The fight between them stopped temporarily, and they jumped agilely towards the rear, opening the distance.

Kerni's mirrored brows were slightly wrinkled, and the strength shown by Lin Wen's Lucario also got her attention!

After all... As the master of the gym in Borneo City, the elf used is the most powerful elf - Lucario, but in the battle between the two elves, Lin Wen's Lu (Li Zhao) Calio Although it is slightly disadvantaged, it has not been directly defeated!

Without the slightest hesitation, Corne mirrored her mouth and said, "."In that case, Lucario, MEGA evolves!"

MEGA Evolution!

Super evolution!

The Tower of Refinement copied everything from Korni and Lucario to become a mirror image, and naturally it can also undergo super-evolution!

I saw that the keystone on the device in Korni's mirror mirror echoed the super evolution stone worn by Lucario!Lucario's mirror image suddenly produced quite astonishing changes!

Its body flashed light, and immediately, the shape of the entire body changed!

Red hair grew on the limbs, and the tail hanging out from the back of the head suddenly elongated and extended!

At the same time, Lucario's body has also grown to a certain extent! .

Chapter [-]: The Strong Karni

Originally, its body shape was somewhat different from Linwen's Lucario, but the difference was not too big!

However, after the super-evolution, the size of this Lucario mirror image has suddenly increased to a certain extent. Compared with the Lucario of Linwen, it is significantly larger!

The momentum has also been extremely refreshing!

The other side of the ring!

On the podium where Lin Wen was!

After seeing Korni's mirror image of Lucario performing super evolution, his eyes narrowed!

Ultra-evolution can be said to be a powerful evolution that can increase the power of elves by a large amount in a very short period of time!The strength of the Lucario mirror in front of him has obviously been significantly improved!There is no way to compare it with the previous one!

But...even so, Lin Wen is ready to let Lucario let go of the fight. In his dictionary, there is no such word as admit defeat, only let go!

He said to Lucario: "Lucario, be careful next time!"

Lucario didn't look back. He was also Lucario, so he could naturally feel the powerful aura of his opponent, 270, so he was full of caution!

After hearing Lin Wen's voice, Lucario just nodded slightly, indicating that he understood!

at this time!

The opposite Corne mirrored, and commanded again: "Lucario, rush over and use a booster punch on it!"

The image of Lucario agreed, and then he suddenly attacked. Just as his figure flickered, Lin Wen had already realized that after going through the Mega Evolution, the speed of the image of Lucario had reached another level. one level!

"Lucario, try to block it!"

Lin Wen's voice came!

After the super-evolution of Lucario's mirror image, the fight between the two elves started again!


Refinement Tower Outside!

With the passage of time, about ten minutes have passed since the two stars were displayed above the avatar of the anonymous trainer numbered 0017!

This means that he has been fighting (bgde) on the third floor for nearly ten minutes!

"Can this great god pass the third level?" The impatient player couldn't help but said, "It's not a coincidence that the first and second levels are not. It's been ten minutes, and there is no response at all. ?"

"'re so funny. Why do you think so?"

Hearing his voice, a player not far from him couldn't help but speak.

Hearing this, the previous player suddenly stopped and said loudly, "Why am I being so funny? Dude, it's not right for you to hurt people, right?"

His voice was so loud that many players around who were concentrating on observing the big screen turned their heads and looked at them.

Hearing his refutation, the huh-huh player sneered, and then said: "You think the first and second levels are the same? The third level is the master of the gymnasium in Borneo City, the mirror image of Kerni! It is said that Possessing strength similar to that of Corne herself!"

After saying this, he ignored the surprised look in the previous player's eyes, and continued: "More importantly, the battle on the third floor is a 1v1 elf battle mode. For three, who can beat the three elves of the Kearney Gym Master in a row in ten minutes? Are you dreaming?"

Hearing that, the previous player pouted and wanted to say something, but he also realized that he had said something stupid before, and he felt ashamed and didn't dare to say anything again!

Another player's statement was heard by many players around, who nodded and said, "Indeed, you're right!"

"The third floor and the second floor, the first floor is completely different, and the mirror image of the master of Kearni is not so easy to beat!"

"That's it!"

Hearing the voices of the players around him, the player who expressed his opinion spoke again: "In my opinion, this person can break through the first and second floors in such a short time, then, the mirror image of Kerni on the third floor. You shouldn't be able to stop him!"

"The only question is, how long does it take him to successfully break through to the fourth floor!"

"And..." The player frowned: "I thought to myself, but I still didn't expect him to be a great player in our Carlos area. Those people have challenged the Tower of Refinement, but they have passed the first floor and the first floor. The speed of the second floor is not as big as this one."

Speaking of which, he lowered his voice slightly, as if he suddenly thought of something: "Could it be... this anonymous passer-by numbered 0017 is not a player from our Carlos area?"

The player seemed to have discovered something important, with excitement flashing in his eyes: "Let me think about it, who are the great players in other regions, could it be them?"

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