell on the big screen outside the Tower of Refinement, waiting for the result to appear!

Another thing their players didn't expect was that... just about half a minute later, a star had already lit up above the avatar of an anonymous player numbered 0017!

Actually... someone broke through the first floor so quickly!

This scene immediately attracted the attention of many players, and their eyes stayed on the player numbered 0017!


Inside the Tower of Refinement.

Lin Wen opened his eyes and watched the surrounding environment gradually change, which was undoubtedly a very rare scene.

The interior of the Refinement Tower uses very advanced high-tech. Obviously... this scene is the embodiment of high-tech!

Under Lin Wen's gaze, the surrounding environment quickly completed the change, gradually solidifying, and finally, a new scene appeared in Lin Wen's line of sight.

Before, on the first floor, Lin Wen was in front of a ring-type battle field, but this time, it returned to normal, the arena disappeared, and what appeared in Lin Wen's line of sight was a very normal elf battle field!

At the same time, the system prompt rang in Lin Wen's ear.

"Ding Dong, welcome to the player's Heart of Yang Yan, who came to the second floor of the Tower of Refinement, please start your challenge."

Lin Wen's eyes narrowed: "The second floor?"

It has been more than half a year since the launch of the wizard century. Although the Tower of Refinement has not been successfully cleared by the players, many players have successfully broken through the previous levels and brought out the information inside.

So... even if you don't have to look at the information on the rules sign next to the changed room, Lin Wen knows the rules of the second floor!

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