Lucario's mirrored hands stretched, and a bone rod was already formed in his hands!

Afterwards... facing Lucario who was attacking it, Lucario's mirror image was not at all frightened, he held the bone stick in one hand, and greeted Lucario in front of him!

The speed of the two elves is very fast, like two phantoms on the battlefield, in the blink of an eye, they have already sprinted together! .

Chapter [-] Lucario Super Evolution

At this moment, Lin Wen's Lucario took the lead, and when he stepped up with his hind legs, his entire body instantly rushed up. It held a bone rod in both hands, like a force splitting Huashan, and it split down towards Lucario's mirror image. !

This sudden attack not only contains the power of Lucario, but also includes the powerful inertia it generates from top to bottom. It can be said that the power is amazing!

"Lucario, defend against its attack!" Kearni's very steady voice came.

In the face of this powerful blow, Lucario's mirror image did not panic at all. It was very agile and quickly responded to the bone stick that was about to hit the top of the head!

I saw that my hands were like butterflies wearing flowers, and the whole bone rod was held at both ends and erected horizontally!

Obviously... Facing Lucario's attack, under the command of Korni, it did not choose to rely on agile speed to dodge, but prepared to resist it!


In the next second, the two bone rods collided, making a slightly dull sound!

Carrying a strong inertia from top to bottom, Lin Wen's Lucario has a certain advantage. Lucario's mirrored body is obviously shorter, his legs are slightly staggered, and he can bear this force!

"Lucario, you did a great job!" Lin Wen praised softly.

However... the next second, the battle situation will change!

After Lucario's bone rod collided with Lucario's mirror image bone rod, due to inertia, Lucario also fell on the ring.

At this time... the two bone sticks maintained a horizontal and vertical posture, fighting together!

The moment Lucario just landed on the ground, he felt a sudden force from the bone stick on his arm!

The mirror image of Lucario started to counterattack!

Its arms pushed forward suddenly.Condensed the strength of the whole body, and sent it forward!

As the main elf of Korni, the master of the Gymnasium in Borneo, the various attributes of Lucario's mirror image can be said to be very powerful!

Lin Wen's Lucario had just landed on the ground, when his body was at its most unstable, and at this moment, Lucario's mirror image suddenly added force, making it unprepared!

Unable to resist, Lin Wen's Lucario stumbled, and the bone stick couldn't suppress Lucario's mirror image, and his entire body stepped back two or three meters in a row!

"Right now... Lucario, keep attacking ¨ˇ!"

Kerni's mirrored eyes lit up obviously, and she seized the opportunity to issue an order!

Lin Wen's brows also frowned, and he said quickly, "Lucario, don't give the opponent a chance!"

After that, Lin Wen watched the battle with all his attention!

Trainers and elves are mutually reinforcing. It is true that trainers can perceive more things than elves during battle, so they can make more clear instructions than elves, but when they are actually implemented, it still depends on the strength of elves. !

Still depends on the play of the elves!

After hearing Korni's order, Lucario mirrored and attacked Lucario, who was staggering back, holding a bone stick!

In a blink of an eye, it came to Lucario's body, and then smashed towards Lucario with a bone stick in one hand!

At this moment, Lucario of Linwen also responded!

After hearing Lin Wen's order, Lucario, who was staggering back, was alert!Facing the incoming image of Lucario, he barely managed to stabilize his body!

Then, the bone rod swung out, stopping Lucario from swept over in the mirror image, and the bone rod with gusts of wind sounded!

boom! boom! boom!

The bone sticks collided, making a dull sound!

At the beginning, Lucario almost suffered a loss because he had just stabilized his figure, but after a few fights, Lucario stabilized his figure, and although he was still suppressed, he would not be easily defeated!

Lin Wen breathed a sigh of relief!

Two little fairies!The most essential hand-to-hand combat begins!

The bone sticks clashed together and made a sound!For this kind of battle, the test is the strength of the elf, and the trainer can't be of too useful help at all!

For a time, the two little elves even looked like they were evenly divided!

At this time, seven minutes had passed since Lin Wen crossed the second floor!

Outside... Countless players stared at the big screen, looking forward to the third star appearing on the avatar of the anonymous player numbered 0017!

Bang, bang, bang!

On the ring, two Lucarios held bone sticks and fought fiercely!

The bone sticks slammed together, making a dull sound, echoing throughout the space!

The two elves fought for more than ten rounds in a row, and they were both quick-reflecting and fast elves. Facing each other's offensive, they could safely block each other!

However... After more than ten blows, the bone rods in the hands of the two elves turned into light at the same time and dissipated in the air.

This kind of bone rod condensed by the power of the waveguide is not a real thing, and it will gradually wear out with use until it dissipates.

There were no weapons in the hands of the two elves.

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